You’ve heard it said that life is all about choices. Do you believe it?

If it is true, why do so many people go through life choosing to live the way their feeling now? Why in the world would anyone choose to live life feeling miserable?

It is a great question. If more people really thought about this question their life would be so different –
different in great ways!

We all have the choice of living from intention or circumstance. Which one would you choose? Looking at your life now, which one did you choose? Stay with me here and say your answer out loud. What’s coming up for you?

There are those who choose to live a life from intention, focus, and purpose. These are the people who wake up in the morning with the mindset of having a great day, and no one or nothing is going to spoil it.
These people don’t leave things to chance. They plan their day accordingly and for the most part that’s the way it turns out.

Think about it, when their day turns out the way they want it to, wouldn’t it make perfectly good sense that their week, month, year and life will turn out the same?

On the other hand, more people than not live from circumstance. These are the people, who wake up in the morning with such thoughts as these racing through their minds.

“I sure hope nothing goes wrong today.”

“Yesterday was a bad day. Nothing seemed to go right. I hope today is better.”

“Having that same old argument with my spouse makes me angry.
Why can’t we just communicate better”?

“Why is this happening to me? I’m a nice person!”

I think you get the point.

You know your own story. It should be very familiar to you. Do you wake up with such thoughts?

This is your life and you only get one chance at it. If things aren’t going the way you want, I encourage you to choose to do things differently.

For many years I lived from circumstance. It got to the point where I would toss and turn all night. I just couldn’t sleep. I’d think about…

Who I used to be…

Who I had become….

And all the negative things that were happening to me...

With thoughts like these racing continually through your mind, sleep comes only out of sheer exhaustion.

To make matters worse, when I was miserable I lived a lie. I’d get out of bed, get ready to start the day and before leaving the house I’d put on a fake smile so others didn’t know how upset and frustrated I was on the inside.

After living that way far too long, I decided to stop being in bad relationships, to stop feeling angry, disappointed, and frustrated. I chose right then to live from intention.

Did this make a difference?

You bet! I now live the life I love!

Will you choose to live from intention from this day forward? You can make the choice of not letting circumstances run your life. Will you make that choice?

Author's Bio: 

Curt Gorlick, The Life Choice Strategist, is an expert coach on mind set and successful life skill strategies. Curt helps baby boomer’s live happy, fulfilled, and successful lives. Curt provides proven steps to help people who are tired of living a life filled with frustration and disappointment. He knows what that’s like. He used to live it, but now he lives the life he loves. To get your Complimentary 7-Step Success Mind Set Course, visit