The larger-than-life bond of family shines through sorrows and joys alike. The divine connection that exists within a family is a light that cannot be dimmed, no matter the distance between its members. Family relationships are complex, intense, and powerful, at best. They require not only ... Views: 538
If there’s one thing (among many) that this pandemic has taught us, it’s the need to cultivate a healthy state of mind. Mental health is a branch of wellbeing that deserves more attention; what we feel determines how we feel. We’re encouraged to take off from work if we have a fever or ... Views: 574
I hold the belief that while we can’t control all elements of life, we can co-create of our destiny. If 2020 taught us one thing, it was to make peace with what we can’t control, but to make better decisions about the things we can.
Decisions are the building blocks of life. Each day, you’re ... Views: 1244
If 2020 were a novel, it would fall between the genres of suspense and thriller; from the Australian wildfires and impeachment trial to the novel coronavirus and economic crash, this year has brought a bounty of unwelcome surprises. It’s no wonder many of us are feeling anxious about our future. ... Views: 1016
The secret to a deep, purpose-driven life is not to perceive but to feel. We can see, touch, smell, taste, and hear the world around us, but not until we feel it do we truly sense the living spark. When we watch a movie, it's not the scenes we glimpse but the emotions they evoke that make us ... Views: 1021
Often we find ourselves willing to give anything for one more meeting with a dear departed one: we long to embrace our late parents, to kiss the partner who left our side too soon, or to hear the pitter patter of a former pet running to greet us at the door. Often our wish comes true when the ... Views: 1319
You meet someone who’s simply charming, irresistible. You’re excited about this person and begin dating, spending more and more time together. Everything is going great, except that your new partner slips into certain “bad habits” here and there. You reassure yourself that this is normal. But is ... Views: 939
As a psychologist and relationship counselor for over 25 years, I speak from experience when I say that love is an ocean of infinite depths: people are complex, riddled with flaws and hidden desires, seeking to be accepted and understood. Different partners draw different emotions out of us—some ... Views: 960
Few things are as exciting as the prospect of new love; you light up at the idea of having found a person who cares, who can give you the love you deserve, who’s just right for you. Yet at the same time, you hesitate: But is he the right person? You wonder one thing: Is he the one for me?
In ... Views: 996
The American writer Richard Bach said, "A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are."
True to these words, a soulmate is the epitome of ... Views: 1049
A funny thing happens right around this time of the year: we suddenly realize that we want to change. We want to lose weight or eat healthier, save money or give up old habits. So we set January first as the official date of change and start to seek improvement, sometimes desperately, and ... Views: 954
If you feel stuck in your love life, unresolved karma may be to blame. Old karma is particularly effective at blocking relationships from progressing. Many people misconceive their karma for “what goes around comes around,” but this is such a narrow explanation of an elaborate, eternal ... Views: 932
Often we’re so blinded by our emotions that we can’t decipher the true purpose of a relationship. Deep attachment can force us to stay in a relationship that was meant to end a long time ago. On the other hand, our stubborn will and uncompromising ego can make us leave a person who might be our ... Views: 1339
Words are responsible for everything we hold to be true; We believe the things we believe because someone spoke them to us. But in our day to day lives, we rarely recognize the magnitude of our speech. We tell ourselves both good and bad things every day, often without paying attention to what ... Views: 1977
After my husband passed, a whirl of past and future danced in my mind. The sad movie of every memory we shared played endlessly: there he was on the night we met, the wildly handsome young man with a heavy mustache. Then we were waltzing on the dance floor of the restaurant he owned, stepping ... Views: 1304