Those of us know Reiki are familiar with the Reiki principles which serve as guides to a peaceful, harmonious, satisfying life. It is part of what we affirm in attuning our selves to the frame of mind we intend to be in for the effective practice of Reiki.
They are simple, and you can easily ... Views: 1687
Reiki comes through the heart, both the heart of the healer and the heart of the one seeking healing. A heart full of love is a heart full of courage and compassion. In order to be of service as a Reiki healer, a person must be willing to open their heart with compassion to be a conduit of ... Views: 2206
What is Reiki like? Picture yourself lying on a comfortable massage table. You don't have to discuss or analyze anything. You don't have to do anything. You just have to be open to receive the energy. Just relax and know that whatever is bothering you can be aided by the simple loving, kind, ... Views: 2007
Have you ever felt the different kinds of connections between kinds of energy?
It feels natural and effortless to feel the Reiki energy moving, sort of like swimming and feeling the ebb and flow of the water. Sometimes I have to reaffirm that I am opening to my fullest potential. Then I feel ... Views: 1206
Find out how Reiki energy healing can enhance your beauty. Add this special secret ingredient to your array of other beauty treatments.
Most women who think about ways to enhance their beauty look to those things which are external, solutions that come in the form of diets, workouts, creams, ... Views: 6132
Science fiction always includes and enjoys playing with possibilities of all sorts. Authors enjoy imagining the world from different perspectives, making suppositions about what the world would be like had various events turned out differently.
Interestingly, many of the things that sci-fi ... Views: 1282
Every so often, people will bring up the subject of 2012 because some people say that is the end of the Mayan Calendar and they believe that some phenomenal change will happen that year because of that fact.
Remember Y2K? In the run up to that New Year at the turn of the millennium, lots of ... Views: 1214
Today the sky is overcast, the trees have golden yellow leaves, the black bark of the trunk and branches can be seen through the light colored leaves, and what was once a giant green presence will shortly be a skeleton silhouetted against the sky. We see the same thing in different ways on ... Views: 1142
One of the things that people new to the study of Tarot have the most difficulty understanding is that although the designers of the cards had meanings in mind when they drew the pictures, that each person who looks at them will get different messages from them.
That is why in readings, you can ... Views: 2284
At this time of year, we see the patterns of birds flying south for the winter. If you live in the north, you mostly see times of year where there is an absence of birds and a time of year when there is an abundance of birds. If you live in the south, there are always many kinds of birds, and ... Views: 1197
You could describe our journey into sleep every night as our soul's migration into another realm. It journeys into a landscape of a parallel level of time space and brings us back images or vignettes of that journey.
We can see our dream states as a time when other communications come to us, ... Views: 2099
Who are our spirit guides? There are many possibilities. They can be gods or goddesses, ancestors, angels, fairies, totem animals or birds, friends or relatives who we knew in this lifetime and have already crossed over. Some people have saints that they relate to, and that is the same thing by ... Views: 1413
We have all heard the phrase, "I am spiritual, but not religious." Perhaps we have even used that phrase to describe ourselves or our practices. Typically, people attended whatever church or religion their parents chose. Usually they would take us to church with them or send us to schools or ... Views: 1012
Right now, of course, you cannot turn on your radio, TV or computer without hearing endless chatter about the elections. That is to be expected in an election year.
Notice the energy right now. People who are advocating for their candidates are very intense, and that makes sense too. With an ... Views: 936
A book that has stuck in my mind for a long time was Executive in Passage by Donald Marrs. In brief, he begins his story as the vice president of an international advertising firm, Leo Burnett. He questions the fact that part of his job is to make ads that sell cigarettes, even though he had ... Views: 1008
Why have people speculated over the years that Shakespeare's works must have really been the product of someone else?
Because many people have had trouble believing that a man who was poor, the son of a glovemaker, who had little formal education, could have written plays that demonstrated a ... Views: 1190
R. Carlos Nakai, the person responsible for making the music of the Native American wooden flute popular, is a true Renaissance man.
I have had the pleasure of hearing him play in person as well as hearing his recordings and interviewing him. I liked the sound of the instrument so much that I ... Views: 979
In most Tarot decks based on the classic Rider Deck and those modeled after that design, the suit of pentacles is the suit that speaks of business and money. In the 3,7 & 8 of pentacles, we see images that feature a person who is focused on their work, is proud of their accomplishments and gains ... Views: 1470
One of the enduring mysteries of life is death. Why is it that we care about what happens after we die? Is it that the thought of just a short span on Earth is not enough for us? That we hunger for life so much that we want it to continue even if we have to imagine some other form for it to ... Views: 1074
I like to think that our spirit guides take many forms. Yours will generally take whatever form you wish to see them in. So they can be angels, fairies, gods, goddesses, earth spirits, and ancestors.
Ancestors to me mean those people all the way back there, whose names we do not know, and who ... Views: 1251
Every time we see a picture, our mind gets some kind of feeling or message, some flash of intuition. Think about the last time you walked through an art museum or gallery. The pictures you liked, you stopped and looked at for a while. Those pictures communicated something to you. The pictures ... Views: 1163
The suit of cups (also chalices, cauldrons, grails, hearts) is the suit of emotions. This includes love, friendship, trust, happiness, faith, and intuition, our gut instinct. How many times do we make decisions based on gut instinct?
How many times do we choose our friends, lovers and business ... Views: 1113
Those of us know Reiki are familiar with the Reiki principles which serve as guides to a peaceful, harmonious, satisfying life. It is part of what we affirm in attuning our selves to the frame of mind we intend to be in for the effective practice of Reiki.
They are simple, and you can easily ... Views: 934
When I was younger, I played guitar, and that opened many doors. People would come over in the evening just to share music, sitting in a circle in the living room, playing and singing. Picking up a guitar and lunching into a song was a sure way to meet people. One of the keys to that though, was ... Views: 1518
"Leaves of Grass" is one of the original works of American metaphysical literature, equal to the great ecstatic spiritual poetry of Rumi. I often wonder why it has not been used as source material in the same way that Rumi's poetry has inspired the creation of music, or how the Dances of ... Views: 2693
These two suits are confusing to some people because different designers attach different meanings to the symbols. Here is a way to think about the difference. Who wields a sword? Who carries a staff? The sword is about the use of intellect and will power. Warriors charge into battle, hacking ... Views: 3464
Just like people love a good mystery story because it tickles their minds into working to put a bigger picture together out of little pieces, the same is true for the way we are captivated by UFOs crop circles, near death experiences, reincarnation, the many forms that spirit takes, and so ... Views: 1229
With all the talk about affirmations and positive thinking, we may start to reorient ourselves into chatterboxes that sometimes talk to ourselves and sometimes to others.
Take note, however, that there is an old and honored tradition that says that sometimes we will be more powerful in ... Views: 934
As the leaves fall from the trees and the foliage turns color, the harvest season comes to its conclusion and our thoughts turn to deep inner yearnings as the seasons turn from fall into winter.
September-December brings a concentrated number of holidays and holy days that are invested with ... Views: 7659
When I used to work in the Renaissance Fair, Tarot readers were classified as entertainers, along with the musicians, actors, jugglers, dancers and clowns. That did not offend me. I love to meet people and read for them in any circumstance, and if it is a festive one, that is fine with me.
Over ... Views: 1217
I have not always handled my money wisely. Like some of you, I made some investments that bottomed out. Divorces diminish a person's net worth. And yes, I could have also set more aside, but chose to spend it instead. So I work a full time day job plus work at developing my own business evenings ... Views: 1175
Although the concept of seven chakras is known far and wide these days, some old traditions in Europe utilized a system of three energy centers, and those would have been located at the sexual area, heart and third eye.
This more compact and simple system considered that these were the three ... Views: 1691
If you are a person who likes to read for pleasure and enlightenment, there is always something new vying for your attention. Of course, although new books are enticing, the old classics are often worth another look. There are layers of meanings that are revealed to a mature person that escape ... Views: 1127
If you were writing your own life story, how would it read? Something like this?
I had a number of incidents in my life where I almost died. I always had the feeling that it was more than luck. Yet no clear message came through to me about if there was some important reason why I was still ... Views: 973
What have been the pivotal moments in your life? What have been the real life changing events? The moments of illumination? The moments when you realized something important that would change the course of events to come?
You know. Like when you played in a concert that was well attended and ... Views: 11343
My mother has had some of the same friends her entire life. This fact is not so extraordinary among older generations. You see, my mother has lived in the same house her entire life. She has ventured farther than that to go on vacations. Some of the women she went to grammar school or high ... Views: 1183
Ancient calendars consisted of 13 months, or moon cycles, in a year with a very even rhythm to them. A four week cycle when the moon goes from dark waxing to full to waning to dark again. Some people speculate that church changed the calendars to the Gregorian calendar in 1582 which gave us the ... Views: 1876
When I go for a hike in the mountains these days, I like to take a leisurely pace, pausing to enjoy the scent of the trees and plants, marveling at the brilliant little bursts of color that wildflowers bring to the trail, many times even managing to spring up from between a couple rocks in the ... Views: 931
Feel the energy pulsing through your body. Feel your body respond when you express a desire to move. Even if you are tired, your will to send energy through your body will sense the energy even before your muscles move.
Imagine yourself in another place. Feel your body respond. Turn your ... Views: 1201
When I used to work in the Renaissance Fair, Tarot readers were classified as entertainers, along with the musicians, actors, jugglers, dancers and clowns. That did not offend me. I love to meet people and read for them in any circumstance, and if it is a festive one, that is fine with me.
Over ... Views: 1139
During the course of our life, there have been individuals who have been mentors to us. Since they can include relatives, friends, employers, teachers, clergy, and others, sometimes we may not think of them in those terms. There are places in life where we have mentors assigned, but this is not ... Views: 926