It can be tough to deal with depression after any break up. The difficult part is knowing that you are not both together any more and she has broken your heart. There are certain steps you need to go through in order to learn how to deal with depression after breaking up. It's going to take some ... Views: 1238
First of all, if your husband had an affair, I want to tell you that I am truly sorry to hear that. I know how devastating it can be to find out that your partner cheated. I’ve been there myself and I’ll never forget that queasy feeling that hits you right in the stomach and the nearly ... Views: 5033
Do you have Sacrum pain? Your sacrum is located at the bottom of your spine and it is what many people refer to as your tail bone. A lot of muscle attach into your sacrum including your Gluteus Maximus (your buttocks) and many smaller and deeper internal rotator muscles such as your ... Views: 8992
You’ve probably heard the phrase before:
“Once a cheater, always a cheater.”
Is this popular saying true? If your boyfriend or husband cheats on you, is he destined to cheat again?
Some people, maybe your own friends, will recommend that you leave your guy if he ever cheats on you. ... Views: 1641
Maybe you’ve talked to your doctor or chiropractor about your sciatica pain. Maybe they’ve given you a few pain pills and told you to do a few stretches and sent you on your way. If you’re like most people, this doesn’t really lead anywhere and your pain never goes away. If you’re afraid that ... Views: 936
If you think your husband is cheating, but you don’t really know for sure, it can be a truly maddening situation. You feel like you’re losing him or that he is becoming more distant with you. Plus, all the haunting images that flash through your head, constantly imagining the worst case ... Views: 898
Have you ever had a sharp and stabbing pain in your buttocks that can be so intense that it becomes virtually impossible to walk or do even the simplest things? Well, in most cases what you probably have is Piriformis syndrome. Piriformis syndrome is a problem with your Piriformis ... Views: 1397
I sometimes hear people complain that their sciatica won’t go away despite the fact that they have done “everything” to get rid of it. Why is this? Are some people cursed to live in pain for the rest of their lives? I personally don’t think so. There is usually a much more common problem ... Views: 19965
Trust issues in a relationship aren’t uncommon. After all, whether it was in your current relationship or in a past relationship, who hasn’t been hurt at some point? I’m sorry to say that part of being human is to be hurt at some point in your life. The point though isn’t to use your past ... Views: 1718
If you’re looking for a cure for sciatica, you need to be careful exactly what you choose. After all, you very life may depend on it. Think I’m being a bit over-the-top?
When you are in constant pain all day long, it can really affect everything you do from how (or if) you sleep, your day ... Views: 1057
Some people will complain that “all men cheat” or that it’s just hard-coded into their genetics. However, these sweeping generalization are usually no more than the diatribes of the bitter and scorned. If you’ve been cheated on, it may make you feel better to say something like this, but deep ... Views: 1222
A lot of people don't know this, but sciatica isn't a disease. It is actually a symptom of some other kind of problem. It is sort of a clue that something else is wrong, so to speak. You probably have sciatica, if you have a stabbing or shooting pain in your legs, buttocks, hips, or lower ... Views: 12049
It can be a real challenge to deal with infidelity in any marriage. After all, didn’t the two of you vow to be faithful to one another as long as you both shall live? Not only is infidelity a huge betrayal of your trust, but it can severely shake the very foundation of your life. After all, ... Views: 1090
Dealing with a bulging disc can be difficult. Of course it probably hurts since there's a good chance it is pushing up against a nerve, but it can also be a little bit scary as well. I mean, it's kind of frightening to think that there is something going wrong with your body and if you don't ... Views: 2345
When you discover your husband had an affair, it can be truly devastating. In an instant you can feel like the foundation of your whole world is pulled out from beneath you. You get a sinking feeling in your stomach and it just all feels so unreal. I’ve been there myself. I know what you’re ... Views: 961
If your husband or boyfriend cheated on you, one of the most difficult things to deal with is the stream of haunting images that flood your mind. No matter what you do you just can’t seem to focus on anything else throughout the day besides your husband and the other woman.
It is enough to ... Views: 1716
If you’re a woman and your boyfriend or husband has cheated on you, you may find yourself wondering why guys cheat? Is it a compulsion? Evolution? Maybe men are just hard-wired to sneak around behind your back. Well, despite all the bitter complaints and generalizing by the victims of ... Views: 810
Maybe you’ve heard before that people with achy joints or arthritis can predict a cold snap coming long before the local weather man. Have you ever wondered why this is? Or maybe you yourself suffer from back pain that seems to get worse every time winter strikes and the temperature drops ... Views: 5305
Did you know that excess body weight can contribute to back pain? Sure, muscular imbalances are the main cause, but let’s face it, extra weight isn’t going to help. The added padding from a little fat can increase the amount of stress put on your back and the amount of pressure on the discs ... Views: 711
Okay, this is another odd-ball article topic here, but please bear with me. Have you ever wondered if the coffee you grab in the morning on the way to work might be causing your back pain and sciatica?
Well, of course there are foods that you can eat that either hurt or help inflammation in ... Views: 10505
Your SI joint, or sacroiliac joint, is found in your pelvis. It connects your upper body and back to your hips and legs. Pain in this part of your body can be often be felt down to your buttocks or at the back of the thigh.
When there is injury or inflammation in this area, it can really ... Views: 2836
The psoas muscle (which is sometimes referred to as the Iliopsoas) is a large muscle that connects the upper back and the inner thigh. Though it might be difficult to imagine how a muscle could make this connection, the psoas is an extremely important muscle. It help to stabilize and torso as ... Views: 2527
There’s no doubt about it. Massages feel great! But can a massage relax away back pain? Of course massage should not be the sole treatment method that you employ to handle your back pain. Sure a massage can often reach the muscular tissue that may be tense or spasming, but more often than ... Views: 1013
Something that many people know is that sitting too much causes sciatica. After all, one thing that many cases of sciatica have in common is that the people that suffer from it generally have jobs or lifestyles that involve sitting for a good portion of the day, whether it be working at a desk ... Views: 9095
What many women don’t realize when they first learn that they are pregnant is that they may be in store for sciatica pain. This can often come a s a surprise to woman and it can make what should be a happy and joyful time into a painful and agonizing time.
Well, if you don’t already know, ... Views: 875
I was having a conversation with my girlfriend this morning and she wanted to know if chocolate can cure back pain. At first I thought that this was a really stupid question, and just a desperate excuse to each chocolate. But let’s take a look at some facts.
First though, I want you to ... Views: 4158
Not many people realize this, but sciatica isn’t a diagnosis in itself. Sciatica is actually just a symptom of something else. There are quite a few things that can contribute to sciatica pain, but no matter which one you’re suffering from, the pain is still just as intense and just as ... Views: 825
A lot of people complain that their case of sciatica is more complicated that most. They say they've tried "everything" but nothing gets rid of it. Is this true? Is it really possible that most people's sciatica is an exception to the rule that lingers on and on despite all the usual ... Views: 938
So, you just got back from a visit to the doctor and they told you that you have Piriformis Syndrome. What exactly does this mean, and what can you do about it?
Your Piriformis Muscle is located in your pelvis. It connects the top of your leg to your hips. Even though this muscle is very ... Views: 1094
Sciatica is probably one of the most painful and frustrating things a person will have to deal with in their life. The pain can strike your hips, back, or legs and make doing even the simplest things excruciatingly difficult. Suddenly simple things like going in to work or enjoying a weekend ... Views: 1719
I see a lot of people complaining about how their sciatica pain won’t go away no matter what they do. Well, I’m probably not going to make a lot of friends by saying this, but if you are still suffering from sciatica despite doing “everything,” then there are probably some simple things that ... Views: 1238
It doesn’t matter who you are, if you’ve got back pain your first priority is to get rid of it. There are a lot of things that can cause back pain, anything from overused muscles and poor posture to herniated or bulging discs. But what exactly is a bulging disc anyway?
The term “bulging ... Views: 812
Oh no! You feel that dull pain start to creep into your hips or lower back. Your sciatica is coming back! What can you do to fight off that sciatica flare up before the pain reaches an excruciating level and starts to interfere with your ability to get through the day or do simple things like ... Views: 960
Okay, so you’ve got some back pain. What’s the first thing that pops into your mind? If you’re like most people, you probably think about a visit to the chiropractor. But is chiropractic care actually safe?
Did you know that chiropractic manipulation of the neck is actually quite ... Views: 2509
I’m sure you already know that the average person sleeps about 8 hours per day. That is one third of your life right there. Doesn’t it make sense then that we should put some thought into how we sleep?
If you’ve been suffering from back pain, have you considered that it might be the result ... Views: 20435
If you’re like most of us, you probably have a little extra padding around your middle that you’ve been meaning to get rid of for a while now. But did you know that extra weight might actually be causing your back pain and sciatica?
In fact, when most people go to see a doctor about back ... Views: 5018
A herniated disc happens when pressure is placed on your spine that causes the inter-vertebral discs to compress unevenly. This causes the discs to bulge outward. Your discs are essentially composed of two layers. The outer layer is firm and thick, the inner layer is soft and gel-like. ... Views: 1464
A lot of us work in an office or at a desk for 8 hours a day. We sit in front of computers and do our job. But can this sort of lifestyle actually cause your sciatica? And more importantly, what can you do about it without getting a new job?
If you don’t already know, sciatica is caused ... Views: 3915
The sacroiliac joint (or SI joint) connects the base of the spine with the pelvis. Not surprisingly, the sacroiliac joint rests between the sacrum (S1 - S5 vertebrae) and the ilia bones (hips). The SI joint helps to protect your pelvis from fracture or damage due to the stress and torsion that ... Views: 3386
If you’ve ever read any of my other articles, you’ve probably noticed that I say that most back pain can be traced back to muscle imbalances as it’s root cause. What exactly am I talking about and how do they cause back pain?
Your muscles are made out of fibers that can contract and stretch. ... Views: 1517
Not too many people know this, but I used to run on my high school’s track team. I wasn’t very good at it, so there’s really nothing to brag about. But the running was still good exercise. However it did come with a price.
Sure, I’d get a case of shin splints now and then, but the real ... Views: 2086
This article is definitely a little off the beaten path, so before I dive into this, I just want to clear up that I am not a medical professional and you should not use this information as a substitute for the advice of a qualified health care provider.
But, if it seems like nothing else is ... Views: 10377
Inversion tables were quite popular in the 80’s, but then they fell into the background as other treatments for relieving back pain replaced them. However recently they have begun to resurface into popular treatments for back pain.
Regardless of the skepticism and division in the medical ... Views: 4946
Sometimes sciatica and back pain can not only ruin your day, but it can even keep you up at night too. Sometimes the pain can be so bad that you just stay up all night completely unable to sleep at all.
But if you combine these following three components, you’ll find that you can finally put ... Views: 1763
Have you ever experienced a sharp, stabbing pain in your buttocks? Not only is this a bit embarrassing, but it can also get in the way of your life, making simple things like walking a struggle.
What is the cause of this kind of pain, and more importantly, what can you do about it?
Well, ... Views: 1604
If you’ve been suffering from sciatica for awhile, you probably know just how ineffective and expensive all the traditional treatments can be. Chiropractor visits and physical therapy aren’t cheap, and you have to keep going back over and over again. Painkillers don’t really fix the problem, ... Views: 2486
If you’re reading this, then I’m guessing you probably already know what sciatica is. Heck, I’d even be willing to wager that you probably even have it yourself. If you do, I’m sorry. I know how painful sciatica can be. Not only does the pain keep you from doing simple daily activities like ... Views: 10899
Do you suffer from back pain or sciatica? I used to. It certainly is painful and what’s even worse is that it can rob you of your life. Suddenly even the most basic things like walking, going to work, or even playing with your children can become a massive struggle against pain.
Most cases ... Views: 1337
When you hear the word “inflammation” what comes to mind? Is it thoughts of your muscles or other tissues swelling, pain, and maybe even immobility? Inflammation is actually one of the primary causes of back pain and sciatica. Inflammation has been linked to other more serious conditions ... Views: 793
You’re back hurts. I’ve been there myself, so I know what you’re going through. I used to suffer from sciatica and it made the simple act of walking a real struggle with all the pain in caused. My doctor even told me to take some painkillers to help. But did you know that painkillers like ... Views: 1800