Dr. William Pawluk is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Holistic Health". You can find complete information on Dr. William Pawluk and his products by visiting www.DrPawluk.com.
It’s important to know that salt is used as a breath sweetener, in reducing fatigue, as an exfoliant, relieving insect bites, and poison ivy. But, before I share this information, I believe that when one is purchasing salt, one should consider buying unrefined salt. Unrefined salt has all 84 ... Views: 710
Well, one can't feel pretty or look pretty is one's eyes are puffy and his/her teeth are yellow. Read this article to learn how salt can help eye puffiness and yellow teeth along with other salt remedies.
For starters, I depend on a salt solution to clean my sinuses before administering an ... Views: 692
Sickness and disease have escalated throughout our world. The World Health Organization warns that chronic, noncommunicable diseases are rapidly becoming epidemic worldwide. Escalating rates of neurocognitive, metabolic, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases cannot be ascribed only to genetics, ... Views: 1048
Lungs are the source of respiration in human beings. They come under the respiratory system. Respiratory diseases are very common these days. They can arise due to a problem with our respiratory system, which includes our respiratory tract, lungs. The main reason for respiratory disease is due ... Views: 757
This article was originally posted at https://www.apple-a-day-clinic.com/Health_and_Nutrition_Blog?m8:post=fall-winter-immune-support-for-the-entire-family
Fall and winter will be upon us shortly and the forecast is that this will be another long, severe one. I am going to stay positive but ... Views: 969
Thousands of years ago, ancient physicians were astute observers of the human body. They determined that people whose lives were dominated by a certain emotion would have corresponding physical ailments. For example, people whose lives were ruled by anger seemed to suffer from liver and ... Views: 2193
अजवाइन एक मसाले के रूप में भारत की लगभग हर रसोई में प्रयोग किया जाता है।आयुर्वेद के अनुसार अजवाइन के अंदर अनेक महत्वपूर्ण खनिज पदार्थ और लाभकारी पोषक तत्व पाए जाते हैं।यह पोषक तत्व और खनिज पदार्थ आपके शरीर को सर्दी ,जुकाम ,खांसी आदि रोगों से बचाए रखने में सहायक साबित होते हैं ।अजवाइन के अंदर ... Views: 750
Conscious cooking
The first time I heard the term “conscious cooking” I didn’t give it much thought. However, over time, I realize I’ve been a conscious cooker for as far back as I can remember. I just hadn’t put a label on it.
Shift in Perception
Let’s start with what conscious cooking ... Views: 829
Judy L from Chicago, USA - Case study:
From Laryngitis to strained vocal cords and finally, and unfortunately… to Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD).
A few years ago, Judy arrived to us with her husband from Chicago, speaking with a pretty raspy and hoarse voice.
This is her ... Views: 754
We are evolving beings:
By all accounts, Wanda's life was in flow and she had been of service as a healing facilitator for a number of years. However, at the time she contacted me, she only intuitively knew that she had reached a plateau and she was "missing a piece". She was beginning to ... Views: 761
We would identify the cause of your voice issues and then we will find the solution for the appropriate alternative/holistic treatment which, in the majority of cases, will lead to a desirable cure!!
In February of 1984, The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts was founded. Just over ... Views: 600
This is a case study of Ashok N - Former Non-Surgical Voice Repair Client of South Africa:
Ashok N, of Indian descent, came to us from South Africa in 2008. We were actually supposed to receive this wonderful, smart and educated man in 2005. In order to come to us, Ashok applied for two ... Views: 620
मुलेठी एक औषधीय गुणों से भरपूर प्राकृतिक जड़ीबूटी है ।भारत देश में सामान्यतः इस औषधि का इस्तेमाल खांसी और सर्दी को दूर करने के लिए किया जाता है ।आयुर्वेद के अनुसार गला रोगों के लिए मुलेठी रामबाण औषधि मानी गयी है ।मुलेठी का इस्तेमाल प्राचीन काल से आयुर्वेदिक औषधियाँ बनाने के लिए किया जाता रहा है ... Views: 801
Cervical spondylosis is an age-related condition in which wear and tear affect the joints and spinal disks present in the neck. The other terms used for cervical spondylosis are neck arthritis or cervical osteoarthritis.
Causes of cervical spondylosis
There are possible causes ... Views: 1038
This disease is mainly found in foreigners (Originated in foreign countries –“firanga desha”) thus named as Firanga roga in Ayurveda and it is also termed as “Gandh Roga”. It is mainly caused due to multiple sexual partners.
It is of three types:
Bahya (External): It comprises of burning ... Views: 823
Some of us take our vision for granted until it worsens. When an eye becomes irritated or vision blurs, we begin to worry about how to fix the problem and preserve our eyesight. While eye inflammation and blurred vision are not uncommon, it is important to address those symptoms immediately and ... Views: 688
Ayurveda deals with preserving health & treating diseases But Prime aim of ayurveda is to maintain healthy state of life of individual. And for that Ayurveda Samhita has mentioned different diet and lifestyle schedule in each season which helps to maintain the health, which is called ... Views: 900
You happen to have a random conversation about visiting a family dentist. You most likely would end up talking about the visits a family member had to make when they had a root canal, an implant, or some other dental procedure. It is commonly known that regular brushing and flossing can protect ... Views: 665
Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is described as scarring of lung tissues. There are various treatments in modern science for interstitial lung disease but these treatments may cause many side effects. Ayurveda provides various herbs for ILD. They are 100 percent natural, safe and free from side ... Views: 956
If you are suffering from pain in the pelvic region then it becomes very difficult for the doctor to diagnose what is the main cause of discomfort. In this condition, you may feel constipated or may have diarrhea. There may be mild or ... Views: 733
Erectile dysfunction, аlѕо known аѕ impotence, саn be ԛuіtе еmbаrrаѕѕіng, but іt is not іnсurаblе. There аrе mаnу mеdісіnаl аnd nаturаl rеmеdіеѕ tо gеt you bасk tо form іn nо time. Hеrе аrе ѕоmе hоmе cures thаt саn help уоu to сurе еrесtіlе dуѕfunсtіоn. Thе Food аnd Drug Admіnіѕtrаtіоn have nоt ... Views: 606
A leg cramp is a sudden involuntary reaction of the one or more muscles. Excessive exercise or physical labor workout mostly in the hot weather conditions may lead to muscle cramps.
What are the causes of leg cramps?
Overuse of muscles may cause muscle strain or simply holding a position for ... Views: 1233
If you’re looking for advice on staying healthy, you’re sure to find a lot of it. In fact, you’ll find too much: you’ll spot quick fixes, trendy cure-alls, and the latest scary news about what makes you get sick or gain weight.
The problem with all this advice isn’t that it’s inaccurate ... Views: 728
Viburnum opulus is a plant long used in herbal medicine. Also known as cramp bark, the extract of the bark of viburnum is available in dietary supplement form. In addition, the berries of the viburnum plant are sometimes consumed as food
Viburnum bark contains several compounds found to ... Views: 674
- Holistic approach to a person as a whole -
Case study of our present student of Indian descent.
G.B is our present student - a male of 27 years of age. 5 years ago, he came to Toronto from India to become a student in one of our colleges to take a business program. Prior to that, he ... Views: 651
Getting your health consulted on a regular basis is a very important thing to do these days. Health care consultants provide you the services which are not available easily at home. There are a lot of health consultants coming up these days who are the experts of the field. In today’s world ... Views: 607
Blood sugar levels can be affected by various causes, so knowing how to control changing habits and adding foods that help keep your glucose at bay are very good practices for anyone who has hypoglycemia. We tell you the best ways to do it.
Magnesium and other tips to lower blood sugar
Add ... Views: 596
Over the years, chiropractic care has shown to help a wide range of health problems, particularly when it comes to pain management. When it comes to lower back pain, seeing a Doctor of Chiropractic – or a chiropractor – has proven to have its benefits. Read on as we discuss about what ... Views: 461
Below listed are the few main reasons that can long last the pain of root canal for more that 4 - 5 days.
1) Cement or Air Forced Through the Root Tip
It’s possible to overfill a root canal with dental cement, causing a bit of the material to ooze out of the root tip. Whether this causes ... Views: 537
You have probably heard of sheets masks - they are a unique type of face mask that soared in popularity and took the skin care industry by storm a few years ago. They are now considered one of the most effective ways to achieve beautiful skin and are regularly seen worn by some of the most ... Views: 741
Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acid causes throat discomfort. It does not always cause heartburn, but it can damage the throat and vocal cords. This condition is known as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR).
The content within the stomach includes stomach acids. Stomach acid is what ... Views: 636
There are voice repair specialists ready to help you to get your voice back!
A constantly-hoarse voice does not have to be a stressful experience for you or your loved ones. For sufferers of voice problems (like chronic voice hoarseness), finding a professional voice specialist is not all ... Views: 759
Abdominal Hernia
An abdominal hernia is an outcome of an organ or another piece of tissue protruding through a weak area in one of the muscle walls surrounding the abdominal cavity. If the hernia occurs in the abdominal wall, the sac that bulges through the weak area may contain a piece of ... Views: 776
Yes, it could!
We, my reader, would like to introduce you to at least two stories which we had come across.
In the year 2014, I got an e-mail from a person who said that she had been diagnosed with Muscle Tension Dysphonia.
In that e-mail, she said that her speaking voice was quite ... Views: 712
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 12 percent of women ages 15-44 will experience difficulty getting pregnant and carrying a baby full term. About 1/3 of women older than 35 will experience fertility problems. The CDC lists aging ovaries, smoking, health ... Views: 1176
I have worked with clients from their 20s to 40s with many fertility challenges. Reiki works for a lot of these women. Recently I had a new client who had a different challenge to getting pregnant. She is in her mid-30s and very healthy. Her labs showed that everything should be working for her ... Views: 1102
The reason that I got into energy work in 1989 was due to my daughter who was six years old at the time having eye surgery a year and a half earlier. After the surgery, her eye sight in her left eye was 20/400. The doctor said we will patch her good eye to make the left eye’s muscles strengthen ... Views: 985
The reason that I got into energy work in 1989 was due to my daughter who was six years old at the time having eye surgery a year and a half earlier. After the surgery, her eye sight in her left eye was 20/400. The doctor said we will patch her good eye to make the left eye’s muscles strengthen ... Views: 985
In the past, I never thought much about Reiki for brain trauma. Most of the traumas that I have used Reiki on were for car or bike accidents or bad falls, but they never involved the head. When my Reiki student Nancy contacted me to help her on January 5th she said that her fall occurred on ... Views: 1082
In the past, I never thought much about Reiki for brain trauma. Most of the traumas that I have used Reiki on were for car or bike accidents or bad falls, but they never involved the head. When my Reiki student Nancy contacted me to help her on January 5th she said that her fall occurred on ... Views: 1134
Missed out on buying a good mattress during this Memorial Day sale? Sleep Sherpa gives its readers a chance to win this amazing mattress from Polysleep. The mattress is made with a ventilated foam top that is responsive and more breathable than traditional foam. Polysleep also comes with a ... Views: 684
When it comes to actual HEALTH CARE, America has been at the bottom of the list, forever! WHY? Because the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Pharmaceutical Association (APA) focus on their unending profits and ways to heighten SICK CARE. What is SICK CARE? It’s a way to keep us ... Views: 826
We find a place to have coffee wherever we are, but a place to enjoy a little less coffee.
But what is good coffee? How do we recognize one?
From the consistency to the cup, from the temperature, to the aroma ... different are the elements that we can take into consideration to try to ... Views: 460
APOE (Apolipoprotein E) gene encodes for the formation of apolipoprotein E which mixes with fats (lipids) in the body to kind lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are chargeable for forming cholesterol along with other fats found from the bloodstream.
Lack of medication efficacy, inadequate outcomes, ... Views: 627
Case Study:
This story is about Vera D of Barrie Ontario, whose vocal cords got damaged during her open heart surgery… Vera came to us in the year 2015 when she hardly could speak, and mostly was whispering.
She told us her story whereas before coming for our non-surgical voice repair ... Views: 737
This story is about “old” Maggie Y - now the “new” Ariel Y. Maggie Y came to us about a year ago to fix her breaking and crackling voice due to muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) voice disorder. Maggie told us her story and explained the reason why she thinks it happened to her.
With her ... Views: 701
We would like to share with you some excerpts from an email which recently reached our office. However, due to privacy concerns, we omitted some personal details. We regret, however, that this person did not reach out to us first and tried to rectify her vocal problem non-surgically.
For ... Views: 752
Anyone who knows somebody affected by Alzheimer’s knows how truly devastating this degenerative brain disease can truly end up being. For somebody who’s been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the world can be a very confusing and lonely place. If there is one thing that’s ... Views: 679
Most people experience body disorders and pains which pose a threat to their wellbeing. The health issues are linked to one’s lifestyle, nature of their job, or an existing health condition which affect the balance between various body parts leading to discomforts.
The health industry offers ... Views: 966
People living with mental health disorders experience terrifying mental and physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, unbearable headaches, and consistent rumination that make even the simplest work like impossible. Also, the people without mental health issues who face the daily stress of ... Views: 888