We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Superfoods". If you have expertise in Superfoods and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Happy, angry, excited, frustrated and anxious are just some of the different moods and emotions we can have throughout the day. Some things in life bring us joy, others bring us much sadness.
But sometimes, for days on end, we feel quite down without even knowing why. Many things can affect ... Views: 1013
Most likely, when you were growing up, in school your teachers showed you a food pyramid. Each colored block indicated the recommended serving of each essential food group. Maybe in your earlier years you didn’t have many issues following these guidelines, but it’s probably been a while since ... Views: 894
The health benefits of consuming extra virgin olive oil are many. It is rich in vitamin E as well as many other nutrients. It has been around for thousands of years and right throughout those times, it has been praised for its healing and health properties.
The Cretes were exporting olive oil ... Views: 1087
Don’t let the side effect of smelly urine turn you off asparagus, it packs many essential vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. Let’s further explore the nutritional value of asparagus along with how it can improve our health.
Nutritional value of asparagus
First and foremost ... Views: 2398
When your pantry and refrigerator are stocked with chips, ice cream and cookies healthy eating becomes much harder. So it’s important that if you want to eat healthy you should replace them areas with healthy options.
When it comes to healthy foods the list is near endless and of course it ... Views: 976
Pomegranate has attracted a lot of attention in the nutrition world in the past few years and it’s wonders have been exuded by medical and nutrition professionals with good reason.
Let’s look at what is in this gorgeous fruit, according to ‘eHow’ one medium pomegranate contains 104 Kcals, ... Views: 889
We’re all pretty familiar with healthy tropical fruits. From pineapples to mangoes these delicious wonders are not only good, but good for us. But you may be missing out on another tropical fruit which is also offering a boost to your health.
Originally grown in Southern China, this superfood ... Views: 2463
A Quick Preamble:
Like the stuff of legends, like the rise of the Phoenix from the ashes – OK, that’s a little dramatic…but it works for – the humble coconut and more specifically coconut oil, finally shakes off all the misinformation, bad press and out-n-out ignorance concerning its’ health ... Views: 1166
Of all the calcium in your body, only one percent goes to your soft tissue while the other ninety-nine percent is stored in your bones and teeth. If you do not have enough calcium in your body, you will be unable to absorb vitamin B12. This can lead to symptoms that are associated with vitamin ... Views: 1241
This recipe was given to me by my friend Evelyne Lambrecht of Health Coach San Diego (www.healthcoachsd.com.) Evelyne is a talented, educated, high-energy health coach based in the San Diego, CA area. This is really a tasty and balanced breakfast creation that she passed along to us; thanks ... Views: 992
Pressure cooker saves ample amount of time and energy in preparation delicious food. It is the quickest method to cook roasts, chicken, beans, rice, low price legumes, you name it. As a result of a pressure-cooked food comes out 10 times quicker than slowed-cooked, and renders a way higher ... Views: 1006
Did you ever notice, how when you cut a cabbage in half along its core, you often see the thick white stem in the center and the white arms radiating outward like a crab?
I find this very symbolic. I’ll tell you why. We all know the crab can move in any direction. And so can cancer, the ... Views: 861
High blood pressure can take a serious toll on your overall health. Getting your numbers down to normal is crucial for a healthy heart and to avoid the onset of heart-related diseases.
But if you’re a bit wary of taking prescription drugs to lower your blood pressure, there may be a natural ... Views: 958
I have recently been experimenting with healthy recipes in which I have included honey as a sweetener but I haven't really considered what it's true benefits are because honey is usually taken for granted as being a "healthy ingredient".
I decided then to delve a bit deeper to see what ... Views: 1170
Unique among organisms, green plants contain the pigment chlorophyll which gives them the power to turn the sun’s energy into stored biochemical energy.
Chlorella has a higher concentration of chlorophyll than any green plant on the planet. Because of this - combined with its powerful ... Views: 1355
Everyone who’s ever heard “eat your vegetables” knows how good green foods are for you. The real winners in the nutrition showcase are the dark, leafy greens like kale, spinach & collard. Each leaf has a giant list of diet and nutrition improving benefits, so you would think everyone would want ... Views: 1195
You may have heard about her . . .
Just a freshman in college, Lauren Hill is doing incredible things . . .
She just played in her first NCAA basketball game, scoring 4 points with two uncontested layups . . .
She’s now gracing the front of a Wheaties box . . .
And she’s been ... Views: 1345
There is no doubt about it, we all lead stressful lives. Work, family, finances, traffic, even the television shows we watch contribute to our daily stress levels. All of these little stresses can take a toll on our bodies leaving us tired, irritable, unable to concentrate and even open us up ... Views: 1221
A recipe for change?
30 October 2014
One more contest to go! Next week – NIFMA World's in Dublin then it's going to be a focus on gaining some more muscle over the next 18 months or so even tho I'm an old git now!
I have found that prioritising basic compound movements has given me ... Views: 1533
Cold pressing juice is a trend that is becoming more and more popular around the world. But why? Does cold pressing juice actually make the juice more healthy for you than traditional juice? It turns out that yes, cold pressing juice is a good idea. Here is why cold pressing juice is a good ... Views: 1279
In today’s fast paced society most people tend to disregard health until they run into trouble. What is not realized is the fact that some very simple precautions can make a huge difference in their health and subsequent quality of life. The old saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' has ... Views: 2863
Nothing revolutionizes your health like the power of green. The way I see it, the more green goodness you get in your diet, the better.
Better yet, mix it up! Each plant on this planet has its own particular flavor and aesthetics. Not to mention its unique nutritional value.
So while the ... Views: 1446
Nothing revolutionizes your health like the power of green. The way I see it, the more green goodness you get in your diet, the better.
Better yet, mix it up! Each plant on this planet has its own particular flavor and aesthetics. Not to mention its unique nutritional value.
So while the ... Views: 1476
I hate vegetables. More specifically boiled veg. They just make me gag. For someone like me (a fitness and nutrition guy) you may be surprised that I’m telling you this. But I have to be honest with you, I hate them, especially boiled cabbage.
It all started in my childhood… My mother used ... Views: 1462
The old adage, “You are what you eat” is becoming increasingly true. What we choose to eat and when we eat it has a huge impact on how we feel. Here’s a fun list of foods you should eat to improve your mood fast!
Peanut Butter with Apple may be just the ticket. If you are feeling crabby your ... Views: 1513
It was in February of 2011 that I made the life-changing decision to revamp my diet. This was in conjunction with my decision to start working out so I could achieve those coveted muscles that I longingly sought. Growing up, I was always considered super-skinny (insert picture of Olive, Popeye's ... Views: 1261
Honey is the strongest natural energy booster, containing vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B, C, D, K, magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Normal color of honey is golden, but it can range from white to red and even black. The combination of honey and goat milk has been ... Views: 1444
For a truly wonderful cup of gourmet coffee, there are several important preparation and storage tips you should adhere to. The flavor of roasted coffee can easily be affected by its environment. Factors including sunlight, moisture, oxidation and odors can quickly modify the inherent taste ... Views: 1180
Many people, tend to become sluggish throughout the course of a regular day, especially at work! The worst time of day is usually early afternoon. After lunch, your body wants nap time, and your brain often has a hard time convincing it otherwise. If this sounds familiar to you, pay attention to ... Views: 1852
Fish oil is a supplement widely used by people to treat their various ailments. Fish oil is an ingredient absolutely perfect to have a strong body, especially to withstand stress and fatigue. Fish oil is the best source of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fish oil supplements have are the ... Views: 1236
Health supplements are a huge industry in most civilized countries and a lot of people don't trust them. It is important to understand this one fact: supplements are good, but they are not miracles. Unfortunately, a few clever salesmen tried to convince people otherwise, and everyone saw right ... Views: 1324
Balance on all levels especially health does not need to be so difficult. But unfortunately due to the fast lane society we involve ourselves in it's not easy. We find ourselves depleted and as always searching for the right tools and ingredients to help re-gain our body balance.
With a good ... Views: 1611
If you're interested in a natural alternative to help try and control your diabetes, or have a high risk of developing the condition and want to do something to prevent it, the green lipped mussel diabetes remedy could be worth a try. It seems like an unlikely solution to this serious health ... Views: 3746
Unfortunately, high blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is a growing health concern. One in three Americans are said to suffer from it these days. A bevy of chemical drugs are available to control it but they have some pretty nasty side effects, and people usually find they need to take ... Views: 5130
Many individuals seek to discover what oils they can consume to cut belly fat such as safflower oil but now a new U.S.-Canadian study suggests that canola and high-oleic oils can lower abdominal fat.
This new research was presented by American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions in New ... Views: 1849
Most of us take the ability to look around and see our world for granted. Vision is all but a birthright for most of us and we don’t often stop to think of just how intricate and magical the process of eyesight can be! Our eyes are actually muscles and boy, do they work hard: the eyes are the ... Views: 1655
Your skin has many other purposes other than being beautiful and serving as an eye candy for everyone. It protects our internal organs from any of the external adversities as far as possible.
First a little Information about Cucumbers
Types of cucumber include:
Dosakai - A cucumber that ... Views: 1420
We all know by now abs are made in the kitchen and revealed in the gym, so let me just jump right into it, here are the 6 foods to eat daily to lose stomach fat:
Brussels Sprouts
Bok Choy
These 6 vegetables are all members of the cruciferous family ... Views: 1130
Juicing is a fun way to add delicious nutrition to your daily consumption. You can juice most fruits and vegetables for a flavorful and healthy treat any time of day. By following these tips, you are certain to get the most benefit from the juicing experience. Begin today to enjoy ... Views: 1113
Respond to from someone asking about about how to grow taller naturally.
Were you aware that you'll be able to actually change your height merely by making a few improvements in your eating plan? Merely by starting as soon as possible, not only you can boost your height and certainly reap the ... Views: 1899
Vitamins for Energy Extraction:
Just as we need a daily dose of energy in the form of calories to sustain ourselves and perform various household, professional, sports, and leisure activities, we also need something that lets our body to extract energy from these calories. Merely gorging on ... Views: 1204
Is there such a thing as foods that help you lose weight fast? Of course! People who want to lose weight usually understand they need to change how much they eat. What they may fail to understand is that there are certain foods that they can eat which can make them lose weight ... Views: 1506
Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. More and more people are buying the latest supplements and following the latest training fad. All of this is for naught if we eat garbage. By this I mean, a diet that consists highly processed products and fast foods. You can buy every pill under ... Views: 1615
A handful of minor modifications in your diet program may be all you have to do to achieve your goal of clear skin. By making informed healthy decisions in the food many of us eat we can improve our skin, together with our bodies and mind. If we are the food we eat, and we eat healthy, then our ... Views: 1296
• People who eat tuna at least once a week have lover incidence of dry eye syndrome.
Protect your eyes
• Goji berries contain more iron per ounce than steak, more vitamin C than oranges, and more betacarotene than carrots. They also have zeaxanthin which protects your eyes ... Views: 1944
Cut colon cancer risk
· Yellow onions are 11 times more helpful to fight colon cancer than white onions.
· Regularly consuming tuna, sardines, or salmon lowers colon cancer risk by 76%.
· Trail mix, packed with magnesium, cuts colon cancer risk by ... Views: 1393
Pefect health
· Eat orange to lower your cholesterol – such as carrots.
· Bring down cholesterol with green tea
CLA lowers your cholesterol
· A daily 3 g.-dose of conjugated linoleic acid helps women lose up to five pounds of belly ... Views: 1739
Bladder health /Cancer
Try the berry cure for great health
· Berries and lemon juice contains as many caner-preventing flavonoids as five cups of broccoli.
Your health
· Men who drink plenty of low-sugar fluids have a lower risk of developing bladder cancer.
· ... Views: 2690
Home remedies for arthritis
• Quaker Oats helps with arthritis flare ups – but not eating the oatmeal, instead applying it to your aching joints!
The healing power of ginger
• Cayenne pepper and ginger reduce the pain of arthritis.
• Ginger also reduces the pain and swelling ... Views: 3118
Hello This is Emily and I just wanted to share 3 simple raw food recipes for all of you to enjoy over the holidays. I know thanksgiving has already passed, but you can always think about next year. So here I go something from me to you.
Remember nothing is to be cooked we are focusing on ... Views: 1328