Years ago I had the privilege of traveling to New York City to attend a Unity service led by Eric Butterworth. I have always delighted in his brand of preaching, balancing as he did the glorious with the practical. I just resonate to the way his mind works it all out so beautifully for us. ... Views: 834
When you are in the creative process (which is always, by the way) you are asking for your creation, essentially. You are thinking about it, wondering about it, contrasting it with what you have now. The next thing to happen is the introduction of a rich idea, or insight, to your mind. It may be ... Views: 788
A funny thing happened while I was getting ready for class #5 in my 8-week Prosperity Principles for Wealthy Living class - the topic of which is: The Wheel of Fortune. Sometimes called a treasure map or a vision board, it is a pictorial representation of what we would like to bring into our ... Views: 825
What exactly does this mean: aging gracefully? Max Erhmann writes in his famous poem, Desiderata: Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
The definition of counsel in this quote means: “private, guarded thoughts or opinions.”
And take kindly, I ... Views: 2249
Today I am considering my legacy. Not in small part because last week I reached the esteemed and gilded age of 50. And it is not so bad. I did see it coming...
About 3 years ago, I made peace with my age and myself. I stopped struggling with my life-long desire to be a mother and began ... Views: 840
Recently, a class I was taking asked us to poll our friends with this question:
“What is the most unexpected, miraculous thing you have ever experienced?”
The point of the exercise was to help us to see that miracles really do happen everyday. And they are much more frequent than we imagine. ... Views: 1207
A funny thing happened while I was getting ready for class #5 in my 8-week Prosperity Principles for Wealthy Living class - the topic of which is: I have seen amazing things happen when one puts their heart's desire into this format. One gal - with an intense singleness of purpose - made her ... Views: 1170
Whenever we are not living in our "true place" we experience what is called "Divine Discontent." It is an inner urging that calls us forth to our next growth opportunity. Yet so often we ignore it or procrastinate on listening to it. And usually something unexpected happens to throw us into a ... Views: 11394
Asking for help requires some humility. You cannot act like you have all the answers and ask for them at the same time. Perhaps this is why we create situations that will require this call for humility within us.
The dictionary definition of humility is: the state or quality of being ... Views: 5336
I am reminded today of the fact that all we have is this present moment. We can’t be anywhere else than where we are right now. We can’t, by sheer willpower – in this moment -- make ourselves into something we are not. No matter how fiercely we may want to.
Years ago, my heart was broken by a ... Views: 951
This week my friend honored me by asking me to read the blessing at her upcoming wedding. I was so touched, tears immediately welled up in my eyes. Embarrassed, I held them back while exclaiming, “Oh no, I am crying!” So I was wondering why that was my first reaction? I love my friend so ... Views: 902
In the fictional movie, “Field of Dreams” a voice told Ray, “Build it and they will come.” Don’t worry, I am not talking about a ball field for disembodied players. I am speaking about your future. Whatever it is that the voice says to you. (Just listen…)
Whether it be your business idea, ... Views: 1890
I just finished teaching a class on this topic and I was so impressed with the absolute brilliance of my students. The funny thing was few of them knew it. Our brilliance is mundane to us. We live with it every day. But when it is presented to others, they are wowed. That is the gift ... Views: 1006
I spent the last week in sunny Florida with my family and what a lovely time we had. Not only are we a hoot and a holler and know how to have a good time, but I reached a whole new level of appreciation this week – in more ways than one.
My sister and I, who are both single, made it our ... Views: 1070