In times of change we need positive solutions to help our teams become more resilient… to Bounce Forward™ and remain focused, inspired and engaged!
As President of Hammond International Inc., Charmaine Hammond helps individuals, teams, businesses, government departments, and corporations improve resilience, and inspired performance. An expert in team relations, communication, and conflict resolution, Charmaine helps identify and resolve what gets in the way of success and bouncing forward!
Resolving conflicts and building teams behind bars and in boardrooms, former Correctional Officer and Mediator, Charmaine helps you overcome the three most challenging workplace issues: conflict, communication and team relationships. She has a Master’s Degree in Conflict Analysis & Management.
Charmaine is author of the bestselling book On Toby’s Terms (Bettie Youngs Books publishers, Sept. 2010) which is in development to become a motion picture! She weaves in portions of this story and relates them to teams, business and the workplace. Her new book, co-authored with Debra Kasowski, GPS Your Best Life - Charting Your Destination & Getting There In Style is both a professional and personal development guide. Charmaine is also author of Bounce Forward and Toby The Pet Therapy Dog.
She has been featured on many TV and radio programs including Alberta Prime Time, CTV, Global News, CTSTV, CBC Radio, CTV, CHAM 820 Radio and many forms of print media.
Twitter: @hammondgroupbiz