Hey, I can understand just how tough it is to maintain a relationship. Personal problems can be so overwhelming that the relationship has to be sidelined for a bit. But what can you do when the relationship starts to break down when you find your girlfriend losing interest with you? The first ... Views: 3232
Finding your ex girlfriend is dating someone else can be devastating especially if you're just getting over the break up. While you are still struggling with your emotions, it's hard not to want to bash the guy's head with your fist.
So what exactly are your options when you ex girlfriend is ... Views: 5460
Did your girlfriend decided to end things with you? Dealing with a break up for the past days or weeks is definitely taking its toll on you. To help you out, following are effective ways on how to get a girl back that you love.
Let's clear it up once and for all before you read further that ... Views: 704
Do you want to find out how to fix a break up? Are you worried that your ex has moved on without you and is happy with someone else? I don't blame you for feeling panicky since break ups can be very hard to deal with. Read on and find out how to fix a break up before it happens.
How to Fix a ... Views: 607
Is your relationship on the brink of disaster? Is communicating with your partner becoming harder these days? If you are hoping to learn how to better your relationship then find out the keys on how to do this by reading below.
There is only one important thing you should know about if you ... Views: 658
Break ups are so painful aren't they? All you want right now is to have your ex back in your life. What you want right now is learn how to get your ex to want you back. You currently stuck in life and have no idea how to fix your problem. If you find yourself constantly worrying about "How do I ... Views: 978
Maybe you and your girlfriend just went through one of those "talks" women are so fond of. Maybe she simply told you that she doesn't feel "that" way for you anymore. You had no idea the relationship was this bad although you already knew you had problems. What exactly does it mean when your ... Views: 725
Q: I've been really trying to make my relationship work for a long time now but I'm the only one who seems to want to. How can I make a relationship work if I'm putting in all the effort?
A: It can be very difficult to solve a relationship just by yourself. After all, if your partner doesn't ... Views: 588
Did you and your ex just break up and now you have no idea what to do? Your world is currently in chaos as you can't get your ex out of your mind. Right now, all you want is for you to change their mind about the break up. Read below and find out how you can get them back.
Q: I am devastated ... Views: 467
Is your relationship experiencing a rocky patch? Maybe you are constantly having fights that keep you two apart. Problems usually show up in a relationship sooner or later and here I'll show you how to know when a relationship is over.
When Your Partner is Pushing you Away?
Maybe your ... Views: 516
Did your partner recently ended your relationship and you are now feeling shocked and devastated? The time when you are coping with a break up is definitely destabilizing. However, if you keep these tips in mind the you just might get over the pain and get your ex back to boot.
Coping with a ... Views: 571
Being left by your partner can really be a dent in your confidence, but oftentimes people make these big break up mistakes that make it harder for them to get what they want out of the relationship. Following are break up mistakes that you should know about.
1 - Contacting your Ex as Often as ... Views: 840
Coping with a breakup is something that every person finds hard to do; however, you should know that with the right focus, you have the ability to deal with a break up easily. First of all, you have to recognize the need to change the way you think. Unless you make a good, clean, and friendly ... Views: 553
Breakups are generally hard for the people involved. Feeling this way is perfectly normal. Considering how important relationships are, knowing that someone we love no longer returns the feeling can be devastating. However, if you are fooling yourself if you think that contacting ex girlfriend ... Views: 668
Perhaps after the break up things seem a little unusual between you and your ex. It's only natural. I mean, the both of you used to be so close with each other and now where do the boundaries lie?
Instead of letting a host of awkward silences and unanswered questions bug you and leave you at ... Views: 544
Are you and your girlfriend constantly arguing? If your girlfriend wants to break up with you, you might want to try out these methods on how to keep this disaster from happening.
The Secret to a Solid Relationship
A strong relationship is usually built by people who are individually happy ... Views: 555
Does the No Contact Rule work for most people? You should be aware how important the No Contact Rule is if you want your ex back with you. If you are struggling with a recent relationship break up then you should learn more about the No Contact Rule and how it works.
Q: How does the No ... Views: 2143
If you just saw your ex girlfriend with someone else then you must feel pretty bad right now. This becomes worse if you actually want her back in your life. Does this mean that she is now happier and you can't undo the break up? Not necessarily. The thing is that rebound relationships rarely ... Views: 927
Are you having a hard time coping with depression after a break up? Break up can be equated to an emotional disaster for most people. It can turn our brain to mush and generally make the world a little crazier. In fact, a relationship with the person you love might as well be the most important ... Views: 525
If you’ve been struggling with jealousy in your relationship, I know how difficult it can be to battle with the green-eyed monster.
Your imagination starts to paint all sorts of pictures in your mind and you find your thoughts flooded with what-if situations. This can be enough to sent a ... Views: 567
Break up depression can be very destabilizing. You could actually suffer from break up depression for a long time especially if the relationship was really long and intense. Although you may feel as though everything is doomed, that's not really the case. People can be very resilient and could ... Views: 1057
"We all begin with good intent, when love is raw and young. We believe that we can change ourselves, the past can be undone. But we carry on our backs the burden time always reveals. In the lonely light of morning, and the wound that would not heal. It's the bitter taste of loosing everything ... Views: 586
Getting dumped is never easy. It can really leave you feeling shaken and at a loss for how to handle your life. After all, our relationships are one of the most important things we have and when they simply disappear, they can leave you feeling lost and alone.
So what do you do to help deal ... Views: 601
Understanding the psychological impacts of relationships can be very difficult. After all, both you and your partner are unique people who each have your own different beliefs.
When it comes to understanding your partner and really “getting” their psychology, you have to try to understand ... Views: 886
I'll admit that it happens from time to time. You start to feel insecure in your relationship.
Maybe your partner is getting a little too close for comfort to a friend of the opposite gender. Maybe the two of you have been fighting a bit too much lately.
But either way, you're starting to ... Views: 1460
If you’ve been dumped, you probably know about the No Contact rule whether or not you’re trying to get back together with your ex. Basically all you do is you completely stop contacting your ex for one month. This gives you the time to heal and get your own emotions under control.
But what ... Views: 8620
If you thing your husband is cheating on you then, I know what you’re going through. It can be difficult when you suspect your partner is cheating--or even if you know they’re cheating, but you just don’t have the proof. You walk around all day with a queasy feeling in your stomach and you ... Views: 1510
The rejection of a break up can really hurt. It’s not uncommon for many of us to feel that our relationships are one of the basic foundations of our lives. When your girlfriend tells you that she wants out and you suddenly find yourself single, it can really make you question a lot of ... Views: 2758
If you’re among the ranks of the newly dumped, I’m sorry to hear that. I know only too well how difficult a break up can be on a girl. I’ve been there myself and I’ve gone through all the drama and suffering of heartache.
Here are a few things to do to help you cope with your break ... Views: 1205
Has your husband been acting a little strange lately? Maybe he’s a little defensive or just not around as often as he used to be. Maybe you’re concerned that he might be having an affair.
Well, here are a few hints that your husband might actually be having an affair. Be sure to keep your ... Views: 1070
If you’ve been dumped, then you no doubt know the sting of rejection only too well. It’s enough to make you really want to save your relationship and make things right with your ex. But how can you do that if your ex won’t even pay any attention to you at all.
Here is a little secret on how ... Views: 13441
If you’re going through a break up, I know that it can be a challenging time in your life. Even if you knew there were problems in your relationship, the sudden shock of a break up can still catch you off guard. Our relationships are some of the most important things in our lives, often ... Views: 600
Maybe it’s you or maybe it’s your partner. Either way, there is some serious insecurity in your relationship and it may even be at the point of threatening to tear your relationship apart. How can you go about rebuilding trust and a strong foundation for your relationship to blossom and ... Views: 1145
After getting dumped a lot of people want to know if they still have a shot with their ex. I know what it’s like. I’ve been there myself. When you’ve been rejected by your partner, it can easily feel like you’ve failed at something important and you just want to prove to them that you can ... Views: 1210
Does it seem like the harder you try to get in contact with your ex, the more difficult it is? I know what you’re going through. I got dumped myself several years ago, and let me tell you, it seemed like I had to break through brick walls just to get my ex-girlfriend to return a phone call or ... Views: 1169
One thing that a lot of people do when they get dumped is to frantically scramble to find some kind of quick fix to the problem. Maybe they’ll apologize profusely to their ex (even though they don’t know what they are apologizing for), getting presents for their ex, or even going to extreme ... Views: 6990
If you’ve been dumped, I know that it can be a real challenge to get through the day. Suddenly you feel completely rejected and it seems like your entire world just got flipped upside-down. It’s enough to compel a lot of guys to try and get their ex back. But did you know that there are two ... Views: 3396
If your husband cheated on you, I am sincerely sorry to hear that. I know only too well how painful it can be to have your significant other cheat on you. But often the hardest thing is dealing with the haunting images that seem to endlessly play through your mind all day long and make you ... Views: 5144
I know that break ups are difficult to deal with. It’s hard to handle all of those feelings of rejection and loss on your own. Sometimes it can even take months before you feel like you are back up on your feet after getting dumped.
Whey then does your ex sometimes keep pulling you back in ... Views: 1737
If you think your husband may be cheating on you, I know the mind-wracking and worrying that you are probably going through. It’s difficult to think that your partner is cheating on you, but at the same time you can’t just look the other way. You need to find out for sure. Here are 3 common ... Views: 1590
I’ve read a lot of relationship advice about why married men have affairs. Some will tell you that men will cheat because they are hard-wired to do so and that they have no control or responsibility over what choices they make. Others will tell you that all men will only cheat because of a ... Views: 2025
Did you just get dumped by your boyfriend or girlfriend? I know how painful a break up can be. I’ve been there myself, and I think that most people have in their lifetimes. Still it doesn’t make the pain any easier. But did you know that there is one small thing that most people seem to do ... Views: 547
I know that dealing with the pain of an affair can make you do and think some pretty outrageous things. A lot of women may even feel compelled to confront the other woman in an affair, however, before you do that, there are a few things you really need to know about her.
First, she isn’t ... Views: 6863
This might be hard to wrap your mind around at first, but not being on the same page with your spouse or partner can actually cause cheating in a marriage or relationship.
You see, many times when we start a new relationship, we come into it with different definitions of what cheating is and ... Views: 2227
A break up can be a difficult thing to deal with. There are so many emotions that both people will experience. The person who got dumped will often feel an intense rejection, while the one doing the dumping will often feel an equally strong sense of guilt over the pain they are ... Views: 876
If your boyfriend or girlfriend dumped you, I want you to know that I feel for you. I’ve been there myself. I think most people have at one point or another. The pain of a break up can be excruciating, and it is definitely nothing that I would wish on anybody.
In an instant, this person ... Views: 18320
I know that the pain of your husband having an affair can be truly heartbreaking. It is difficult to set aside all those feelings of betrayal and all the haunting images that run through your head. Sometimes it may even feel like your relationship is doomed to fail and there is no way to save ... Views: 4089
Does it seem like after your break up, you just can’t get your mind off of the pain you’re feeling? I’ve been there myself and I know how difficult it can be.
It seems like no matter what you do you can’t stop thinking about your girlfriend or calling her up and wondering if she’s seeing ... Views: 521
Did you just catch your husband having an internet affair? Maybe he forgot to turn off his computer, or you used his because yours was broken. Maybe you just walked in on him at the wrong time. Either way you found out that he was having an online romance with another woman.
Does this ... Views: 1069
These days it seems that everyone knows someone who has had a divorce. Maybe you’re even considering it yourself. There are a lot of things that might make a couple consider divorce. When you consider all the challenges the modern marriage faces, such as a staggering rate of infidelity that ... Views: 769