Australian journalist Julian Assange believes he's the subject of a witch-hunt by the USA. Assange fears that submitting to the controversial Arrest Warrant issued by the fourth and latest Swedish prosecutor will lead to him being illegally extradited to America. He has been granted asylum by ... Views: 1785
WikiLeaks, headed by Julian Assange, has released a whole bunch of American government emails showing how America deceives the world. Is he really being hunted by the American oligarchy, with the active cooperation of British and Swedish authorities? Or are the allegations of sexual assault ... Views: 2016
Has America declared War on Assange and WikiLeaks?
The disclosures by Australian journalist Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have clearly upset America. Yet the right to expose shameful US government secrets is protected by the First Amendment's rights to free speech and press freedom.
As ... Views: 2440
Politicians benefit by pretending life is unfair
Life is not fair! complain envious citizens when they see someone with more than they have.
Life should be fair! says the politician, and I can fix the problem. Elect me and I'll ensure the law is changed to make it fair. There are many ... Views: 1785
See a far more comprehensive introduction to the motivations behind this subject in part 1 and part 2 of this series.
Does President Obama really want Peace?
There are plenty of issues that President Obama could spend his time on which would improve America and give you a better quality of ... Views: 1658
President Obama's commitment to Peace
President Obama evidently wants to bomb Syria. But why? He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for his commitment to world peace.
His response this week to those who believe he wants to attack Syria in order to defend his own credibility? "I didn’t ... Views: 2094
Why has President Obama Threatened War on Syria?
Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, has been murdering his own countrymen for years. A couple of years ago, some Syrians citizens objected and started the civil war in Syria. This has claimed a lot of innocent lives, yet al-Assad is clinging to ... Views: 2012
Government Failure? Or Government Oppression?
Citizens all across the world are increasingly recognizing the problem of government failure. Many governments are increasingly incompetent at that most fundamental of tasks: protecting their citizens from harm. From Tunisia in North Africa to Syria ... Views: 1734
Is President Obama Concerned for your Safety?
Is President Obama really concerned about your children's safety, or do his actions contradict his rhetoric? Is he aiming to deny you your right to defend yourself and your children?
Years ago, he did say he recognizes that "gun owners in ... Views: 1740
You have a Right to Protect Yourself
Across the world, government bans on their people's right to protect themselves with firearms is increasingly widely ignored. The enormous outcry against the gun bans proposed by President Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein and their Democratic allies ... Views: 1824
Illegal Drugs Increase Violence
Illegal drugs have caused a significant increase in violence. In the years since Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala hardened their stance on illegal drugs, their violent death body counts have risen dramatically.
When you encourage illegal activity by ... Views: 1515
The USA incarcerates more people - imprisons more per head of population - than any other country in the world. So many in jail demonstrate the enormous numbers of laws which make criminals out of its citizens. These laws hamper police from carrying out their core responsibility of protecting ... Views: 1566
Is the Sandy Hook tragedy being used by the administration to implement the United Nation's Arms Trade Treaty - the global gun grab? Many other shooting sprees have resulted in equally cynical gun ban attempts across the world. Are gun laws to control guns, or to control people?
The British ... Views: 1891
Sandy Hook was a Gun Free Zone
Despite Connecticut's gun carry laws at the time, there was nobody armed at Sandy Hook to protect the slaughtered children and teachers. In practice, Sandy Hook was a gun free zone.
So was the 2012 Batman movie mass slaughter which killed 12 and injured 58 in ... Views: 1630
The Problem of Prescriptive Solutions
Management theory is clear, prescriptive solutions do not work. Why not? A solution imposed from outside stops you creating your own solution tailored to your circumstances. Since you are unique, different to everybody else, how can one size fit you and ... Views: 1569
Following the War of Independence against the arbitrary and unjust policies of England's King George III, the USA needed a new legal framework. All American citizens had learned to distrust oppressive taxes imposed by the legal British government.
The framers of the US Constitution created ... Views: 1896
Lawmakers in a number of states realize that disarming responsible citizens is an ineffective way of stopping shooting sprees by criminals and deranged individuals. They are now considering a far more intelligent response to massacres of the unarmed: How to terminate ineffective laws and ... Views: 1502
The only thing that stops a spree shooter is a bullet. The sooner he gets that bullet, the less innocents and vulnerable children he gets to slaughter.
How long does Emergency Response Take?
The police do a difficult job, often in very difficult circumstances. David Thweatt, Superintendent ... Views: 1623
Gun control advocates like to use the emotive slogan “gun violence.” Why? This misleading phrase is purpose designed to blur the distinction between self-defense and murder. Since "gun violence" takes no account of the difference between self-defense and a murderous attack, it increases ... Views: 1540
Despite the abundant evidence, democrats, socialists, and liberals continue to believe that even more stringent gun bans will stop the slaughter. How do the more intelligent and thoughtful ones maintain a straight face given the massive incontrovertible evidence to the contrary?
In America, ... Views: 1581
Along with other liberals, President Obama believes that more stringent gun laws will make it more difficult for criminals to obtain firearms. Although banning guns does make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to own them, their beliefs just ignore reality: Criminals don't get their guns ... Views: 1533
In the article, Guns, Mental Illness and Newtown, the Wall Street Journal* reports there were 18 random mass shootings in the 1980s, 54 in the 1990s, and 87 random mass shootings in the 2000s. In 2012, just one year not a whole decade, the Washington Post lists 14 cases of mass shootings. Are ... Views: 1613
Do Guns Kill - or Protect?
If guns are responsible for killing people, then spoons are responsible for making people fat, and beds are responsible for women becoming pregnant.
Such fallacious thinking may be behind fundamentalist Muslims insisting their women are covered from head to foot, ... Views: 1701
The 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook, Connecticut has disturbing similarities to the 1999 Columbine High School mass shooting where two angry young men slaughtered a teacher and twelve students.
Since all actions have both seen and unseen consequences, an effective response to reduce the ... Views: 2021
Should government stop citizens protecting themselves from criminals? What would be the consequences? Yet this question misses the crucial point: If government carried out their fundamental job of protecting citizens properly, then citizens wouldn't need to protect themselves.
The need for ... Views: 1490
The USA is not alone in facing this problem of mentally deranged individuals and criminals. Both Britain and Australia suffered mass shootings in the 1980s and 1990s, despite their already stringent gun laws. Both countries nevertheless decided that even stricter gun control was the most ... Views: 2368
Americans are understandably determined that massacres such as the one at Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Connecticut, never happen again. But how? Some demand ever stricter control of firearms. Many others advocate more effective treatment of mentally ill people and understand that so-called ... Views: 1600
The simplistic answer to the Sandy Hook massacre is obvious: Just make all guns illegal. But is any law 100% effective?
Criminals don't obey the law. The UK experience from banning guns - the UK is now the violent crime capital of Europe according to the European Commission (see previous ... Views: 1695
Does Banning guns solve the problem?
Does banning guns work to eliminate people's violence. The UK experience is instructive. Now Britain enforces a near-total ban on guns, the Telegraph reports that: "The United Kingdom is the violent crime capital of Europe and has one of the highest rates of ... Views: 1767
Self-defense is a basic right.* If someone attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself. Yet strict gun control regulations interfere with that right because ordinary citizens abide by the law while criminals acquire guns illegally. That leaves honest people at a distinct disadvantage - ... Views: 1907
The citizens of the USA - and of every country - need the Second Amendment's rights to protect themselves from rape and pillage by both government agents and common criminals. But who do you need more protection against? Which can inflict the most damage? Lone individuals or an out-of-control ... Views: 1583
The Sandy Hook School Massacre
The tragedy at Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Connecticut, where a lone gunman slaughtered 20 children and 7 adults, demands action - effective action. The burning question is how to prevent such slaughter in the future, without the law of unintended consequences ... Views: 1494
Are they really a Master? Have they been through all the five steps to mastery themselves? Or are they just pretending?
Do They Have the Wisdom of Experience?
An author who has no experience lacks credibility, his articles have no authenticity. Yet his pretense of expertise is not ... Views: 1510
What are the different steps to mastery? How do you become a Master?
Each step is different, yet they all require your time and energy, which is good news. Your efforts are not wasted - nature wastes nothing - they all increase your inner power.
The Five Steps to Mastery
The five steps to ... Views: 1527
Great, you want to be a Master. But how do you achieve mastery? There's a big difference between authentic knowing and mastery, what is that difference, how do you bridge the gap? As with all the other steps, willingness to invest yet more effort is one secret of success in this last step to ... Views: 1509
There's a great divide between theory and practice. You get information from outside, and mental investigation enables you to understand it. But authentic knowing is far more than just understanding. The next step to mastery is to get your own experience, the energy you put into practice makes ... Views: 1554
Do you understand the information you've been given, or are you just informed about it? There's a crucial difference between being informed about something - just knowing about it - and understanding it.
Do you Just Have the Information?
When you've just received some information from ... Views: 1504
You've seen that the first step to mastery is to be willing to listen to the information. Without taking advantage of other people's expertise, you would have to rediscover their insights for yourself. Education is one of the secrets of success, it can be seen as the process of listening and ... Views: 1487
Dinner with a New Date
Without being too obvious, I'd successfully checked out my suspicions. My brand new strategy had worked and my inner smile was vast!
I was enjoying dinner with a new date and she seemed to be listening politely. But was she more interested in talking rather than ... Views: 1512
You're successful, you've worked long and hard to achieve your dreams. Money is no object, there's now more than enough to purchase more or less anything you want.
You and your partner are enjoying a romantic dinner one evening and she suggests you should now build your dream house. She ... Views: 1568
Embracing change can be difficult. Along with everyone else, you like being right and you think that change means you must have been wrong.
Are You Wrong?
But is this true? Are the only choices right and wrong? What is an improvement, becoming more right? Recognize the secret of success - ... Views: 1066
What is the Goal?
How effective are you in reaching your goals? If you're not as effective as you'd like to be, these life strategies are for you. Have you decided what your goals and dreams are, how will their achievement look to you?
If you haven't decided on your goal, how can you ... Views: 1394
There's joy in having what you want in life. But there are three essential steps to achieving what you want. Do you know and follow them all?
Don't let Know Where become Nowhere
One of the most important is to know where you're going. If you don't know where you're going, then any road will ... Views: 1585
You disagree. Yet this exploration has found that there's nothing wrong in disagreeing with others, disagreement is entirely natural as well as very common. Although disagreements may be inevitable, understanding that they are not inherently irresolvable will change your life. The good news is ... Views: 1557
Do you disagree with other people much of the time? This is not to ask if you're generally disagreeable, that's a separate question for some other point in time.
The Negativity of Disagreements
Whenever you find yourself disagreeing with what someone else is saying, or with one of their ... Views: 1297
Your Approach to Life
But what's the alternative to being gullible or being cynical? Ask yourself if an idea, or their suggestions, are plausible. Become a skeptic, be skeptical!
There's a lot of misunderstanding about skeptics and cynics. Although many don't comprehend the difference, they ... Views: 1438
If the cynical stance is not the best approach to life, then does being gullible give better results?
Being gullible is the complete opposite of cynicism. Here you're very positive about what might happen in the future. You may not know much if anything about it, but you subscribe to the view ... Views: 1505
Is being cynical the best approach to life? Does it beat being either skeptical or gullible?
Being cynical is a very negative way to approach your life. A cynic focuses on the problems rather than the benefits, sees what could go wrong and says no. He tends to reject things and experiences he ... Views: 1907
Are you cautious about what other people want you to believe, do you take what they say with a large pinch of salt? The secret of success is to check out its viability, explore their motivation, and wonder if they're trying to mislead you before making up your mind. If it sounds too good to be ... Views: 1546
How do you Make Up your Mind?
How do you make up your mind? Do you think things though for yourself? Or do you look at the person suggesting an idea, and ask yourself how well-known or how famous they are? Do you assume that their success in acting, or singing, or whatever makes them an instant ... Views: 1539