While watching a "sell this home" type TV show, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between renovating a home to sell it and developing effective sales skills in teams.
In the television episode, a woman was selling her home to downsize because her children had all left for college and she no longer required the larger home she now lived in. The Realtor held an open house to see how the home would be received by prospective buyers. The feedback from the attendees who toured the home was not overly positive. They made comments like, "It is dated", "It is too dark", "I don't understand what this room is for", "Too busy and cluttered", and the list list went on. You get the drift. To address some of these issues, the home stager suggested that a coat of paint to some low cost fake wood furniture would actually improve the aesthetics, modernize the room, and make the room look fresh. The home owner resisted this suggested strongly. It was her belief that wood should not be painted, even fake wood! She was so attached to what she knew and how it has always been that she could not see what it could be like.
This occurs in teams too! Team members become so attached to the way it has always been (even if it no longer serves them) they emphatically resist how it could be. You hear comments like, "Why change, we've always done it this way", or "It works just fine the way we do it now". Sometimes the current way really is THE WAY. However, in many cases, there is opportunity to change things up a bit instead of doing what has always been done before. Unfortunately, it is often very difficult for teams and leaders to acknowledge when a system process, service, or approach is no longer serving them well.
Just as attendees at an open house must clearly understand the purpose of a room (e.g. is it a kitchen, a den, etc.), we must clearly understand the purpose of our business and the vision for the future. When team members understand these things about the companies they work with they will be able to passionately and clearly share that with others, including our next customers. When teams understand these aspects of their companies, it is then that they can explore how things COULD be.

Author's Bio: 

Charmaine Hammon, MA, BA, is an international transformational speaker, helping people live inspired, resilient lives and is a leading trainer in corporate North America helping transform workplaces. Charmaine is also an award winning and bestsellng author of On Toby's Terms (Bettie Youngs Books, Sept 2010), Toby the Pet Therapy Dog-and his hospital friends (Bettie Youngs Book, Aug 2011), and Bounce Forward (Hammond International Publishing, April 2011)