We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Body Language". If you have expertise in Body Language and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Do you have a bad habit like biting your nails, or twiddling with your hair? Maybe you can't help excavating your nose and ears - a habit that should definitely be eradicated! Well, if you do, the good news is that bad habits can be broken.
The first thing you need to do is to admit to ... Views: 2557
Whoever spent time as a child on a school playground and been the victim of name calling knows the deflective phrase used to counter those slurs, “sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me,” isn’t enough to overcome the impact of those bullying communications to youthful, ... Views: 2362
Fear of public speaking. Public speaking is impossible, without killing your, low self esteem. Low self esteem is, resulting of childhood thoughts, and memories.
Public speaking is impossible, without killing your low self esteem.
Low self esteem is resulting of childhood thoughts and ... Views: 1701
Business Entrepreneurship is undertaking, risk, and responsibility. It requires the elements of, curiosity, and adventure.
Business Entrepreneurship is undertaking risk and responsibility. It requires the elements of curiosity and adventure.
In the childhood, you are curious about, each ... Views: 1753
What Makes A Good Leader? 7 Essential Skills Of Leadership.
What makes a good leader? 7 Essential skills of leadership.
Leadership skills are, within you. Leader is the person, who nurtures the leadership qualities, available within him. Leadership is nothing but, fulfillment of, innate ... Views: 1908
A while ago, I was dragging around with very little energy. This is pretty unusual for me because I am accustomed to getting up early and starting work immediately -- and being able to work straight through the day (with a yummy break for swimming). However, less than two weeks before, I had ... Views: 1763
Not everyone can be a natural when meeting a group of people you never met for the first time. Business networking event is always a time where the most networking-savvy person will benefit the most. You can achieve equal excellence even if you are relatively inexperienced in ... Views: 2003
One of the most renowned public speakers and authors today; Roger Dawson has been a professional speaker since 1983. His forte was initially based around the real estate industry, and during this time we had an unbelievable empire in his back pocket. In all there were 28 different offices and ... Views: 2311
Before the Statute of Limitations runs out on making resolutions, I have a suggestion. Not a casual, easily cast aside resolution like signing up for spin class or cutting back on caffeine, but a biggie and one that calls for commitment. Executive presence is the core of my suggestion and in ... Views: 2354
Learn the Power of Eye Contact
What is eye contact?
Several popular definitions are:
1. Eye contact is one of the most important nonverbal channels you have for communicating and connecting with others.
2. Defined as a meeting of the eyes between two people expresses meaningful nonverbal ... Views: 1878
Walking with Purpose?
The way you walk says a lot about you—how you’re feeling, how approachable you are and what kind of attitude you have. Next time you’re waiting for someone or in a food court over lunch hour, look at the people going by. See if you can guess how they’re feeling by the ... Views: 2830
Definitions from the Merriam Webster dictionary:
Congruence – being in agreement with (AKA does this “ring true”?);
Resonance – a. the quality or state of being resonant; b. richness or significance, especially in evoking an association or strong emotion.
How do these terms apply to ... Views: 2871
Empower yourself by learning the technique of effective eye contact
To begin with, ask yourself one question, “What is the function of your eyes?” For me, the 2 inbuilt eyes from birth are intended to be used far more than the daily routine and inert viewing of objects, people and happenings ... Views: 2248
Detect Lies through Body Language
Be self empowered to become a walking lie detector
Before you proceed to read on this post, please kindly choose an option below:
a. Do you want to know more about lie detecting techniques and accept the fact that there are a lot of liars around you in ... Views: 2922
Presentation Skills – beat the fear and enjoy presenting!
Presentation skills aren’t something that you’re born with. They are something that you can learn.
After all, Barak Obama wasn’t born making speeches and Churchill started life with a voice impediment.
Presenting can be something ... Views: 1603
Outsourcing has achieved great boost ever since the IT revolution. The enhancement in computer expertise is another factor that has lead to more of outsourcing of services. Many companies began with outsourcing activities like data processing, human resources and accounting. Now we can see, even ... Views: 1448
Are you a confident speaker? Many may think that they are but when looking at their body language it tells a whole different story. The real problem with being a confident speaker is not how well you prepare or how well you string sentences together. Its absolutely about what you project as you ... Views: 2196
Self Empowerment by knowing the DO’S and DON’Ts of shaking hand
Never underestimate a simple gesture like a handshake can play a major role in the influence on how other people look at you and in creating a positive first impression which impact the subsequent meeting.
Basically, everyone ... Views: 2140
The main objective of statistics homework help is to improve students in mathematics and help students in achieving mathematics by motivating and appreciating the students.
Homework help makes the students to master in basic mathematics, algebra, calculus and statistics. Statistics homework ... Views: 1599
Welcome to The Munyer Method®
Neural Somatic Integration®
What Is Neural Somatic Integration?
Neural Somatic Integration: a breakthrough approach to mind-body healing that combines body-work with the latest understandings of human neurobiology.
Neural Somatic Integration (NSI) goes ... Views: 2345
Self Empowerment by recognizing and avoiding negative body language signal
Our body language mystically reveals far more information about our feeling than it is possible to convey verbally through conversation. All of the physical gestures we make are subconsciously interpreted by others and ... Views: 2022
I had a conversation with a VA last week who was trying to decide who her ideal client was. She had selected a market to work with that she thought would be a 'good market' because they needed a lot of support.
I asked her if she had any experience in that industry. She said no. I asked her ... Views: 1364
Your handshake says a lot about you. It can convey confidence, warmth, and honesty, or it can signal weakness, uncertainty, and disinterest. Either way, it sends a subtle yet powerful message about who you are, that is not lost on prospective buyers. Use these pointers to make sure your ... Views: 2289
How to Gesture And Double Your Communication Skills
Adults are learners too, so how do we get our point across (comprehension)
without sounding like a dominating school teacher?
If you visit your doctor and he says your x-rays are Benign, you are a lot
happier than if he says the results ... Views: 2011
Whether you are involved in public speaking, sales, presentations, training, or any other profession requiring you to convey a concept to another person, the goal should be to emotionally charge the room with the energy of your topic. The words you use are not as relevant as the feelings you ... Views: 1891
Why Mindfulness 101 is a Lifesaver
Are you curious about new scientific research on baby-easy meditation that can help overcome chronic insomnia, reduce high blood pressure, and support self-control over anxiety?
Would you be interested in scientific research on how about 9 minutes of ... Views: 2122
Being in love is physically similar to the buzz of taking drugs and also has withdrawal symptoms, an expert on addiction has said.
Dr. John Marsden said that dopamine - the drug released by the brain when it is aroused - has similar effects on the body and mind as cocaine or speed. ... Views: 2693
Nonverbal cues can often tell you more about a person than what that person spells out in an e-mail or conversation. One area where this comes up for many entrepreneurs is in hiring. When you ask most CEOs or business owners what keeps them up at night, it's either that they don't have enough ... Views: 4591
What do you think when you see a stranger look at you, for only a moment, yet smile at you with a type of grace and almost gratitude? Does it bother you ? Do you turn around to make sure they are actually smiling at you or assume they have seen someone they know behind you? Or do you simply ... Views: 2896
Did you know that the amount of eye contact you make is crucial to how people judge you? It's true. People who fail to make enough eye contact are seen as less confident, less capable, and maybe even less honest.
As Julius fast wrote in his book Body Language, “Of all parts of the human body ... Views: 6041
You have about ten seconds before a person decides, subconsciously, whether they like you or not. Also, the image or impression someone has of you the first time the person meets you will last the next seven time the person will come to meet you. All that to show how important and delicate it ... Views: 4179
Body language is a term for communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language or other communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. This includes ... Views: 2281
Nowadays people do not buy products or services because of their quality or price. In fact, they don’t even buy the product itself! How many times have you bought a product just by looking at it, having heard something good about it, or even having seen it on TV? This means that the product ... Views: 7109
Somehow, when we were young, we thought everything was possible for us. We could easily say "I want to be an astronaut" and truly believe so! No matter what happened, we could speak (and also laugh, cry and shout) in front of a lot of people, without even noticing it!
Somehow, as we grew ... Views: 4138
There’s the old saying: “It is better to give than to receive,” but really, that’s only the half of it, right?
“Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process,” said Jim Rohn.
Deepak Chopra, in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, refers to the Law of Giving: ... Views: 2528
After my Mom’s partial hip replacement in late July 2009, I recognized the resistance I was relying on while engaging with her. Mom’s default position when she experiences tough times in various forms is to want to die. “You know what I want. I want to be dead,” is her mantra. In response, I ... Views: 2549
This is a short article on body language, written as if you will do a presentation, and get feedback on it.
Speaking with Your Whole Body Time: 5 to 7 minutes
Our bodies talk all the time. 80 to 90% of our normal human communication is via our body language, and much of that is ... Views: 2519
Our bodies contain a wealth of information from which we can learn. I explored expanding my awareness of body data in a setting that was highly conducive to the flow of learning with the Pacific Ocean as part of the scenery and sounds outside our window walled classroom. I spent 26 class hours ... Views: 1770
Did you ever ask yourself if you have the ability to read the opposite gender's body language? How will your know if they are giving you a sign of attraction through their gesture? Can you interpret their signs? Usually parents can recognize if kids are lying or not through their eyes.
Well, ... Views: 4218
Touching comprises a significant part in human body language. A person's touch is able to transmit various messages that could be understood in different ways under certain circumstances. So be careful in touching somebody as you don't want to be misinterpreted in your intentions. In my book, ... Views: 2241
Self confidence is a nothing but a reflection of your beliefs about yourself.
If you see yourself as skilled, strong and capable you will feel confident while if you believe that you are worthless, helpless or weak then you will never feel confident.
One of the skills that can help you feel ... Views: 1893
The impression you make on people through your handshake influences how they feel about you. A proper handshake is even more important when meeting people for the first time. First impressions are lasting impressions. The manner in which you extend your hand, the degree of firmness and the ... Views: 2364
If I were to rank all the factors that go into creating a likable personality, I would have to place a friendly smile at the top of the list. A warm, authentic smile communicates feelings that words alone can’t possibly accomplish. A great smile radiates warmth, puts people at ease and makes a ... Views: 2233
I consider my body my most trusted advisor. I think it assimilates information from the Universe that I can’t understand fully at first. You see, I know the Universe wants my best life, but sometimes I don’t heed its advice – sometimes I’m convinced I don’t even hear it.
It’s like Oprah ... Views: 2066
Have you ever wondered why someone's words don't always match their body language? Observing the way people communicate, both verbally and nonverbally, can help you to assess what they might be feeling at the present moment. It can also help you to get to the heart of the issue, make someone ... Views: 3535
Perception of behavior is innate, we have been evaluating behavior and movement since our cave dwelling ancestors relied upon discernment for survival. Actually, in some ways we still rely on acumen for our well being on a daily basis, but now we may not even realize what we are doing. Working ... Views: 1547
Didja Know Emotional Verbs We Read Affect Our Judgment?
So What
How important is persuading, influencing and convincing folks to your
career and relationships?
For me it hits 99% because we are social animals and work with others or present what we accomplish to others. Get this: ... Views: 2012
A recent article from Canwest News Service said that recent research conducted at Hobart and William Smith College in New York state, has found that the “mere act of folding your arms increases perseverance and activates an unconscious desire to succeed.”
Now the first response of people when ... Views: 4740
Did you know that even if you never say a word, your face and body are constantly sending out messages to other people about your state of mind, your happiness, and your level of confidence.
And you have been reacting to the body language, voice tone, and facial expressions of those people ... Views: 4756
Stress is a major risk factor in almost every ailment you can think of, and yet millions around the globe lead a life of great stress. Of all the reasons that contribute to stress, work and workload is a major contributor. The two main reasons for people to feel stressed at work are – overload ... Views: 1987