3 Reasons You Can’t Afford To Miss Out On Group Meditation
Meditation can be a uniquely fulfilling experience. But—it can also be a lonely one.
Many people, when first learning to meditate, do so on their own, often from the comfort of their own homes. They research breathing techniques ... Views: 1958
These days, we’re inundated with food fads and fabulous diet trends. Raw, vegan, paleo, alkaline, whole30, the list goes on (no really, it does). It’s hard to know what lies beneath the hype: what’s beneficial, what’s effective, and what’s not.
So, here’s a helpful crash course in one of ... Views: 1367
Our families are our very first friends, the souls we choose to spend every day with, and the life that we create. Although we love our families endlessly, there is something about them that makes them able to inspire us with love and happiness, yet still drive us up the walls.
Although we ... Views: 1433
When we practice yoga, we are participating in a unification. In fact, the word yoga, in Sanskrit, means, to merge, or to unite. When we practice, sailing gracefully from pose to pose, we actively connect our body, our breath, and our conscious mind.
But there’s a large meditative component ... Views: 1429
Meditate Your Way to Better Sleep
Exhaustion and fatigue are caused by a number of factors including stress, bad diet, lack of exercise, strain, and our physical health. But the most common cause is the lack of good, quality sleep.
You can get your eight hours a night and still wake up ... Views: 1340
It’s that time of year again. As school semesters draw to a close, students everywhere break out in a collective sweat as they hear the word:
Yes, it’s exam season. Which means tests, dissertations, and the ever-dreaded culminating assignments (which is really just teacher slang ... Views: 1800
Kids are resilient. There seems to be nothing they can’t bounce back from, whether it be a collapsed sandcastle, a grocery store tantrum, or having to throw their favorite pair of shoes away because they’ve got holes where the soles should be!
The natural sense of curiosity, playfulness, ... Views: 1364
Vision Boards are not only boards made of cork, or physical objects, rather, an explanation of your feelings into a single area which scrutinizes on the life experience.
It is a symbol of expressing the encompassed existence and your future goals. You can clearly develop your aim by clarity ... Views: 1721
Have you ever imagined how law of attraction and healthy habits could be interlinked?
Right from the beginning, this earth has witnessed the law of attraction or manifestation in a high-calibrated way. We all live in the empire of the power of now. Wondering what do you mean by the power of ... Views: 1451
These aides are meant to The Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis MP3 is a guided autosuggestion MP3 that can help to hypnotize and program the mind to lucid dream using classic dream visualization. Views: 1290
Lucid dreaming is a really fun experience that has a ton of benefits. Not only does having a lucid dream give you the opportunity to have an exciting adventure and live out your deepest fantasies, it also lets you explore the inner workings of your mind.
Many people get their ideas about ... Views: 1339
There are many different forms of chakra meditation. Depending on your overall goals, comfort level, experience, and circumstances, you can choose the one that is right for you. For example, the meditations to open the chakras are simple and can be done almost anywhere. If you’re someplace where ... Views: 1443
Have you cut ties with someone that was once close to you? Would you like to give up the negative feelings you harbor for a person who has wronged you? Do you wish you could get over being hurt?
When we experience pain, whether it’s rejection from a romantic partner, an explosive fight with a ... Views: 2463
Sound has a physiological effect on us. The chakras can be positively affected by different sound frequencies and vibrations. Using sound in chakra therapy can help you to release negative emotions just by using energy - since everything is energy, your chakras will 'come into tune' with the ... Views: 1621
The seven chakras each have an associated color, but did you know that they each have a unique frequency as well? Each chakra vibrates as a different frequency and learning to influence the chakra frequencies brings them into balance and clear energy blockages.
Everything about you is ... Views: 2610