I have a friend named Jamie who lives in a medium sized city where she doesn’t feel like she belongs, but she can’t relocate yet because of her husband’s work. For the last two years she’s tried to meet people but is convinced that there are no “cool people like her” in the entire city. My good ... Views: 725
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***Yellow Bugs - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
My husband and I are spending time in the Seattle area, house-sitting for a friend until the end of September. Today I began the drive from Boulder to Seattle, through Wyoming and Montana. It rained most of the morning, but by early afternoon, the scenery was simply spectacular. The colors ... Views: 975
I live in a beautiful little house in the foothills of Boulder, CO. Our home is ideally situated between several mountains, perched on a ridge and can be seen from the surrounding areas in all directions. Our neighborhood is filled with windy, twisty roads, some with the same name and folks ... Views: 707
Let’s play a little game of word association. I’m going to say a word and I want you to think of the first thing that comes into your mind. You folks in the northeast are really going to enjoy this. Are you ready? Just after you read the word, close your eyes and feel the feeling… okay, ready? ... Views: 722
Often we have a special occasion coming up and want to look fabulous. Then the panic of “What do I wear?” begins. For my special occasion I want a new outfit that fits me perfectly and when I put it on, I feel beautiful! I went to Bonnie, a talented wardrobe consultant at Tres Bon, in Boulder, ... Views: 774
About a week ago I had an idea that was the biggest, boldest idea I’ve ever had. It came to me in a flash of inspiration during a visioning session with Darryl, my husband. This idea came from asking ourselves questions like, “How can we make the biggest difference in the world? If we absolutely ... Views: 905
If you’re anything like me, with Christmas behind us, our minds are now turning to the things we’d like to accomplish in the New Year and to our resolutions. With the close of one year it seems natural to look at our accomplishments and our outstanding goals and dreams. Sometimes that reflection ... Views: 735
We’re spending this week with a friend, sailing the San Juan Islands of the Pacific Northwest. We’ve never been here before and the scenery is stunningly beautiful. My husband and I are enjoying a great week. One of our intentions for this week was to do some brainstorming for ... Views: 689
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***We’ll See… - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.
“Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically.
“We’ll see,” the farmer replied.
The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it ... Views: 742
A few days ago I had a new contact on Twitter send me a message asking how he could increase his number of friends. I found it interesting that his message was sent to me in all capital letters like he was shouting at me. It read, ” I NEED HELP HOW CAN I GET MORE FOLLOWERS”.
I took the time and ... Views: 715
I just had the pleasure of interviewing John Assaraf from The Secret, for InspireMeToday.com. His feature day is coming up soon. Knowing how John creates his life with Vision Boards, I shared this story with him (which he loved!)
In January of 2007 I decided to relocate from California to ... Views: 2136
I live a very blessed life. I’m still unplugged in the British Virgin Islands, relaxing, writing and getting perspective on my life. We come down here several times each year to think and just be. Funny thing is, I almost wrote that I come here to get away from the self-imposed busy-ness of ... Views: 846
Do you ever wake up and already wish you had more hours in the day? Imaging more hours to sleep, more hours to play. Each day we’re given this beautiful gift of 24 hours to fill in any way that we choose. Like many of us, I always fill mine to the point of overflow.
Many of us want to know how ... Views: 661
Yesterday we visited the Bubbling Pool on the windward side of Jost Van Dyke, in the BVI. The Bubbling Pool is a natural rock formation along the coastline that creates the best Jacuzzi one could ever imagine. Add winter weather with northern swells and high tide, and we were set for an amazing ... Views: 745
Recently a friend of mine told me that I have an interesting mind; one that can see anything physical and through metaphor, relate it to my life. Lately, just to see if she’s right, I’ve been paying attention to things around me, choosing an object and seeing how I can relate it to my ... Views: 918
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***Stormy Sea - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
Being in a sailboat in the middle of a stormy sea isn’t my favorite thing to do. Last week I was sailing in the British Virgin Islands during a very windy day at sea. We had to cover nearly 15 miles, with the seas averaging 8-11? swells, complete with huge crashing-rocking-and-rolling waves and ... Views: 1245
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***Someday is NOW! - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
What’s in your someday basket? Today I talked with several different people who all talked about what they were going to do “someday”. By the fourth person, it hit me. I know when today is. I know when yesterday was. I even know when tomorrow will be. But, when is someday? According to the ... Views: 842
How many times do things show up in your life that you write off to coincidence or serendipity? How often are you pleasantly surprised at things just fall into place perfectly?
We are very powerful beings with the capabilities of creating what we choose in our lives. Yet many times, we don’t ... Views: 845
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***Serendipity - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
One morning a few weeks ago I made a list of three things to accomplish that day. The first was to find a way to connect with a large corporation, the second was to connect with a major non-profit and the third was to resolve how to do a joint venture with a mentor I’d never met.
I thought ... Views: 846
If you remember the movie, The Lion King, Mufasa told Simba, “Remember who you are”. They could have been four of the best words ever spoken in any movie. Why do we forget who we are? Deep in our hearts, most of us know the true magnificence that we are inside. We know that first and foremost, ... Views: 860
Have you ever noticed that everything in life is a matter of perspective and eventually judgment? Imagine you arrive late to your office, complaining because your car broke down, only to find the person in the next cubicle had their car repossessed the previous day. It kind of makes your repair ... Views: 1152
Did you ever watch a child put a jigsaw puzzle together? What’s the first thing that they do after dumping the pieces from the box? Come on, you remember don’t you? They’ll look at the picture on the front of the box so they know what the finished product will look like, right?
We’ve all heard ... Views: 989
Yesterday my husband and I arrived at the Bight, a cove off Norman Island in the British Virgin Islands. We took the dinghy to the beautiful beach just in front of Pirates Bar, which was closed because of hurricane season. The beach was still beautiful and we were looking forward to enjoying ... Views: 2237
This morning I received two emails within 5 minutes of each other, from friends asking for advice on how to deal with a difficult situation. The first one wrote that her best friend’s husband was dying from cancer. The second one shared that her friend’s husband had been shot and killed ... Views: 775
My husband Darryl and I are in the British Virgin Islands, enjoying a bit of vacation and writing time for me. We are blessed to have a beautiful sailboat named Abundance that is our home away from home.
The winter often brings northern swells, high seas and cooler temperatures. Yesterday I ... Views: 741
Experience has shown me that everything in my life is a metaphor FOR my life. If I pay attention and just ask myself the question, “What is this trying to teach me”, I find myself learning from the situation.
Yesterday I was walking on my favorite beach on the island of Anagada, in the British ... Views: 910
Being in a sailboat in the middle of a stormy sea isn’t my favorite thing to do. Last week I was sailing in the British Virgin Islands during a very windy day at sea. We had to cover nearly 15 miles, with the seas averaging 8-11? swells, complete with huge crashing-rocking-and-rolling waves and ... Views: 722
The number one question I’ve been asked recently is “HOW? How do I focus on the positive when I can’t make payroll? How do I enjoy my day when I’m so miserable? How do I get rid of the fear that I feel inside?”
HOW seems to be a big, scary word. In gathering my thoughts for this blog post I ... Views: 705
Yesterday on the drive home from Nashville, across the prairies of Kansas and Eastern Colorado, hawks were my constant companions throughout the drive. Today, while sitting down to write some text for our Global Hug Tour, I looked out the window and saw a huge mountain lion about 40? away from ... Views: 762
Our time in Anacortes is coming to an end, as we’re returning to Boulder in about a week. The past few weeks have been simply beautiful here with clear, sunny, blue skies filled with white puffy clouds and warm temperatures. I can tell that fall is on the way. Not only are the leaves on the big ... Views: 790
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***Integrity - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
Within the last few days the subject of integrity has come up in several conversations that I’ve had. I think there’s a buzz in the air, specifically with the upcoming elections, our failing financial institutions and the lack of integrity that we sometime see around us. I sent out a few tweets ... Views: 949
We are blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Most days I take Koda, our year-old Samoyed pup for a long walk in the mountains and truly enjoy the beauty of Colorado. Yesterday I was too busy with commitments and only had time to visit the dog park in North Boulder. Koda was excited to be ... Views: 756
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***Inspire Me! - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
Do you remember the last time you were inspired? Really inspired? Do you remember the energy in each molecule of your body that felt like you were dancing even if you were standing still? Maybe it was from a rousing sermon from your favorite minister, from a piece of music, perhaps from a ... Views: 788
Life is a matter of focus. What you focus on grows, whether you like it or not. I say whether you like it or not intentionally, because sometimes we focus on things we don’t want, and guess what we get even more of? You got it, yuck. I re-learned this first hand again this morning.
I was ... Views: 1074
Yesterday morning I woke up and within one minute of opening my eyes, I’d jumped into work. I spent the first 30 minutes of my day on my computer, paying bills and tweaking things on the site even before I brushed my teeth! I became stressed right at the start of my day. The day before was even ... Views: 1418
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***I’m Grateful! - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
It feels so wonderful when everyone is in the holiday spirit, that recently I’ve started a new habit to keep that feeling around throughout the year. When someone asks me the traditional question, “How are you”, I smile and say, “I’m grateful!” Usually they are taken aback, as they are expecting ... Views: 765
My son and I went for a walk today in an oceanfront park in Anacortes, WA, in the San Juan Islands of the Pacific Northwest. Lush green, towering cedar trees and fauna of all kinds surrounded us. This forest receives a lot of precipitation making it a very green sanctuary. Many of the trees were ... Views: 1062
I read a blog post today where the host talked about his idea of the best Mother’s Day present- to share a special memory with your mom. That idea made me smile, for when I took the time to think about it, I am so blessed, as there are so many to choose from!
Would I talk about how cool it was ... Views: 763
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***Happy Monday! - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
Happy Monday! When I first realized I was awake this morning, I smiled and then I remembered it was Monday. I had a great weekend and would have been happier if today would have been Sunday all over again. And then I laughed, for what makes Monday any different from Sunday or Friday for that ... Views: 1460
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***Green Bananas - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
About two weeks ago we came sailing to the British Virgin Islands, to relax, play, enjoy being together, brainstorm InspireMeToday.com, and to give me time to percolate some ideas I’ve had, including writing a new book.
Well, you know me, and know that I believe a lot of things in life are ... Views: 1862
My girlfriend Elaine has a business project she’s been working on for nearly a year. This morning when we spoke she voiced her frustration about how her project seems to be going in a different direction than what she anticipated. I smiled and shared an experience with her.
Recently we drove ... Views: 747
This weekend I had the pleasure of speaking on the topic of success at the Thin Air Summit in Denver. Part of the experience was a Q&A session where my friend Brian asked, “What do you do when you have a bad day? How do you get out of it?” Well, today is one of those times so I thought I’d ... Views: 733
The past few days I’ve felt like I’m flying - and we haven’t even started our flight around the world on our Global Hug Tour yet! The synchronicity of life is kicking into full gear. Things are lining up so fast and the world is spinning, but all in a very good way. I’m blown away each day by ... Views: 796
I was walking a deserted stretch of a beach that holds great magic for me each time I visit. Not only is the beauty unparalleled, but there is a special energy I feel when I visit here, almost as if this beach talks to me.
That day I was looking for seashells. I felt that if took something ... Views: 774
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***Faith vs. Fear - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
A few years ago I was working on an entrepreneurial project, living off savings. Some days were financially scary as I was learning to live on faith instead of fear.
One day I was standing in the checkout line of my local grocery store, very aware the woman in front of me was taking a long time ... Views: 989
Maybe I’m just stuck on this title because I’m going on vacation in the morning. Maybe it’s because I’m going sailing in the Caribbean and I’m just getting into the attitude of the islands. Or, maybe it’s just what I need to hear right now too.
Just a few days ago, I was walking on Pearl Street ... Views: 749
I usually start my day with all that I’m grateful for in my life and this morning is no different.
This past week was an amazing milestone for InspireMeToday.com. In our 5th week after the launch we broke all our old records for visitors. We reached our greatest audience yet, received a lot of ... Views: 751
Why do we resist change so very much? I just spent the last hour coaching my good friend, Bob, on how to handle a difficult situation. He founded a company about ten years ago and is now ready to take it to the next level. His entire identity has been based around this company- he IS the ... Views: 761
This past weekend I was asked to speak on “Success” and immediately, my mind went to “S U C C E S S… that’s the way we spell Success!” Yes, I was a cheerleader in high school, in case you hadn’t already guessed it. I was right back in 11th grade with that inner mantra playing in my mind. I had ... Views: 769
Today would have been Randy Pausch’s 48th birthday. We were fortunate enough to have Randy Pausch as one of our Inspirational Luminaries on InspireMeToday.com. Randy, known for his “Last Lecture”, passed away in July from cancer.
I know how special birthdays are, for I just celebrated my 50th ... Views: 808