The man continues to see and hear repeatedly deceiving advertising and marketing, its nature is to gather correct. That is what the psychologist says about human nature. Based on it, the big business houses spend big money on its announcement of deceiving advertising on the Internet, television ... Views: 1347
The acquisition of the famous saying spiritual needs of others in your memory, without the understanding and experience of the spirituality of it in your life is mere perception. How do you use the word famous spiritual is more important than the memory and continue to include in your ... Views: 1773
If you do not like to worship God through rituals of the faith or to visit churches and temples, meditation on God is a good alternative. If you are unable to speak directly to God, meditation on God is the solution. If you do not find a proper relationship with God, then meditation on God is ... Views: 1430
Women's work at home as housewife and mother to take care of children is priceless. Working women continue to work hard on housework and childcare. Without doubt, a housewife and mother to child live more difficult lives than her husband.
In countries like India, my country, for the sake of a ... Views: 3288
Waves of thought in the mind of man has the secret of the human mind is clever - the understanding of the mind is the key to unlocking personal potential. It is interesting to explore the vast capabilities and wonderful spirit based on yoga. It is interesting to understand what happens in our ... Views: 1145
Beliefs of Buddhism is the spiritual philosophy to understand his individual life of man, the absolute life, consciousness and subtle problem of human suffering and human suffering that can be controlled based on meditation and conscious experience. It helps understand the metaphysics of the ... Views: 1843
Sanskrit word Yoga means union of life and soul. Holding physical life in various postures with conscious mind is called yoga poses or postures. Practicing breathing exercises in different styles with the conscious mind is called Yoga Pranayama. . It was intended to maintain a healthy physical ... Views: 2003
Daily meditation grounds your thoughts instantly. It makes you aware of your negative thoughts. Once you become aware of your negative thoughts, your wisdom and his reading began to refuse to intervene physically. It makes you feel positive thinking. When all this becomes impulsive, it is itself ... Views: 1145
I am looking for God - the friend of silence Sounds of Silence deep total. Sounds of Silence deep Total is my Lord, my faith. I feel the end of life achieved while circulating through the silent sound of total silence of God. Sounds of silence inside Feelings become impulsive in me and I can ... Views: 1521
The human mind does not want to experience God, but to catch it by becoming a specialist in religion and spirituality. All believers of religion and spirituality are because God is one. However, the perception of God's name, logo and technology differ according to the religion of faith and ... Views: 1512
Human life have developed all evil techniques to destruct all natural resources of planet and so its existence. Present all religions are failing to control moral character of humans. Present all religions are in control of political actors. Present religions have divided one God and set ... Views: 1586
My conscious life is poetry in motion. The negative actions of my life are the product of desires in mind. Cruelty actions sow evil thoughts in mind, the goodness of actions sow thoughts cool in mind. Consciously do sow in the mind. Physical life is increasing with the impulsive action: the ... Views: 1738
I tried prayer to God for the faith of many, no result - meaning that I lost time on the wrong direction of prayer. Looking effective way to pray? Is there an organization to provide simple advice on the best way of prayer. This is the right place. Here are some simple steps to help you take ... Views: 2104
Spiritual growth takes us away from the physical world of thought and things. Spiritual growth leads to internal autonomy beyond this physical life and connects to the conscience and the Lord, the unity of God.
Many researchers consider the growth of our wisdom of thought is our spiritual ... Views: 1063
What do you understand in the heart -- "Today is the first day of the rest of your life?" Is if your lifestyle of sensual enjoyment or spirituality. Freedom of thought is your conscience, your real life and the power of the mind and always refreshing. When you live with thoughts that today is ... Views: 7829
Meditation is a tool to remove the sense of many objects in the physical world and the thoughts of attachment and hatred in the unconscious mind. Hinduism have used meditation path to wash the bad thoughts in mind and improve the health of the mental life. The Hindu way of meditation that ... Views: 1191
The spiritual reality is the wisdom of consciousness that is beyond our wisdom of thought. Beyond the Cosmos, the spiritual reality is what we know as God. The spiritual reality is that God is the creator of all in the physical world.
Spiritual reality of God is timeless, motionless, ... Views: 1255
My favorite thoughts of spiritual meditation continue to fight to mind the question of how my life is dependent and correlated with the utmost subtle world. It continue to have problems every time my spiritual self asks where the world comes, why I'm here again, or what happens when I die. ... Views: 1479
Human nature is looking for happiness in different things and focuses on people liked and things, and become the enemy of the people and things have not helped. This impurity causes in mind. To clean the impurities in mind that it has caused, the man has used various types of meditation ... Views: 1235
Would you invest your money in the pursuit of buy happiness? You do not have money to buy happiness? Looking for Happiness Guru? You're in the right place to get free advice? But you have to practice advice seriously. Just read the item can not buy happiness.
I am not asking that you watch ... Views: 2256
What is old age? The last part of human life is old age. It begins with the deterioration of physical abilities such as sight, hearing, walking, etc. forgetfulness occurs with age. The good memory of the past begins to fade in old age. Problems may arise in remembering the names of relatives and ... Views: 1633
How to define science and spirituality? Many people carry misleading perceptions of science and spirituality. Parameters of science and spirituality are different. Science and spirituality are not opposed to each other, but support each other. Einstein concluded that science can understand the ... Views: 2030
Have you ever noticed that pious persons of all major religions - Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, carry out various kind and colors of chains of Prayer beads in his hand or wearing it form of necklace. What is this string of Prayer beads? This Mala beads for prayer is a ... Views: 2886
Why does human life exist? Where to find the answer at the end of human life? No human being can rightly answer it. But right answer can be lived by reach to inner self by any technique of faith or meditation. .
Most humans do not know who they are or how to find the inner self ? Until ... Views: 1773
Spiritual enlightenment is the knowledge that comes naturally himself, while the growth of religious art, and the growth of human sciences must be learned by others, civilization or university. Spiritual Enlightenment refers to the self-realization within the self by the spiritual growth. ... Views: 1520
Some people say that buying a house had become best investment you can do over the last 5 years or more and is considered the best investment you can make. .What is the best investment you can make? Some say prudent investments in the share market is the best investment you can do.
Some say ... Views: 1839
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and light of spiritual wisdom to make a difference.
In the light of spiritual wisdom is not an object or a thing that must be taken from anyone. It is already in you to your conscience pure ... Views: 1102
Under the Declaration of Independence of US, the "pursuit of happiness" is a fundamental human right. Critics say the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee happiness, the pursuit of it. Find happiness with wealth is a pipe dream. You do not find happiness, you live in happiness.
Recent survey ... Views: 4389
What is spiritual growth? What are the techniques for spiritual growth? What are the paths of spiritual growth? As many people are so understanding about it. Most of them are empty on spiritual growth. Others call their perception of the spiritual growth of the experience of spiritual growth.
... Views: 1031
What is the Difference between Meditation and Yoga? Meditation in yoga program is defined by Patanjali as "Chitta Vriti Nirodhah. It means a personal development program that establishes the harmony of body and mind and considering the development of humans on the physical, mental and ... Views: 1186
Some believe that spiritual is to belong to the church ecclesiastical: lords spiritual and temporal. Others believe that spiritual is on, or consisting of spirit or spiritualist, supernatural or spiritual. So is the spiritual seat of moral or religious nature. Spiritual is that relating to ... Views: 1067
The pilgrimage is a spiritual journey to a sacred place or shrine. Any movement or sense of morality is exalted pilgrimage. All followers of world religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism believe in pilgrimage.
Christen believe in pilgrimage to the invocation of the ... Views: 1393
What is spiritual awakening? Invoking the spiritual wisdom of the inner soul is spiritual enlightenment. Many spiritualists learned that even religious fundamentalists say they can provide or contribute to spiritual development. If you feel something deep and profound wisdom and true to your ... Views: 849
At the heart of life is an absolute true self within the meaning of thought fails to develop properly. A genuine internal autonomy can not be celebrated with wisdom of thought. Wisdom of thought is based on what we see with our eyes, hear with their ears, the taste of the tongue, the smell in ... Views: 1377
Our sense act simply on orders our desires positive or negative in thoughts. Each our actions are directed by desires in our senses. Our actions are simply the words of our desires habitual in thoughts positive or negative in spirit. But we try rarely intending to become aware of desires ... Views: 1915
Nature of individual selfishness can not be satisfied by accepting his request, but by understanding it. If you are timid and too dependent on alcohol or other addictions, become free of it by the understanding of individual selfishness and reprogram your brain. This will help you become more ... Views: 1426
Praise and worship is the means of communicating with a sacred object, a god, a lord or the oneness of God. It is universal, the method of performing the rituals continue to diverge from different faiths. The technique of praise and worship are numerous and each is directed to different depths ... Views: 1323
All in heaven, the House of God is immeasurable, indescribable and immeasurable. The name and symbol of the faith of God are different in immeasurable and invaluable Wisdom of thought.
Dealing with the pure calm of God is precious and priceless. To listen to the real name of faith is ... Views: 1554
There are many different conceptions of God since the dawn of civilization. It is considered the eternal creator and sustainer of the basis of all walks of life and substance to the universe. The most conceivable God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, the supreme divine power, very subtle, ... Views: 1112
Meditation books for beginners available on the Internet are endless. How to select the best book for understanding of meditation and the practice of meditation? Many beginners are confused about meditation techniques. Here the suggestion to choose the book of guided meditation and meditation ... Views: 1137
Spiritual Fasting accelerates the growth of spiritual thoughts on the Lord to faith, Allah, the unity of God. It is used by all the great believers of the faith - Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. However spiritual program of fasting, food and a recipe for spiritual fasting, days and hours of ... Views: 1517
God has all the true character that is beyond the perception of anyone. True nature of God that we perceive is a belief. He has all the character that can not be anything or be anyone who may be. He has all the character that can not be confined to space, time or name. God has all the characters ... Views: 1185
Real source of truth cannot be one for all. It continues to change in a person with the development of thought and the awakening of consciousness. Real source of truth is influenced by faith and the depth of his practice and his dedication to his faith followed. The real source of truth lies in ... Views: 1365
There are many ways to feel affection for God. The best is the one that shows your emotions. The best means of loving God is always for your mood and always giving relaxation and happiness in mind control. Forced deep love of God for your metaphysics is not mature is simply perception or ... Views: 1661
There are hundreds and thousands of worlds in the natural world indoors. There are hundreds and thousands in the natural world from the outside world of infinite inner world. Many people tried to understand the inside and outside the natural world of infinite inner world several times in many ... Views: 1066
Adults are seeking conditional perception of God with many names and logos and the scriptures of God and become worn without any conclusion. There is little research for his selfishness and learn the art of restoring his selfishness in his inner self, unconditionally and feel to reach the ... Views: 929
Many people are happy with the performance of rites and perception on the name and symbol beloved of God, believing that the love of God through a variety of faith. Blessed are those who are saturated with much genuine love for God, which is one for all and continue to sing the spiritual ... Views: 891
Many academics, scientists and philosophers do not accept consciousness as there is nothing organic to conclude. They consider that the functions of the mind are all at the center of the physical body. Many other people perceive and accept as by faith. Rare is the pious person who has ... Views: 1228
The spiritual awareness unfolds selfishness in the mind control state. Few are people who live with pure consciousness, rest simply proceed with its collection. The spiritual awareness in me is always seeing the internal controls. When the spiritual consciousness is identified with selfishness, ... Views: 1052
Our sense, knowledge of thought and language are able to understand things. We understand the names and symbols of God, Allah, Ram, supernatural being, etc., according to our faith. Our spirit is beyond the echo from the center of life and is not an object. Pure God is beyond our mind. To ... Views: 1140