One of the common plot lines of romantic comedies involves a relationship that has to change from a best of friends into a romantic couple.
The standard story elements are that one person has more intimate feelings for the other person. Or, each person doesn’t really know how she or he feels ... Views: 1506
If you’ve messed up the first date, you are not alone. Read these three true stories from my clients.
1. “Alyssa” agreed to meet Allen in person after ten days of emails, text messages and phone calls. She was really looking forward to meeting someone who seemed good for her.
The problem ... Views: 1725
Dear LeslieBeth,
I’m a successful, single business woman in my late thirties. My trusted friends told me I seem unhappy. I think my friends are right. I’m not unhappy about anything specific, and I don’t feel any more stress than usual. I searched the Internet for tips, but some of the tips are ... Views: 1739
You’ve read the dating articles. You feel armed with enough of the “right” questions to ask so you’ll never get fooled again.
You know to ask about their values, recent breakup, favorite music and movies, where they live, what they do for a living and whether they like animals and their ... Views: 1860
Unhappy with your primary doctor or specialist for a long time but too busy or unsure what to do about it?
If you are nodding your head yes, you are not alone. I’ve spoken with hundreds of professional women who say any or all of the following things about changing their doctor:
•“I don’t ... Views: 1396
The way your partner proposed to you might allow you to see into your future with this person.
Good card players can detect “tells”—those unconscious behaviors that give away information about a player’s hand.
When my clients described their feelings of disappointments or exhilaration ... Views: 1667
Colleges Rejected You?
Learn Top Tips of Intuitive Parents and Students—and Get Accepted!
Got rejected or wait-listed by your college or grad school? I got rejected in my senior year in high school by all the colleges I applied to! And, later, I got rejected on my first attempts at ... Views: 1820
There is NOTHING WRONG with choosing these men–but be sure you can trust your intuition to know how to detect the difference between a “take charge” man and a man who wants to take charge of YOU!
These tips come from my research with thousands of women for my book “Smart Relationships: How ... Views: 1825
Question: Leslie Beth, how would you describe your product or project?
Answer: Are you a woman who is often smart about work but not love? Do you flip back and forth between men who are too mild or mean? Do you know how to take off your Man Blinders so you can read men—and never be fooled ... Views: 1921
Making and keeping New Year’s resolutions is challenging—especially when you want to make the best resolutions about dating.
Don’t despair. You can make smart resolutions — and use your brain’s ability to undo old habits to keep your resolutions! Let’s start first with smart resolutions that ... Views: 1682
One day, “out of the blue,” when I was trying to find ways to help my clients, the idea of writing a list of Ten LoveCommandments came to mind.
My clients and research participants ask me many questions, and one of the most common one is: “How do I keep that spark alive with my partner?”
... Views: 1920
It’s difficult enough to meet someone who seems like a good love match. But then, over time, things happen between you and your partner that make you wonder: “Is this the right person for me?”
It seems as though it should be such an easy question to answer. But once you fall in love, your ... Views: 2323
Here is the age-old question: Can a man and woman be friends and stay strictly platonic? The answer is “Yo and Nes”—each word, as you can see, is a combination of Yes and No. So, how do you know if your friendship with a person of the opposite sex might cross over into “dangerous ... Views: 1756
How Women Can Boost Their Travel Mindfulness & Intuition
I’ve been fortunate enough to travel a lot – often alone – to give workshops and talks. I’ve also lived in another country that is very different culturally from my home in the United States. I mention this information because I was ... Views: 1298
Yep—soon it will be time for you to get: HOLIDAY SEASONAL STRESS DISORDER.
Symptoms of this disorder include:
Dreading being with some of your family members—and not knowing how to fend off those not so nice family comments about YOU!
Feeling lonely and unhappy
Spending too ... Views: 1368
I love traveling. I love it so much that while I am on vacation, I am already planning my next one! But I sure don't like packing. And unpacking is even worse! I must be a slow learner because it took years of making mistakes to learn what to take and what to take it in. You may not use all ... Views: 1725
Travel is great medicine for boosting your sex and love life. Don't have the money or time? Don't worry. All you need to do is cut back on a few unnecessary purchases such as that magazine, or comfort food, or that movie that you don't really need - and then find a day and a half to be together. ... Views: 1523
I am really angry—and sadden by how the media and the National Football League handled the domestic violence incident of Ray Rice against his fiancé, Janay Palmer, who is now his wife. For those of you who don’t know the details, here is a recap.
On Monday, September 8, 2014, the Baltimore ... Views: 1475
Secrets to Hiring Smart: New Ways to Mix Wisdom with New Formats, Questions and Intuition
In my career the task of hiring always landed on my desk. There were other “sets of eyes” on the potential employee, but I was often the first or last set of eyes. Over the years, I relied on a unique ... Views: 1340
It’s very scary to think you found Your Soul Mate, but you found instead Your Love Nightmare. What went wrong?
Getting smart about dating, mating, and relating relies, in part, on maintaining your ability to turn on your awareness lights about your observations of you and others. You are most ... Views: 1326
If you have never been in an abusive relationship, it’s easy to think: Why doesn’t the person just get out of it?
Well, think of these things:
An abuser knows exactly what emotional buttons to push in his or her partner.
The abuser is a master of finding that chink in the partner’s ... Views: 1578
We tend to give our partners more than second chances—even when they have betrayed, disappointed or hurt us physically or emotionally.
It’s as though we’ll do almost anything to defend against rocking the boat, and being alone or wrong about our love choices.
In this brief article ... Views: 2373
Are statistics about the odds of women finding love and happiness getting you down?
Don’t fret — get smart and think about you instead!
Virtually all of the women in my study for my books said they had trouble “turning down the background noise” about what statistics and ... Views: 1581
The suicide of Robin Williams has shaken—and awakened us up. News of his death has made many of us think:
If someone with family, fame, and fortune could do that, could that happen to someone like me who doesn’t have all those things?
I’ve been feeling really down lately, and ... Views: 1711
Have you ever thought that you found The One—only to realize later after much heartache that the person was The Wrong One?
Finding healthy love is so important to your mental and physical health. It’s unfair that it’s so difficult to find the right person. It’s not fair. Here ... Views: 2462
No matter how successful and seasoned you are, you may still experience setbacks and disappointments.
Setbacks come in many shapes and sizes for each of us. Sometimes they are small, while other times they’re huge — or perhaps they just feel that way.
Read this sentence out loud several ... Views: 1299
Uh-oh—another study about women’s unhappiness at home. The sociologist Arlie Hochschild wrote in her 1997 book, “The Time that Binds,” that time at home with spouses and children was more stressful than time at the office. The author described home as a place where couples had ... Views: 1504
Here are some thoughts that might surprise you. There is not necessarily a type of person who cheats.
Even nice people can be cheaters—and this concept can cloud your ability to see the signs that your partner is a cheater.
How many times have you watched true crime ... Views: 2008
It might surprise you that size may not be the most important factor in choosing your cabin. Location and the amenities that are included in your cabin’s category can be much more important. Here are some tips to help you select the cabin that is best for you.
You may not be able to fulfill ... Views: 1400
When Alyssa and Rick returned from their honeymoon in Italy, they were still squabbling. They rented a car in Tuscany because they wanted control of their itinerary. Instead, they ended up losing control of their temper over being lost, low on gas, and parking spaces. They drove to so many towns ... Views: 1427
Do you want to be happy in love? If you answered, “Yes”, then you need to know the signs of a good relationship.
Common sense will tell you to find someone you trust and like. But you can learn a whole more with research-based advice that delves deeper.
... Views: 1454
Yes—you broke up because it wasn’t working. Every relationship has unique details about unhappiness. You may still harbor some doubts, but, for now at least, breaking up feels the right thing to do.
It wasn’t easy—regardless if the relationship was very bad or just not a good match ... Views: 1406
Perhaps the end of your most recent relationship is a good thing regardless of who did the leaving. But now what’s the best next step for you?
Every situation has different details, but here are the top things to consider that emerged from my research and work with thousands of ... Views: 1688
I’m sure many of you have wondered why a man didn’t call back — or call you at all after you had what you thought was a wonderful conversation.
It’s very confusing. Doubts swirl through your mind such as: was I too quiet or too opinionated? Did I talk about my ex too ... Views: 2301
Sometimes you just have to end the relationship. But what are the best ways? Test your Break Up Smarts and take this quick quiz.
Break Up Quiz
1. Suzanne knows it’s not going to work out with Ron. They’ve been dating for a few months, and she already sees that Ron is ... Views: 1484
First dates are both exhilarating and a bit frightening. And sometimes it’s hard to know the difference between these two feelings. No wonder — these emotions arouse virtually the same areas in the brain.
Even more confusing, when you feel anxious, you often ... Views: 2056
Dear Dr. Wish,
Please help me get my thinking clear about my boyfriend “Don,” who has been divorced for two years and has seventeen year-old twin sons who live with his ex. We’ve been dating for a year. I have never been married and I don’t have any ... Views: 1298
Even if you are the one saying good-bye in an intimate relationship, you still may not feel strong, wise and happily single and alone again.
It is normal to feel scared and doubtful about your decision to leave.
Whether you are doing the leaving or you are the one who is being ... Views: 1789
Yes, it can happen to you—the date with the man you always wanted. But don’t let your enthusiasm compromise your safety. Get smart and take the following precautions ahead of time.
How to Protect your Safety on Dates
1. Tell Friends and Family. Let your family, ... Views: 1855
The New Year seemed to have passed, and the sting of an unhappy, unromantic Valentine’s Day is over, too. No wonder you feel sad. No matter how much you fight the influence from what seem like manufactured holidays, it’s still hard to beat the blues from breakups and being alone. ... Views: 1431
Can a man and woman manage not to mix together eventually? The answer is “Yo and Nes”—each word, as you can see, is a combination of Yes and No. So, how can you tell if your friendship is going to remain a friendship or turn into something more?
In the movie When Harry Met ... Views: 2468
Well, you got through your divorce, settled in to your new life as best you can, and now you are in your first important, post-divorce intimate relationship.
You’re excited and relieved — yet also wary. You wonder if this new relationship is a go? Your doubts are not unfounded. After all, ... Views: 2113
Your divorce is final, and you are glad, sad, excited and scared all at the same time.
You love your nights to yourself — for a while — and then you wonder if you can ever be optimistic about finding love again.
The good news is that this roller coaster of feelings and doubt is ... Views: 4608
Many New Year’s resolutions are broken by the end of January. If that sentence describes you, don’t fret. New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep because we humans—and probably most primates—have brains that are designed for pleasurable sensations and encounters such as ... Views: 1753
Oh—so you think that just because you are together with your family that it’s a good time to have one of those heart-to-hearts where you grab the opportunity to air your emotional hurts and open wounds. Well, not so fast. It just may not be the best time to settle your grievances.
Why It ... Views: 1376
No matter how seasoned and successful you are, you still may experience disappointments and setbacks. Here are tips to empower you.
Read this several times:
No one is immune from experiencing career setbacks, disappointments and regrets and making mistakes big and small.
Setbacks come in ... Views: 2285
Bad boys have edginess. They’re risk-takers, a trait that’s present in successful, charismatic men of power, status, wealth and savvy.
So, what’s wrong with being attracted to them? The answer is “almost nothing,” as long as you don’t allow the exhilaration ... Views: 1887
Has dating etiquette about money really changed from the days when men paid for everything? Yes and No. In the not too long ago past—talk to your parents and grandparents—men paid for almost everything on a date. Oh, once in a while the woman would treat him to something that was not ... Views: 1919
Many of us have probably heard the word “mindfulness,” but what does it mean? And more importantly, why should I bother?
Obviously, I think it’s important, otherwise I wouldn’t be mentioning it. So, I’ll start by attempting a definition. Mindfulness is the ... Views: 1674
Had rotten parents who abused, neglected, criticized or abandoned you? Or something happened to you later in life such as assault or rape? Or your disappointing love relationships hover overhead like mylar balloons glinting at your failures?
Well, here’s the good news: rotten pasts for ... Views: 1517