Under the Declaration of Independence of US, the "pursuit of happiness" is a fundamental human right. Critics say the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee happiness, the pursuit of it. Find happiness with wealth is a pipe dream. You do not find happiness, you live in happiness.
Recent survey shows that many people who have more money and wealth are not in happiness. But for many, the pursuit of happiness is money and wealth.
I asked several people what they think give them happiness in human life. One person said that the pursuit of happiness, he makes money and wealth. Another said that the pursuit of happiness, he works hard to achieve its business. Someone else said that the pursuit of happiness, we must explore its potential in the competitive world. An interesting finding is that the pursuit of happiness of all peoples is in tension with the pursuit of personal happiness in money and things in the world. But the objects and things of the world changes, it continues to strive for the pursuit of happiness.
Some say that money can not buy happiness, but it does bring you a more pleasant misery. Buddha says: If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with pure thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him. In the pursuit of happiness, discipline and control of ideas is necessary. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to happiness, therefore, happiness does not depend on the state of life, but is the result of good conscience, good health and a good occupation. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions
Happiness Psychology says that happiness is linked to your state of mind and not what you have money and wealth.
We live in a very materialistic society, and are constantly bombarded with advertisements telling us that to be in happiness, we must buy a particular product. We begin to believe that we can be happy with this thing or that thing. Our education system does not tell us that the mode of positive thoughts and internal self-understanding can give us inner happiness.

Many people believe that the big house, expensive fabrics and cars are the keys to living in happiness. In this research, they are busier and busier. In this way, the pursuit of happiness, he becomes the slave of his property. If you're looking for happiness, you deserve the peace of mind and a deep understanding of the self that is already in happiness.

There are so rich that commit suicide. Did they achieve happiness in wealth? I do not think so. For me, one who had no knowledge of the inner life of meditation can not be true in the pursuit of happiness. All the path of faith can achieve the pursuit of happiness. Washing evils in mind by any other means of faith is required to enjoy the fruits of earning money and wealth.

You are in the pursuit of happiness while you think that God cares for you and are grateful for everything you need. You are entitled to the pursuit of happiness, while you concentrate on what is good in your life, because you get what you focus on, you will not receive more good things.

Happiness is achieved if we learn to be positive in thinking, learning to live in nature with humility and contentment and meet our basic needs of the organization

Author's Bio: 

GS Virk Author has published books on Yoga, Meditation, spirituality, are fully accessible online at Spiritual Life , . Site http://www.human-rights-online.org/ searches to comply with human rights.