There is a jingle I learned as a young girl that says, "the law of the harvest is simple you know, whatever you reap is just what you sow." As I have grown I realize this means all the sowing we do begins with a thought. Every thought we sow has a vibrational frequency to it, and is magnetic. Since like attracts like, we are bringing to us those things with the same vibrational frequency as the thoughts we sow. When I sow negative thoughts, I reap negative rewards. Likewise, when I sow positive thoughts, positive things show up in my life.
Since, at a quantum level we are all patterns of light and sound frequencies, we are constantly sending messages to the Universe. And since everything we put out returns to us, it is not the words you say that are most important, it is the vibration you send out to the Universe. Your thoughts are your most powerful mechanism for controlling your vibration.

Creating a strong intention in which you can hold a belief is the most powerful way to use your thoughts. Intentions are decisions, goals, ideas, wants, desires, and choices that are stated in the affirmative. Whatever you put your belief in will be your life experience. When you match your intentions with a positive feeling of hope, you send a signal out to the Universe that is honored, and you receive what you have intended. While I was growing up I was taught to "pray as though it has already happened" "Be in gratitude for the good things that are on their way to you."

On the flipside of that, negative thoughts that are common for many people are, "I am not worthy", "I don't deserve a great life", "If I never expect very much I will never be disappointed", "Good things never happen to me". Many times thoughts like these are in the subconscious mind, so even though we are not consciously aware of it, these negative inner sentences are sending out an electromagnetic vibration. We may not even realize that our choices and actions resulting from those beliefs are exactly WHY the good things we want to show up have not yet arrived! We sabotage ourselves to justify the inner sentence.

As an Energy Intuitive, I have worked on thousands of clients, and I am convinced that the root of every issue is low self-worth. I have worked on people from all walks of life from struggling single moms, to high-powered Company Presidents, and it seems no one is exempt from these subconscious distortions on some level. We get these negative thoughts and misperceptions from childhood, previous experiences, and many times from ancestral beliefs. But whatever their origins, as long as we hold on to them, that negative vibration is still being sown and going out to the Universe creating what we don't really want.

So . . . what do we do to change those negative belief systems? There are many different approaches.

1) Notice your speech patterns and change them when necessary. Do you ever say things like, "I'm not good enough", "I can't afford it", "I'm so fat." "There are no good men/women out there for me", etc. All of these are examples of very limited thinking. When you hear that negative self-talk creeping into your thoughts, acknowledge it briefly, then let it go by replacing it with new positive affirmation. Examples: "I am enough", "Money flows to me, I always have enough to pay my bills and much more", "I love my healthy, fit body", "I am worthy of and attract a healthy relationship." It actually becomes fun, coming up with more and more positive affirmations to say to yourself. These can also be written in a notebook.

2) Own your power and with it start creating the life you really want. Owning your power starts with having a talk with yourself to see if there are any people or situations in your life that you are leaking energy to. What zaps your energy? What are some ways that you can claim your power back and not play a victim in that situation. Be WILLING to let go of what is no longer serving you, even if (especially if) it will take you out of your comfort zone. Believe that it is safe to release the need to keep any distorted patterns. If you catch yourself reverting back to any negative thought habits ask yourself "If I could have anything I want in this situation, what would that look like?" That's the positive thought you ride on.

3) Gain knowledge by reading some great books. There is now much written about the law of attraction.

4) Meditation and exercises such as Tai Chi and Yoga help to get you into a centered state, where you can identify negative patterns so that you can let them go.

5) Of course, the very best advice I can offer is to learn about Energy Healing work. By getting to the root of the problem energetically, we are able to bypass the conscious mind's defense mechanisms that keep deeper beliefs and thoughts hidden away. The mind does this so we are able to function seemingly adequately on a daily basis. Energy healing can release the limiting attitudes and beliefs, and replace them with supporting attitudes and beliefs. Through changing energetic patterns you can experiece improved circumstances and increased feelings of self-worth immediately.

Remember, whatever you concentrate on increases, or as I like to say it, "What you think about, you bring about / What you fear, will appear". Every thought we think is creating our future. What seeds of thought are you sowing?

Author's Bio: 

Carolyn Cooper is a gifted, Energy Intuitive and teacher of cutting-edge vibrational healing. With intuition, skill, and amazing simplicity, she rebalances all 8 energy systems of your body to release blocked emotional energy and replace it with light. Because she has a special connection with the ancestors, she can quickly locate and repair flaws in the DNA, some of which have been in the lineage for many generations. This powerful way of healing changes energy patterns as well as subconscious beliefs and clients report profound and life-changing results, usually in only one session. Through inspiration and years of experience, Carolyn has created Calyco Healing, a unique energy-healing training course in which anyone can learn how to heal themselves and others. These trainings attract an international audience.