Women in America are tired. Between jobs, housework, children, husbands, errands, cooking, we’ve got a lot on our plates (not that we’re complaining, of course). We never seem to get caught up on our rest and sleep because there’s always so much to do.
But what if you get plenty of sleep and ... Views: 1089
My father had this quote hanging on the wall of his chiropractic office for many years. My brother now has it hanging in his chiropractic office. I truly believe in Edison's words. We can prevent so many aches, pains and ailments by taking care of our "human frame." That of course includes diet ... Views: 1033
I’ve written about Feng Shui in the past, but as summer comes on, it’s a good time to de-clutter your life to prepare for this slower season and enjoy it more than ever before.
As you probably know, Feng Shui is an ancient art of decorating to create a harmonious environment where the energy ... Views: 1168
The purpose of chakra energy healing is to align and balance the Chakra system, which is one of our body’s electro-magnetic energy systems. It is comprised of seven spinning vortices of energy running from the root chakra at the base of the spine all the way up the midline of the body to the ... Views: 1117
In my line of work as an Energy Practitioner, I find that nearly everyone wants to know how they can feel better and how they can have a higher vibration, and also how they can maintain that higher vibration.
Many people want a formula to tell them how to keep their vibration strong and ... Views: 1104
People ask me all the time what I think about crystals. There seems to be some controversy about this subject, but I think crystals are fabulous.
I don’t know why some people think that’s a little bit weird–unless they’ve gone to a person who uses crystals who’s a little bit weird! I say ... Views: 1173
1) Notice your speech patterns and change them when necessary. Do you ever say things like, "I'm not good enough," "I can't afford it," "I'm so fat," "There are no good men/women out there for me," etc. All of these are examples of very limited thinking. When you hear that negative self-talk ... Views: 1285
Start by giving yourself unconditional love. You can't totally love and accept others when you have negative self-talk going on. After years of working with many clients in the field of Energy Healing, I am convinced that the #1 common denominator in every issue is the lack of self- ... Views: 975
Any time of year is a good time to make healthy lifestyle changes, but the beginning of a new year is a time when most of us are filled with hope and enthusiasm to make the coming year even better than the previous one. Each January is a great time to set new intentions because it offers an ... Views: 951
You know that living things have energy, and the energy can be positive or negative. That's an oversimplification, of course, but you know what I'm talking about. Did you know that your home has energy too? I'm not talking about gas and electric, as I'm sure you've guessed. I'm talking about the ... Views: 967
As an Energy Therapist, I have worked with people from all walks of life and have found that the number-one deterrent that holds us back from stepping up and being our best is lack of courage, which stems from lack of self worth. Whether from current circumstances, childhood issues, or even ... Views: 1022
Meditation is like learning a musical instrument - you're not going to play Mozart your first time sitting down at the piano. It takes practice and commitment to reap the benefits of this ancient discipline. This means you'll need to make time for it every day. To get the most from meditation ... Views: 914
Writers, politicians and regular folks have abused the word “phobia” a lot lately. It has been tacked onto every controversial idea in order to demonize people they disagree with. But let’s look at what “phobia” really means: an irrational fear. If you’re standing by a lake holding a golf club ... Views: 1268
In my many years of being an Energy Intuitive and working on literally thousands of people, the one attribute that I've found that helps people heal more fully than any other is that of FORGIVENESS.
Forgiveness releases us from the past. It is the answer to almost everything. When we are ... Views: 1996
There is a jingle I learned as a young girl that says, "the law of the harvest is simple you know, whatever you reap is just what you sow." As I have grown I realize this means all the sowing we do begins with a thought. Every thought we sow has a vibrational frequency to it, and is magnetic. ... Views: 1169
Tai Chi chuan, or simply Tai Chi (because there are two translations of the Chinese language it is also written Taijiquan, or Taiji), was developed centuries ago by martial arts experts in order to advance their self-defense skills. Most commonly practiced today for its amazing health benefits, ... Views: 987
Do you ever let your "buts" get in the way of living your dreams? I think we all fall into this at times.
· I could have accomplished that, BUT...
· I know this relationship is not healthy for me, BUT...
· I would have such-and-such in my life, BUT...
· I really do believe in myself, BUT... ... Views: 1003
The main message of The Secret is "when your thoughts and emotions are aligned you can manifest your heart's desire." This is true, and for most of us, it is doable to change our thoughts. The part that is challenging is to align our underlying emotions with those new positive thoughts, ... Views: 1357
Mind-body exercise is a form of movement that increases fitness in some way—muscular strength, aerobic levels, flexibility, balance—but also enables you to engage your mind in a non-judgmental way and with an inward-directed focus that may become contemplative.
What does that mean? In short, ... Views: 760