When I was just starting out in my career some years ago, after an all-day training program for professional speakers, I approached the main presenter to give her some feedback and advice on her speaking style – constructive criticism that I thought would help her for her next presentation. I ... Views: 1333
When you consider that many of us spend more time with our co-workers than with our own family members, there is certainly a need to recognize those relationships, what they mean to us, and how to find joy in them on a daily basis. They do their best (most of the time) to interact with us so ... Views: 1071
Optimism in the workplace involves not only expecting positive outcomes but also explaining them in a manner logical with such outcomes. Leading others with optimism means dealing with the chaos of uncertainty by formulating a successful expectation regardless of the uncertainty. Life is full of ... Views: 1075
In dealing with our business relationships, how do we react when things don’t go as we expected? For example, if Paul had applied for a promotion and then found out that he didn’t get it, his negative reaction would probably be anger at his boss, sadness at the disappointment, and anxiety about ... Views: 1140
In talking with several companies lately, the conversation has centered on the need for a social media policy. Whether you work for a progressive organization or a conservative, risk-adverse one, it seems that everyone has an opinion on the best approach. Here are some prevailing camps:
1. ... Views: 892
Is there a probable gender bias in relationship building? It’s often said that women are better listeners than men. Are men who are comfortable with the Awareness Factor also more comfortable with their “feminine” side, such as intuition and emotional sensitivity? Are women effective in business ... Views: 1165
You can learn a lot by trying to read someone’s face or body language. It is clear that women can do it better when they are motivated. Women seem to gaze at others more than men do, enabling them to read faces better. But they seem to do so only when motivated. When married men and women are ... Views: 1165
When you establish business relationships, do you recognize the power of influence? An example of how we influence or persuade others and negotiate with one another can be found in financial transactions. At the Center for the Study of the Brain, Mind, and Behavior at Princeton University, Dr. ... Views: 965
Social intelligence, with its focus on the research of neuroscience and human interaction, is primarily focused on social awareness through listening and empathy, as well as success in social relationships, including influencing others through appropriate self-presentation. Social intelligence ... Views: 1367
What’s so special about the privilege of staying at home and telecommuting? Truth is there may be a problem there. There is a deep, pervasive need to connect with others on a daily basis. Working at home may be convenient in terms of comfort and flexibility, but it doesn’t do much for feeling ... Views: 1049
Overall, there seems to be a shift in the corporate mind-set-from status-oriented, hard-driven, personality-cult, top-down leadership to more relationship-oriented, collaborative, communication-based types. According to Judith Glaser, author of The Leadership DNA, as quoted by The Wall Street ... Views: 3764
The courage that JFK displayed in facing down the Cuban missile crisis, that Churchill showed in fostering Britons’ courage to show a stiff upper lip in the face of Nazi bombing, that any leader musters when he or she reaches out for the right decision and the rest of the organization ... Views: 1070
In addition to such victims of “industry dissonance” as the late Enron founder Kenneth Lay and CEO Jeffrey Skilling, there seems to be a movement, possibly due to the dramatic economic shifts occurring at the start of the century, in which the status-loving, jet-setting, deal-making celebrities ... Views: 891
Laughter and smiles are often signs of relaxed comfort, quite the opposite of hierarchal power imposed on the organizational structure, where scowls are more common than smiles. In such status-based organizations, power is assigned according to rank, and there is little wiggle room for the free ... Views: 1017
Do you ever wonder what you really have to offer the workplace? What knowledge, talents, and skills do you possess that may possibly benefit others? You see, others will recognize whatever is placed before them in an inviting proposition. It’s usually not that others fail to recognize what ... Views: 1031
Within each organization is a core group that is primarily responsible for the success of that organization. That core group might be a working team, an executive committee, or a board of directors. Or it could be an unofficial grouping of people from all three categories, usually consisting ... Views: 1038
Business is made up of interpersonal communication, whether in person, by phone, over the Internet, or via whatever new electronic instrument that outperforms yesterday’s darling device. The most revealing communication, because it reveals so much more in terms of nonverbal information, takes ... Views: 1059
There are a number of components we must keep in mind when it comes building and nurturing our strategic relationships. The following seven areas will help you build these key relationships:
• Relationships are assets. In any business setting, relationships are assets. As such, they can be ... Views: 1025
Success and fulfillment arrive from finding the “flow” of your work, having a best friend in the office, and in developing strong partnerships with your colleagues and customers. Allow yourself to feel secure enough in your own power as an individual to share it with others who contribute in a ... Views: 1337
Success and fulfillment come from finding the “flow” of your work, having a best friend in the office, and connecting with others. If you’re the boss, being in touch with your staff members’ concerns, authentically felt, will make your team more successful. Otherwise, success means finding the ... Views: 953
As Dr. Richard Boyatzis, psychology professor at Case Western Reserve University, and his colleagues have pointed out, leadership in the workplace is ultimately a matter of personal skills that have to do with self-awareness-realizing the difference between your ideal self and your real self, ... Views: 1198
Relationships without a desired outcome can come across as meaningless and superficial. A relationship with no Desired Outcome is not a relationship at all. It is merely a momentary, superficial exchange between or among people. Add a Desired Outcome, such as a business agreement or even a ... Views: 1093
Given all the models for effective approaches to successful business communication to date, what in fact holds water? In other words, what's the foundation of the concepts that really work-over time and over the countless challenges of communicating effectively with associates, prospects, ... Views: 988
ConnectAbility is an understanding of the relationship among desired outcomes, roles and expectations, and personal differences while communicating with awareness of the ultimate effect on the listener. It is much more than mere "people skills" and paying attention. It also involves the skill ... Views: 954
When people say that networking doesn’t work, they usually cite as confirmation the fact that they have invested in others in the past without any return from the other side. When I inquire specifically, How did you arm them with the appropriate context to introduce or recommend you? The answer ... Views: 1064
In our experience, the following key factors profoundly influence the results of many venture capital investments:
Selection and on-boarding of high quality, high-performance-minded entrepreneurs
Attracting and retaining the right professional managers at the right time in the emerging ... Views: 1108
One of the best approaches to spreading a viral change campaign is to court key influencers. But recent research also conforms that the influenced may be as critical as the influencers. A recent study found that trying to track down key influencers – people who have extremely large social ... Views: 1041
Over the years, I’ve been blessed with a great lifestyle from and around the technology field. From ComputerLand in the 1980s to Silicon Graphics in the 1990s and SaaS (Software as a Service) applications since 2000, I’ve seen the remarkable development of a whole host of information technology ... Views: 1011
Each time you turn around there is yet another technology that grabs everyone’s attention. It is simply too soon to measure the quantifiable impact of many Web 2.0 technologies in the market today. But sifting through all of it there are some very real treasures that can improve business. Client ... Views: 998
Here is an outline for an annualized strategic relationship plan for partners of a professional services firm. Such a plan should be reviewed monthly for success of execution milestones and quarterly for strategic viability. You should also identify an accountable peer and proactively correspond ... Views: 1415
Several years ago, one of our professional service clients decided that it needed an organizational overhaul. Management of best practices and competent and successful cooperation across service lines were dreary at best. Critical team members who needed to be at the edge of the business ... Views: 1045
Why do you think most New Year resolutions don’t stick? In one of my keynotes, someone suggested that it is because you are drunk when you make them. Beyond that theory, would you agree that they often include no responsibility, practical expectations, or organized plan?
It has been said, ... Views: 3287
As highlighted by Larry Bossidy in his book Execution, when people, processes, and tools converge with a mindset to execute, you realize Return on Impact. Those who can without fail deliver performance, implementation, and results – despite macro- or microeconomic conditions, setbacks, ... Views: 1139
Typically, our view of leadership development encompasses the escalation of current high performers into an environment where they can develop a broader set of competencies and capabilities. In many organizations, the senior leaders aim to manage the perception of the issues, form coalitions, ... Views: 1400
Some of my favorite networking functions are early morning breakfast briefings. I am an early bird and most attendees have yet to face the minutia of the day, so they are likely to attend for the two critical factors: content and community.
I recently attended a Harvard Business School ... Views: 1078
A component that is critical to driving everything from process optimization to altering the mindset of the people whom the change will surely affect is the team of employees chartered to help the organization navigate through this often challenging journey. These change agents are leaders in ... Views: 2841
At some point, three percent organic growth, although perhaps respectable in your industry, will become less than attractive for the organization. As such, the senior leaders or the board may recommend a more aggressive, inorganic growth strategy that encompasses a strong spring of deal flow, ... Views: 1074
There is only so much time in the day. That is why it is critical that you take the time to prioritize which relationships you will invest in. The following is one method you can use to prioritize your relationships.
Twice a year, print out your entire contact database (from your Outlook, ... Views: 1396
A multitude of surveys done in the late 1960s showed that 70 percent of U.S. residents felt that corporations could generally be trusted to act responsibly. Even after the economic boom of the past two decades, this figure has fallen to around 45 percent. Particularly, because of times of crisis ... Views: 1173
Pivotal Contacts are thought leaders among their peers. They have developed deep subject matter expertise, have proven themselves in situations requiring a balanced approach between strategic vision and tactical execution, or simply have access to influential relationships. They are commonly ... Views: 1214
As a new divisional leader, how do you quickly uncover and leverage knowledge, experience, and specific expertise across the different parts of your organization in an effort to not only retain your best customers, but also to expand your mind share and wallet share within each of your most ... Views: 1267
Reputation Capital is a measure of how effective you are in promoting and delivering value. As the delivery of that value is recognized, you start to accumulate Reputation Capital. The two fundamental pillars of Reputation Capital are competency and trust. The following provides some insight ... Views: 1674
Many technical professionals are often horrible at selling themselves. Many accountants, attorneys, consultants, and engineers don’t think of themselves as salespeople – and they don’t want to! Although their academic and educational foundation and their professional development includes ... Views: 2346
Something that is often undervalued, undermined, and certainly underdeveloped in any organization is the post-sale part of the revenue generation engine. Many struggle to automatically throw a customer, which they have worked so hard to acquire, over the wall to a customer service ... Views: 1549
What business are you in? What business should you be in? Although simple in their inquisitive nature, it is amazing just how complex these two questions can be.
What business you are in should answer, from a historical perspective, where you have been most successful, where you have produced ... Views: 1436
Watching 26-year-old Dustin Johnson recently blow his three-round lead at the 110th U.S. Open at Pebble Beach, California reminded me of others we’ve seen squander away amazing opportunities.
Specific to relationships, when facing pressure to execute do you choke or panic? You see there are ... Views: 2125
What is your impression of networking? To many, it’s an insincere trade of favors or, at best, an elegant way of using people to get what you want. I actually asked this question of a group of PhD students at a Top 5 engineering school and one student near the front asked, “You mean, with other ... Views: 1093