As an Energy Therapist, I have worked with people from all walks of life and have found that the number-one deterrent that holds us back from stepping up and being our best is lack of courage, which stems from lack of self worth. Whether from current circumstances, childhood issues, or even cellular memories we carry from our ancestors, feelings of unworthiness affect all of us at some time.

A woman I admire tells a story about growing up playing basketball and, as a teenager, being successful on the court. When she went to college, she wanted desperately to play on the girls' basketball team. She found out when tryouts were and arrived outside the doors of the gym at the appointed hour. When she pulled the door open and peeked inside, the girls were already running drills, and they looked good! Then came her negative inner sentences, all the insecurities: "You're not good enough," "You can't compete with them," etc. She goes on to say she paced up and down the hallway for a very long time - in fact, until the tryouts were over. She returned to her dorm room totally disgusted with herself for not having the courage to at least try. She had let fear dash a childhood dream. That failure had nagged at her ever since that day.

Thirty years later, as a public speaker, she was asked to speak to the female athletes at this same university. That night she told the students how much she admired and respected them, and for the first time, she recounted her story of pacing outside of that gym all those years ago. When she concluded, the women's athletic director approached the podium and after a few clarifying questions, told her and the rest of the audience that in all her years of coaching, the particular year mentioned by the speaker was the only time that she did not have a full roster - they played that season one player short. Throughout the season, she kept searching for one more player to fill the team, but never found one.

Ouch! How would that make you feel?

Don't wait for courage to come before you get on with your dreams. Courage comes while we are facing challenges and because we are facing challenges! Courage takes our hand as we step up.

Courage indicates a willingness to take risks. Of course, the pain of taking a risk must be weighed against the pain of not taking the risk. Ask yourself, "Will this risk put me in a position for major breakthroughs and growth?" Or as my friend's mother used to say, "Will this decision open doors for you or close them?" In the story, the girl let the risk of not being good enough keep her from some great growing experiences. And it also affected other people negatively!

No matter what you imagine your limitations to be, if you are willing to undergo the initiation necessary to develop your talent, move forward in a relationship, begin that exercise program, go back to school, start a new business, do that triathlon, try out for the team, or whatever may be calling to you, if you are willing to "embrace your tigers" you are already a success! Self worth increases as we learn and grow, as we "show up" for ourselves and others.

Don't leave your place on life's roster unfilled. No one else can fill it. No one can bring your interpretations of your unique life experiences to all those within your sphere of influence. The fact that you are here on this earth proves that you are worthy of your special calling!

Author's Bio: 

Carolyn Cooper is a gifted Energy Intuitive and teacher of cutting-edge vibrational healing. Through inspiration and years of experience, Carolyn has created Calyco Healing, a unique energy-healing training course in which anyone can learn how to heal themselves and others. These trainings attract an international audience. Visit