Curt Gorlick, The Life Choice Strategist, an expert coach and public speaker on mindset and successful life skill strategies helps baby boomers navigate smoothly through their ordinary and extraordinary life struggles, guiding them into the life and relationships they want. Having experienced living life in anger, overwhelm, and frustration, Curt knows first-hand how to Break the Barriers to Happiness. Get your FREE report, “Tips From Break The Barriers To Happiness” at
Curt Gorlick, The Life Choice Strategist, an expert coach and public speaker on mindset and successful life skill strategies helps baby boomers navigate smoothly through their ordinary and extraordinary life struggles, guiding them into the life and relationships they want. Having experienced living life in anger, overwhelm, and frustration, Curt knows first-hand how to Break the Barriers to Happiness.
Get your FREE report, Tips From Break The Barriers To Happiness at