More and more people are having trouble getting a good night’s rest. People are turning to those sleep elixirs that we see at the convenience store registers (in bottles similar to 5 Hour Energy) and sleeping pills. Believe it or not, I know a doctor who drinks Nyquil every night so that she can ... Views: 2040
Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. More and more people are buying the latest supplements and following the latest training fad. All of this is for naught if we eat garbage. By this I mean, a diet that consists highly processed products and fast foods. You can buy every pill under ... Views: 1617
If you are like most people, one of your New Year’s resolutions was to eat healthier and get in better shape. This can be a daunting task if you have never worked out or put any thought into what you eat. Well, it’s been 3 weeks. Have you made any progress? I hope so, but if not, you should keep ... Views: 1015
The key to enjoying life is good health. One cannot enjoy wealth, success at business, creative expression or a loving relationship without taking care of their health first. Do not procrastinate because of youth, lack of time or good genes. Everyone needs to start good habits early in ... Views: 1146