We create our tomorrows by what we think about today. If we focus on our problems of the past, then they will inevitably show up in differing forms in our future. If we focus on our successes, then these too is what we will encounter again.
Thought patterns are habitual- awareness of thoughts ... Views: 4027
Kids learn to react to the world by imitating adults’ behaviors. They see how adults act, interact and react with others in the world. Kids also learn how to feel in this way. They learn which feelings to express and which feelings to suppress. People who choose to feel angry, frightened and ... Views: 1144
Many of us fail to recognize the dormant hero that lies in each one of us. We are taught to believe that in order to be a hero we must perform some truly noble act or possess supernatural abilities. Only then, we feel, will our lives be validated and some higher duty fulfilled. The greatest ... Views: 3212
You’re unique, just like everyone else. There has never been anyone like you and there never will be. After a long day the only thing you bear in mind when you rest your head on your pillow is how you feel. Feelings are everything. They are the body’s response to thoughts in the mind. Daily ... Views: 1732
You’re unique just like everyone else. There has never been, nor ever be, anyone quite like us. It is you, and the character you create, that determines how your life goes. Not everyone is the same; neither are their thoughts and it is thinking, and how you feel about what you think, that makes ... Views: 1155