I’ve written about Feng Shui in the past, but as summer comes on, it’s a good time to de-clutter your life to prepare for this slower season and enjoy it more than ever before.

As you probably know, Feng Shui is an ancient art of decorating to create a harmonious environment where the energy flows freely. According to its teachings, we mirror the energy in our environments, and the energy patterns surrounding us impact our prosperity, our health, our relationships and every aspect of our lives and well-being.

I must admit, as much as I dislike clutter, the papers do pile up! Getting organized feels so good. I know clutter blocks abundance, so I try to stay on top of it, but even with the best filing system, I still have to remember to put everything in its place, and not on top of my desk.

Clutter may be different things to different people, but basically it is anything unused, unresolved, unfinished, tolerated or disorganized. Feng Shui says that clutter will impact your health and your life in different ways depending on its location.

Where does your clutter live? Here are some things to consider:

Entranceways and behind doors: where the energy enters your home. When blocked or restricted in any way, you will not be receiving the energy you need to be healthy and vibrant. Anxiety and depression fall into this category. Also, doorways correspond to the birth canal, so if there is a pregnant woman living in your home, doorways are definitely not a good place to store things.

Attic: corresponds to your head. Do you have an attic full of clutter? Symbolically this means you have a lot of things hanging over you. Problems related to this may be headaches, foggy thinking, lack of clarity.

Basement: the foundation of your life. The basement represents ailments in the lower body (waist down), including foot and leg problems. Any blocked or stagnant energy will be coming up through your home to affect all aspects of your life.

Clutter under beds: a huge impact on your health. This is a priority to clear and keep clear, as you are affected by the stagnant energy rising up through your bed as you sleep.

Closets and drawers: represent secrets. Do you hide your clutter away thinking it’s out of sight, out of mind? Even if you can’t see it, it is still affecting your energy and your health. It represents things you don’t want to face.

If you have clutter, now’s the time to do some spring cleaning! Don’t let the thought of clearing it overwhelm you. Start with something small and specific. If you spend 30 minutes a day clearing your clutter you’ll receive an immediate boost in energy that will spur you on! And the thrill you get from standing and staring at your newly de-cluttered space is worth 10 times any effort it took to clean it up. Wonderful things are waiting to come into your life, so get to work and make space for them!

Author's Bio: 

Carolyn Cooper is a gifted Energy Intuitive and teacher of cutting-edge vibrational healing. Through inspiration and years of experience, Carolyn has created SimplyHealed, a unique energy-healing training course in which anyone can learn how to heal themselves and others. These trainings attract an international audience. Cooper also publishes an e-newsletter called "Living in the Flow" and was a contributing author of the book 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health. Visit her blog at http://www.CarolynCooper.com/blog.