If you do not like to worship God through rituals of the faith or to visit churches and temples, meditation on God is a good alternative. If you are unable to speak directly to God, meditation on God is the solution. If you do not find a proper relationship with God, then meditation on God is meditation on the shortcut path. If you find your friendship with God is not calm, then God meditation is a spiritual medicine.

What God meditation or meditation on God? Meditation is a practice emphasis on a sound, object, visualization, breathing, movement, or attention itself in order to increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and encourage personal and spiritual growth. Meditation is the practice on the way to the interior finishes in the yoga itself. Meditation is the art of practicing withdrawal of thoughts and thought of becoming disconnected from the physical world in mind.
Meditation on God is the continuous flow of a thought of God. God meditation is to completely close the worldly thoughts and only think about God. Meditation on any object or living being to be supernatural in this world is not meditation on God. Considering God in meditation inside beyond its subtle at all and live in the universe is God Meditation.  Considering God can be formed, can not be spoken in any language of man is God meditation. Considering God is omnipresent and omnipotent, and continues to exist when nothing was in existence in the universe is meditation on God. Meditation on God is the creator of all the prophets of all religions of this world and unknown subtle world. Meditation is God is the creator of all living beings and things of this world and unknown subtle world.  

After realizing that God meditation, the question is how to meditate on God? It is true that without a true understanding of God, any practice of worship in a religion or meditation of God remain unsuccessful. The right way to meditate on God is to focus on the character of the true God.  

What is the character of God must be taken into account in meditation? First character to be taken into account in meditation on God, it is for all living beings in this world and the unknown world in the endless universe and is the creator of all by himself in the past is the creator of all, the creator in the present and is the creator of the future. Second nature to be taken into account in meditation of God is that God is real and informed is infinite and eternal seed of energy, wisdom, and love and all kindness. Third nature of God to be taken into account in the meditation of God is the true God is not affected by time and will always exist in the current and complete. Fourth character must be taken into account in meditation is that the true God is eternal and static central source for all and forever is calm and visionary. Fifth character must be taken into account in the meditation of God is that everyone in the universe is expanding and it is God in it.

Author's Bio: 

GS Virk Author has published books on Yoga, Meditation, spirituality, are fully accessible online at Spiritual Numbers, and are for beginners. Site Right education searches to comply with human rights.