YOU CAN GO BACK TO SCHOOL AT ANY AGE...and now with President Obama's encourgement lots of moms are looking at finally getting their degrees. PLUS BABY boomers are looking at school and continuing education as a way to increase their options in the job market.
For most families with children ... Views: 3749
Do you know the best way to turn your New Year resolutions into reality? Create a visual map for 2010 by designing your own vision board as seen on Oprah and Larry King.
• To make 2010 the best year ever, despite the economy.
• To find more love and ... Views: 2630
Do you know the best way to turn your New Year resolutions into reality? Create a visual map for 2010 by designing your own vision board as seen on Oprah and Larry King.
Yes, a vision board enables you how to picture your success instead of just dreaming about it.
Would you like to honor your mom or grandma or even your great grandmother on their birthday or another special occasion? One of the best ways to do that is to create a Gratitude Vision Board or Tribute Board.
As many of you know a Vision ... Views: 4316
As I write in the first chapter of my book THE VISION BOARD: the secret to an extraordinary life, "visioning is a self-exploration process that is sometimes compared to a combination of "soul searching" and meditation and even incorporates improvisation techniques.
Why is a vision board is key to your happiness today and tomorrow!
A new study by the Los Angeles Times shows today that Happiness is based on 50 percent genetics, 40 percent intention and 10 percent circumstances. Wow that's kind of amazing when most people say that they are happy or unhappy ... Views: 3904
Okay, now here is the surprise-- all vision boards are really green and eco-friendly because they are really recycling magazines One of the most eco-friendly ways to celebrate Earth Day with your family, office mates and school class is to create a Vision Board.
One of the reasons that I wrote The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life was to dispel any superstition or ‘woo –woo’ thinking about creating vision boards. It’s my belief a vision board can be one of the most effective life planning techniques that you’ll ever discover.
In my ... Views: 4898
Most of us get our cars tuned-up every 30,000 miles or so -- or at least once a year. Yet many of us fail to tune-up our careers until they are stalled or worse! A good auto tune-up insures that your car continues to run smoothly, that it's getting good gas mileage and checks to prevent severe ... Views: 2620
Vision Boards are also known as "dream boards", "wish boards", "Treasure maps" "Life Collage", "Wisdom Collage" and other names.
The history of the Vision Board dates back to the caveman era where pictures of animals and other visuals were sketched or painted on walls of caves and nown known ... Views: 3462
At this time of the year, many of us are looking forward to a great summer and we may also be looking at what we've accomplished so far in 2009.
That's why I recommend that you do a quarterly check up on your Vision Statement and Vision Board. I do mine at the start of each season: Summer, ... Views: 5352
In these days of economic downturn, you may hear lots of comments of doom and gloom. What we all need at this time is to say YES, to the great things and people in our lives!.
By creating a SAY YES TO LIFE Vision Board you can do 'just' that!
Some ... Views: 3006
This article will show you how to create in 5 easy steps a Father's Day Vision Board that really enhances your relationship with your father no matter what is happening in his or your life or even if he has passed on!
Father's Day is coming up and for many fathers and sons it is a time of ... Views: 2779
In the movie and the book THE SECRET, the basic formula for creation is a three-fold sequence of:Ask Believe & Receive. According to that source, your role is to ask the universe for what, and then to believe you will get it (or in some cases believe you already have it) and then be open to ... Views: 2832
Mission statements were all the rage throughout corporate America in the 1980s.
And vision boards, handmade collages of visual images a person wants to attract to their life, were featured in “The Secret.”
Now, the latest tool for helping to create our ideal ... Views: 3974
YES, you can change your life-- just create a vision and change your mind! With coaching, a great Vision Board and a new path lined up -- you can create the life of your dreams for you AND your family. Joyce Schwarz has worked with more than 10,000 people to ... Views: 1822
WHAT IF YOU COULD MANIFEST THE PERFECT PLACE TO LIVE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD? What if you could live in sunny Hawaii in winter and cool San Francisco in hot summer! What if you could live in a mansion when you're now making do in a log cabin? What if you could move to the beach next week when ... Views: 3191
Before you consider your next job change or even career change, it's crucial that you look at the kind of lifestyle you want today and in the future.
This career-planning time is also time to think about life planning. When I meet with my clients for the first time, before I ask them what ... Views: 2239