God has all the true character that is beyond the perception of anyone. True nature of God that we perceive is a belief. He has all the character that can not be anything or be anyone who may be. He has all the character that can not be confined to space, time or name. God has all the characters that can not be limited to any language of any living being or a supernatural being. 
True God can not be defined as individual perception. What is seen is the belief on the name of God or technique to achieve the true character of God. Somehow, there is no God. Our perception of God generally leads to a misunderstanding that severely affects our spiritual development. God is not what we think. God is not something that can be defined as it takes no room and is not bound by time.

The perception is very strong and vigorous energy and repeated right collection with patience resulted in character to the right of the true God himself. This is a good way to perceive the character to the right of the true God.

True character of God is that He is the creator and producer of all throughout life and the things of the world in the past in the present moment and be in the future. It will continue to exist even when there is nothing in the universe. Nothing and nobody, including any prophet or lord, the deity who can not be supported or can not be changed by time and is eternal represent the true nature of God.
No one who is destined to die, or is not eternal or is undergoing transformation does represent the true character of God. The creator independent and autonomous and purveyor forever represent the true nature of God. Correct your perception of deity by adjusting the real perception; you will be absorbed into the true nature of the true God.

True nature of God, he is immobile, inactive, everywhere and omnipresent. Nothing and nobody moving, active, and not universal is the case with God. The perception of lord by various names, the names of creator is different techniques are to achieve the true character of the unity of God.

All names created, symbols, statues, or forms on the true nature of God are techniques to refine the collection to achieve the true character of God. True nature of creator can not be created by the creation of its creator. 
True nature of God and all directly related to the real God is pure, complete, without measure and without substance. What can we measure or test is linked to our senses. Sense of creation can not meet its creator.
Continue to perceive the true nature of the unity of God through this strategy with a patient on several occasions, and frankly. You probably need to be informed of the true nature of the unity of God in your consciousness that is internal to the top of your senses and thinking mind.
Before this, you will free your narrow perception of the true God in spirit thought.

Author's Bio: 

Author GS Virk has published books on Yoga, Meditation, spirituality, Gita , Sikhism, God , Spiritual Sculptures and phones. All are fully accessible online at Spiritual Life Coaching , and are for self Life Coaching.