We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Vision Boards". If you have expertise in Vision Boards and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
You wake up each morning to face the daily grind of reality and somewhere along the way a conscious spark ignites within you, inquiring; "Is this really what I want for my life? Am I happy with who I am? How do I get what I want or where I want to be?" Often times, repressing these thoughts with ... Views: 1777
A new year is here – 2010! What better time to create what you want for this next year. In this article you will learn the 7 keys to creating a successful vision board.
A vision board is a visual representation of your goals and dreams. The 7 keys are designed to attract these in to your ... Views: 4898
“Your thoughts create your reality.” “What you focus on you attract.” “You are what you think about all day long.” We all know it’s possible to play an active part in shaping our own lives.
It is definitely possible to live the life you have fantasised about. But it’s going to take some ... Views: 4093
Putting Power in Your Steps
To come from a place power, a clear understanding of past, present, and future is critical. In dwelling on the past, we are deterred from our dreams and dream objectives. By emotionally living in the past, we distract ourselves from discovering and giving voice to ... Views: 2671
Do you know the best way to turn your New Year resolutions into reality? Create a visual map for 2010 by designing your own vision board as seen on Oprah and Larry King.
• To make 2010 the best year ever, despite the economy.
• To find more love and ... Views: 2630
Put down the pen, cut the typing, and stop clipping images out of magazines! Don't create another goal, intention, or resolution until you read further. Attempting to set goals or resolving to do something new without this secret is like trying to draw without a clean slate. The secret is... ... Views: 1931
Do you know the best way to turn your New Year resolutions into reality? Create a visual map for 2010 by designing your own vision board as seen on Oprah and Larry King.
Yes, a vision board enables you how to picture your success instead of just dreaming about it.
"WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET" (by Glen Hopkins)
Submitter's Note:
I am sharing this great article by Glen Hopkins, that I came across in my records in the spirit of sharing knowledge and insights. I hope that it may be informative and perhaps uplifting to you too, as it was (and is) to ... Views: 1731
Your dreams can become a reality by using these tips for setting goals, as you improve your self-esteem and nourish a positive attitude.
Do you have a dream or a vision for your life? Have you identified the thoughts and feelings that will allow your dream to come to form? Not having a ... Views: 2975
Would you like to honor your mom or grandma or even your great grandmother on their birthday or another special occasion? One of the best ways to do that is to create a Gratitude Vision Board or Tribute Board.
As many of you know a Vision ... Views: 4316
As I write in the first chapter of my book THE VISION BOARD: the secret to an extraordinary life, "visioning is a self-exploration process that is sometimes compared to a combination of "soul searching" and meditation and even incorporates improvisation techniques.
Why is a vision board is key to your happiness today and tomorrow!
A new study by the Los Angeles Times shows today that Happiness is based on 50 percent genetics, 40 percent intention and 10 percent circumstances. Wow that's kind of amazing when most people say that they are happy or unhappy ... Views: 3904
Okay, now here is the surprise-- all vision boards are really green and eco-friendly because they are really recycling magazines One of the most eco-friendly ways to celebrate Earth Day with your family, office mates and school class is to create a Vision Board.
One of the reasons that I wrote The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life was to dispel any superstition or ‘woo –woo’ thinking about creating vision boards. It’s my belief a vision board can be one of the most effective life planning techniques that you’ll ever discover.
In my ... Views: 4897
Vision boards are powerful tools that like goal setting worksheets, help in setting personal-goals and making your dreams a reality. It is a creative picture collage of what you desire. They are fun to create and very powerful to use.
They effectively take what you imagine in your mind and ... Views: 2872
Hi there everyone!!
On page 96 of “A Dictionary of Distinctions,” I ask “They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If so, how much is a five-minute dream worth?”
Let’s really figure it out right now. Those in the video or electronic media industry will tell you that standard quality ... Views: 2844
For years my vision board was kept on a cork board with push pins or a foam board with glue. Honestly, I still use a cork board in my office and have two foam vision boards sitting in my storage room I can’t seem to throw away. Years back, every December, I taught vision board workshops for ... Views: 8120
Have you ever turned on your computer and -- nothing! nada! Zero. Panic, because I make my living on the computer. So I call my computer expert and he appears at 10:00 a.m. Many calls to his supervisors throughout the day, with no solution. He promises to stay until the situation is resolved. I ... Views: 3691
Several years ago I was torn. I was going through a period where I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but I knew it wasn’t the life that I had. I was unhappy in my work. My love life wasn’t what I wanted it to be (as I was single). And there were more experiences, and even toys that I wanted in my life. ... Views: 9743
In the fictional movie, “Field of Dreams” a voice told Ray, “Build it and they will come.” Don’t worry, I am not talking about a ball field for disembodied players. I am speaking about your future. Whatever it is that the voice says to you. (Just listen…)
Whether it be your business idea, ... Views: 1888
Just recently I create a vision chart. The chart contained pictures, scriptures, words, and phrases that represented by goals, dreams, and desires. It encompassed core areas including my career, social life, health, recreation, spirituality, education, relationships, and self care. To create my ... Views: 4465
Vision Boards are also known as "dream boards", "wish boards", "Treasure maps" "Life Collage", "Wisdom Collage" and other names.
The history of the Vision Board dates back to the caveman era where pictures of animals and other visuals were sketched or painted on walls of caves and nown known ... Views: 3462
At this time of the year, many of us are looking forward to a great summer and we may also be looking at what we've accomplished so far in 2009.
That's why I recommend that you do a quarterly check up on your Vision Statement and Vision Board. I do mine at the start of each season: Summer, ... Views: 5352
In these days of economic downturn, you may hear lots of comments of doom and gloom. What we all need at this time is to say YES, to the great things and people in our lives!.
By creating a SAY YES TO LIFE Vision Board you can do 'just' that!
Some ... Views: 3006
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Vision Boards. A vision board is a simple poster board which you decorate with drawings, writing, cut-out photos, paintings, or other visual representations of your hopes, goals and dreams. Its purpose is to activate the Law of ... Views: 2381
The Law Of Attraction - Creating Magic With A Vision Board
By Patty Tolar
If you have seen The Secret I am sure you remember the story that John Assaraf told about manifesting the exact home that was on one of this Vision Boards. You too, can experience equally amazing things in your own life. ... Views: 8843
Vision Boards are powerful Personal Development tools that play a major role in transforming your life and living your dreams/desires – if they are used correctly.
Are you fully utilizing the power in your Vision Boards?
Below are 3 ways to unleash the power in your Vision Board and to begin ... Views: 1786
We should probably start this out with, what is a Dream Circle? Well, remember your favorite comic strips with the little bubble above the character’s head either holding their thoughts or dreams. Your Dream Circle should be your dreams of what you wish to become, the things or stuff you want ... Views: 2381
"When you repeatedly see an image in a way that activates a positive emotional charge, you become more likely to move towards it (even if it seems like a long shot). In action things happen. You talk to others, resources multiply, and your eyes open to opportunities. Suddenly you discern it was ... Views: 3327
It has been said time and time again that one of the most effective and powerful ways to achieve your goals in life is to visualize. Visualization powers your imagination to focus your creative energies on your heart's true desires. By maintaining that positive focus through visualization, you ... Views: 3472
Whether you’re single, married or dating - no matter what the status of you’re relationship, no doubt the tool of Visualizing will change your life - it has mine. Over, and over, and over again (it works wonders when I’m in an argument with my love).
Visualizing is one of the most powerful ... Views: 11505
Make a list of things you want in your life and make a picture collage out of it. Teach your children how to make one too. Or let them teach you.
Include things, relationships, connections, people, God, feelings, etc.
Use symbols and symbolism, words and photos, that are meaningful to ... Views: 6220
The Law of Attraction and The Art of Being - Have you ever written your “to be “ list instead of your “to do” list. What and who do you want to be?
I learnt about the Law Attraction in 1985 and very thank fully soon after, I was given the opportunity to start teaching the concepts. In 1991 I ... Views: 2773
In 1991, I created my first Treasure Map/Vision board, after discovering the process in Shakti Gawain's book, Creative Visualization.
The action of choosing, cutting, arranging and gluing pictures of my desired future was indeed an extremely powerful one. Since then, I have received so many ... Views: 14467
Can a Vision Board really help you to realize your goals? If the key to a successful life is to remain positively focused on your goals, then yes a Vision Board can help.
What is a Vision Board? A Vision Board is a visual collection of your wish list for life. It's pictures of whatever you ... Views: 1779
I just had the pleasure of interviewing John Assaraf from The Secret, for InspireMeToday.com. His feature day is coming up soon. Knowing how John creates his life with Vision Boards, I shared this story with him (which he loved!)
In January of 2007 I decided to relocate from California to ... Views: 2135
The Subconscious mind is driven by working in conjunction with the laws of vibration and attraction . It's been long professed that once mastered, you will live a life of prosperity, obtaining all we wish for. Let's get a deeper understanding what these laws mean and the role of the subconscious ... Views: 8399
"You are the harbinger of your own success" is a mantra that's used by successful people in all walks of life. Every success story you've ever read follows the format of a person who described their dream, tried to work out what was needed to achieve it, and then set out to do it, by dint of ... Views: 2761
A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin manifesting your dreams into reality. The concept of the vision board (also known as a goal board, goal map, or treasure map) has been around for generations, but it’s gained ... Views: 113208