We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Body Language". If you have expertise in Body Language and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
During the 2008 presidential debates, the Wall Street Journal reported that Michelle Obama told Barack to get out of his head and into his body-to sit back and let his feelings flow. In the language of Whole Body Consciousness (WBC) that I have sketched out in my book, What's Your Body Telling ... Views: 2292
There is an epidemic of self confidence deficiency. This is caused by change. Apparently more change has taken place in the last 40 years than in the whole history of mankind and every one of us is tasked with doing things differently. It is said that if we never experience a lack of confidence ... Views: 2392
Mandy*, a bright, attractive professional woman, had a fear of speaking in front of groups. Recognizing that her feelings of vulnerability and self-consciousness were limiting her potential, she showed up for a presentation skills class filled with trepidation.
When speaking in public, it is ... Views: 1822
The Winner’s Walk is a key strategy in the sport of life/business. When you meet somebody new, your perception of the person and what you feel about them is based 93% on body language. When you walk like a Winner, people will feel your presence and know you have something to offer. We all know ... Views: 2354
55% of any message we give out is “unconscious” and we are constantly giving out these signals on a regular and daily basis and other people are “reading” our body language all the time.
Think about it. How many times do you make a judgement on someone you’ve just met, whether it be positive ... Views: 1994
Trend-spotting off the Beaten Path
Style-makers and trendsetters, even Hollywood celebrities, have long known the benefits of combing Goodwill Stores for hidden gems, but a funny thing happened on our way through the recession. Goodwill stores across North America noticed an increase in ... Views: 3627
If experience is the greatest teacher, and hindsight is 20/20, then what can be said of observation?
Observation is defined as: 1 a: an act or instance of observing a custom, rule, or law b: observance 2 a: an act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence often involving measurement with ... Views: 7986
Fairy tales made it easy for people to tell if someone is lying to them through Pinnochio’s ever-growing nose. Every lie makes the wooden boy’s nose grow longer. Unfortunately, real life isn’t that easy. And frankly, spontaneously growing noses can be quite creepy when on a real human person. ... Views: 3946
In today’s competitive job market, once invited an interview it is critical that you put your best foot forward. Polishing your verbal skills for an interview is important, but in the end it is all about how they perceive you, and you have one chance to make a first impression. Interpersonal ... Views: 1660
We all have crushes. Sometimes they are innocent...like when you're in 3rd Grade. And sometimes they are not as innocent...like when you're married and lust for another. Can you relate?
In my book Yeah Dave's Guide to Livin' the Moment (which launched today--March 17), there's a chapter ... Views: 3123
During pre-historic times, humans already have a way of applying flirting body language to show the opposite sex that they like what they see. Of course, we were a bit more frank then, and the codes were easier to decipher. Nowadays, we have already learned the art of subtlety, which makes the ... Views: 9037
Nonverbal communication is as important as verbal communication. The process of communication does not complete without its nonverbal components. In order to truly express yourself and convey the message properly to your target audience, the expressions, gestures, tone and pauses in the speech ... Views: 2880
Don’t you just wish you know enough mind reading techniques to help advance your career? Or perhaps you’d like to use them to deal with relationships? Whatever your reason might be, you don’t have to settle for just wishing anymore.
There are mind reading techniques out there that are ... Views: 4081
Women are often hard to understand. But trying to decipher men’s motives are not that easy either. After all, guys are not exactly known for being expressive with their emotions. They have a tendency to mask their true feelings. However, reading a man’s body language can change all ... Views: 7252
Do you believe in love at first sight? Maybe you do. Maybe you don’t. But you have to believe in the eye body language of love. The eyes have the power to reveal almost anything. If you know how to read and use them correctly, you could apply this knowledge to your advantage and up your game a ... Views: 9138
Body language and tone of voice convey 93% of our messages - not words - according to Dr. Albert Mehrabian, international expert on non-verbal communication. Surprisingly, spoken words account for only seven percent of what listeners perceive.
With this in mind, let's visit some ... Views: 2569
Six months ago, an out-of-town client called to ask my input. She was in a meeting with the president of an association where she is chairing the annual gala as a volunteer. Also present were several of her committee members as well as an outside consultant hired by the organization.
She ... Views: 2726
Body language is a reflection of a person’s non-verbal communication. It includes movements or expressions that are so subtle the person may not even be aware of it themselves. Albert Mehrabian conducted a research in 1971 and concluded that there are three elements in any face to face ... Views: 3003
Love is in the air, so they say. And love is also in a person’s body language. You know… The way people act or the way their eyes seem to shine? The way something’s different about their smiles and the way their whole face brightens up? Believe it or not, people reveal it in their body language ... Views: 9810
Worried about being worried sick? Is laughter really the best medicine? Your body may know you’re depressed before you do and doing it’s best to get your attention. There is growing evidence, supported by research, indicating your mental state really influences your body’s ability to protect ... Views: 2615
Ever thought about what does your body do when you tell a lie? If not, then you should pay closer attention to it since it can be valid indicators of lying.
Body language effectively communicates what your lips are trying to cover up. Some people are very good detectors of physical ... Views: 2476
Nonverbal gestures are just as important as spoken words. Why? Because body language has the power to give away a person’s true intentions. Whether you’re the one making them or the person observing, it’s still important to know the meaning behind some of the most common nonverbal gestures. Your ... Views: 3526
A Face Reading article yesterday set me thinking. It was a New York Daily News feature, posted at Yahoo, sent by one of my apprentices. And I’m delighted that Face Reading has been brought to public attention. But I went “Wait-a-minute” when the face reader mentioned that she uses it to tell ... Views: 4234
It doesn’t matter how much you know in your personal or professional life; your knowledge is quite useless, unless you know how to communicate it to others, and I don’t just mean with the words you use. I’m also talking about the nonverbal communication, or body language, that goes on in every ... Views: 2172
Your nonverbal communication, which is more frequently but narrowly referred to as body language, is a universally overlooked area to improve your confidence in communication and general self-perception. The majority of people aim to build their confidence but rarely consider the power of ... Views: 5573
Knowing how to read body language is an incredibly great advantage for you. Just by careful observance, you can actually figure out what a person is thinking; or in some cases, trying to hide. This skill alone puts you two or three steps ahead of other people.
Learning how to read body ... Views: 2084
Ever wonder why there are times you experience body pain and other times you don’t? Ever wonder why there are mornings you wake up feeling tight all over and other mornings you feel free and flexible? Then there are those times when you’re in conversation with someone and suddenly the topic ... Views: 4034
It’s sad that a lot of people get away with telling lies. But the good news is that there are nonverbal signs of lying that can help you figure out who’s sincere and who’s deceptive.
Learning to detect nonverbal signs of lying is a handy skill to have. It helps you steer ... Views: 2848
How do you know if somebody likes you or not? Fortunately, the rules haven’t changed much since you were in high school. By learning how to observe body language and sign of attraction, you’ll be able to determine whether someone likes you or not.
Body language and sign of ... Views: 2887
Ancient calendars consisted of 13 months, or moon cycles, in a year with a very even rhythm to them. A four week cycle when the moon goes from dark waxing to full to waning to dark again. Some people speculate that church changed the calendars to the Gregorian calendar in 1582 which gave us the ... Views: 1876
Here is a somewhat surprising statistic, only 7% of communication is transferred through the spoken word or whatever is actually said. The rest is transferred through the tone of your voice and your body language - as much as 55%! That makes it a great area for personal development.
Improving ... Views: 1350
Knowing how to read body language is important because nonverbal cues often communicate more than what a person is verbally saying. These nonverbal cues may even be used to detect if a person is telling a lie. However, the intention in knowing how to read body language stems from the desire to ... Views: 3735
Detecting liars is relatively easy, especially when you know what signs to look for. There are two ways in detecting liars: through what they say and how they act. Hence, you must inform yourself of common telltale signs for you to know whether the person you are talking to is lying.
What They ... Views: 3439
Just the other day a sales person told me she would do whatever it took to make me happy and that really ticked me off! Why would that be? Shouldn’t I be thrilled that she was offering to do whatever it took to make me happy? No, because the words didn’t match her body language. As she was ... Views: 1645
When communicating, your body language (facial expressions, gestures, movement, eye contact and voice) should match your message. If there is a disconnect between what you say and your non-verbal communications, your audience will believe your non-verbals.
Movement and gestures are key ... Views: 9608
When you meet someone or present to an audience, do your words match your non-verbal communications?
If there is a disconnect between verbal and non-verbal communications, your audience will
believe your non-verbals. Studies show that more than 90% of our communication is non-verbal.
... Views: 2554
Whether you're speaking to an audience of one or many, it's important to make eye contact in order to connect.
Eye contact demonstrates your willingness to connect to the audience on a personal level. It also shows that you are confident and proves that the information resides in your head, ... Views: 2151
It might be difficult to tell if a person is telling the truth, especially if you’re not aware of the body language signs of a liar.
In fact, many scammers and fraudsters nowadays are lying their way to profit and popularity by deceiving their customers, bosses, or even their ... Views: 2308
This is the second article of a two-part series on using the power of your voice to convey meaning and emotion to your audience. Along with eye contact, gestures, movement and facial expression, your voice is a key component of non-verbal communications.
Your voice has an incredible range and ... Views: 1247
If you are delivering a speech to a crowd, it is very important that you make use of body language in communication to drive your point home.
In truth, this extra gesture can generate a lot of emotions, as well as ideas on how you want your audience to understand your meaning.
Body language ... Views: 1762
How can you tell whether a person is lying to you or not? Aside from confirming the truth, there is an immediate way of knowing, and this is by reading a person’s body language signs of lying. It’s not that difficult to see once you know all the indicators.
Body language signs of ... Views: 4214
In conversations, especially in serious ones, you can’t help but assess whether someone is telling the truth or not. You do not know what your bases are for your assessment, but you just know it instinctively.
Is it possible to do something like that? Yes, through lying body language, ... Views: 5762
What Distinguishes Charismatic from Credible Presidential Candidates?
Barak Obama has laser-focus eye contact; Mitt Romney is tall and attractive; Giuliani smiles, gestures and laughs before he speaks. These presidential candidates have Charisma, with a capital "C." Their body language gives ... Views: 2070
On his way to the first televised presidential debates, Richard Nixon bumped his knee severely while getting out of his car. Refusing stage make-up for his appearance and sweating profusely, he stood behind his podium favoring his injured leg, his body leaning to one ... Views: 3009
I was thinking about body language the other day and this memory from my days on the Professional Women’s Tennis Tour walked through my mind:
During a tournament, when it was your turn to play, the tournament director or one of their staff would call out both your name and your ... Views: 1700
Body language is a vital part of the whole communication process. It can determine either a positive or negative reaction from the one you are talking to.
Examples on body language may come from any part of the body: eyes and eyebrows, lips, arms, and any other part that the receiver of the ... Views: 4704
The electricity in your wall socket has to be grounded to function properly and safely. In addition, things like your computer have to be safely plugged in and grounded. This is true for you too! You have to be grounded to function properly and safety.
According to Barbara Brennan in her ... Views: 1822
Your words may be saying one thing but your body may be
giving out a completely different message! Most of us are very
fluent in reading body language even if we don’t realise it.
The actual words that someone uses only account for about 7%
of the message we receive with over the half the ... Views: 1874
Of all the nonverbal communication signals, eye body language is probably the most fascinating. They say the eyes are “the windows to the soul.” I agree, since your eyes pretty much reveal your inner thoughts and feelings.
Even more amazing is the fact that you can use eye body ... Views: 2027
Want to know how to detect lies by reading eye body language? In this article, I’ll reveal some extraordinary tips on how to catch a liar simply by interpreting the body language signs given by the eyes.
Reading eye body language may not be 100% accurate all the time. But by combining ... Views: 2497