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"Man is the only kind of varmint that sets his own trap, baits it, then steps in it." ~John Steinbeck
It's a bold thing to call reason a trap. The skeptics will say that is exactly what someone who can't hold up their end of an argument would say. After all, if you can't state your case with ... Views: 1562
The sales profession is not easy, and it takes a special person with the correct skillsets to be able to be effective in sales. While people can learn the skills that they need to be a great salesperson, they often do much better in the profession if they possess natural instincts and abilities ... Views: 1248
OK, this is an old joke, so forgive me if you've heard it. A psychologist is giving a talk and describes how every couple has its own unique frequency of making love. She then asks people in the audience to state how often they have sex. Hands shot up as she called out "Once a day?" "Several ... Views: 2231
Are you currently having problems with people at work, family members of friends? Perhaps they want to action something, do something, plan for something … and you can think of nothing worse? So you are at logger heads because they want X and you want Y.
Well in this article I want to offer ... Views: 1914
You’ve seen it hundreds of times. Some guy is being interviewed by the local news after he helped prevent some crime or rescued someone in distress. The reporter asks, “Do you consider yourself a hero?” Apparently, this question must be asked in order to test whether or not said person is in ... Views: 1890
Government Failure? Or Government Oppression?
Citizens all across the world are increasingly recognizing the problem of government failure. Many governments are increasingly incompetent at that most fundamental of tasks: protecting their citizens from harm. From Tunisia in North Africa to Syria ... Views: 1733
It was supposed to a joyous event. It was April 15th, 2013 in a small and insulated city called Boston where the oldest marathon was being held on a holiday called Patriot’s Day. It’s like a weekend block party where schools are closed and families come to have fun to watch 26,000 runners run ... Views: 1245
Is President Obama Concerned for your Safety?
Is President Obama really concerned about your children's safety, or do his actions contradict his rhetoric? Is he aiming to deny you your right to defend yourself and your children?
Years ago, he did say he recognizes that "gun owners in ... Views: 1740
You have a Right to Protect Yourself
Across the world, government bans on their people's right to protect themselves with firearms is increasingly widely ignored. The enormous outcry against the gun bans proposed by President Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein and their Democratic allies ... Views: 1824
Illegal Drugs Increase Violence
Illegal drugs have caused a significant increase in violence. In the years since Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala hardened their stance on illegal drugs, their violent death body counts have risen dramatically.
When you encourage illegal activity by ... Views: 1515
The USA incarcerates more people - imprisons more per head of population - than any other country in the world. So many in jail demonstrate the enormous numbers of laws which make criminals out of its citizens. These laws hamper police from carrying out their core responsibility of protecting ... Views: 1565
Is the Sandy Hook tragedy being used by the administration to implement the United Nation's Arms Trade Treaty - the global gun grab? Many other shooting sprees have resulted in equally cynical gun ban attempts across the world. Are gun laws to control guns, or to control people?
The British ... Views: 1891
Sandy Hook was a Gun Free Zone
Despite Connecticut's gun carry laws at the time, there was nobody armed at Sandy Hook to protect the slaughtered children and teachers. In practice, Sandy Hook was a gun free zone.
So was the 2012 Batman movie mass slaughter which killed 12 and injured 58 in ... Views: 1630
The Problem of Prescriptive Solutions
Management theory is clear, prescriptive solutions do not work. Why not? A solution imposed from outside stops you creating your own solution tailored to your circumstances. Since you are unique, different to everybody else, how can one size fit you and ... Views: 1569
Following the War of Independence against the arbitrary and unjust policies of England's King George III, the USA needed a new legal framework. All American citizens had learned to distrust oppressive taxes imposed by the legal British government.
The framers of the US Constitution created ... Views: 1896
In this post I'm going to talk about success. Success means different things to different people. One of the definitions for success in Dictionary.com is: The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. This definition is okay in as far as it goes, but we all know that being successful ... Views: 1200
Lawmakers in a number of states realize that disarming responsible citizens is an ineffective way of stopping shooting sprees by criminals and deranged individuals. They are now considering a far more intelligent response to massacres of the unarmed: How to terminate ineffective laws and ... Views: 1502
The most common word I have heard people use to describe the work that we do is "practical." This is truly what sets our work (and others trained by the Americana Leadership College) apart from everything else out there in the world of spiritual growth and development. It is very practical tools ... Views: 1681
The only thing that stops a spree shooter is a bullet. The sooner he gets that bullet, the less innocents and vulnerable children he gets to slaughter.
How long does Emergency Response Take?
The police do a difficult job, often in very difficult circumstances. David Thweatt, Superintendent ... Views: 1623
Gun control advocates like to use the emotive slogan “gun violence.” Why? This misleading phrase is purpose designed to blur the distinction between self-defense and murder. Since "gun violence" takes no account of the difference between self-defense and a murderous attack, it increases ... Views: 1540
“ Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
You have incredible powers of mind and emotions that give you timely and accurate feedback in every area of your life.
In this post, you learn how to “tune in” to yourself so you can make the right ... Views: 1406
Despite the abundant evidence, democrats, socialists, and liberals continue to believe that even more stringent gun bans will stop the slaughter. How do the more intelligent and thoughtful ones maintain a straight face given the massive incontrovertible evidence to the contrary?
In America, ... Views: 1581
Along with other liberals, President Obama believes that more stringent gun laws will make it more difficult for criminals to obtain firearms. Although banning guns does make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to own them, their beliefs just ignore reality: Criminals don't get their guns ... Views: 1533
In the article, Guns, Mental Illness and Newtown, the Wall Street Journal* reports there were 18 random mass shootings in the 1980s, 54 in the 1990s, and 87 random mass shootings in the 2000s. In 2012, just one year not a whole decade, the Washington Post lists 14 cases of mass shootings. Are ... Views: 1612
(Let us give our American History meaning)
Why is it difficult to lead in the 21st century? America is growing; there are many more potential leaders in our communities, but none that truly stand out as those who have come before. Where is the Lincoln of today? Of course, historians argue that ... Views: 1183
If you are a student and have an urgent assignment due and you may be going through a writer's block or are too confused to start working on your assignment; don't worry, because you can order a sample assignment to clear your mind of doubts. The sample ordered will look exactly like your ... Views: 3287
Do Guns Kill - or Protect?
If guns are responsible for killing people, then spoons are responsible for making people fat, and beds are responsible for women becoming pregnant.
Such fallacious thinking may be behind fundamentalist Muslims insisting their women are covered from head to foot, ... Views: 1701
The 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook, Connecticut has disturbing similarities to the 1999 Columbine High School mass shooting where two angry young men slaughtered a teacher and twelve students.
Since all actions have both seen and unseen consequences, an effective response to reduce the ... Views: 2021
“Learn to pause ... or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you.”
-Doug King, Poet & Educator
Imagine that you have a magic remote control so that - when life got too overwhelming or you needed to replenish your energy ... Views: 1776
Many times in our lives we are asked to let go, and often it doesn't come easy.
I wrote this poem from a mother's heart, but I believe that no matter where we are in life the principle of letting go applies to all of us. Ultimately it's the key to liberating us to move through growing ... Views: 1631
Many times in our lives we are asked to let go, and often it doesn't come easy.
I wrote this poem from a mother's heart, but I believe that no matter where we are in life the principle of letting go applies to all of us. Ultimately it's the key to liberating us to move through growing ... Views: 1631
This is part 3 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Knowledge. Other blogs to follow in this series are: Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important qualities ... Views: 1481
The citizens of United States of America have a great opportunity to get financial help from the US federal government and their respective state governments as well as local administration. This funding assistance is provided for free and the most important thing is that a significant amount of ... Views: 1074
Google Redirect Virus – Useful Info
The spyware and security threats have not shown any signs of slowing down. Often times you can resolve this issue quickly on your own without paying money. As we are increasingly using our computers to interact with the world issue like these pose a ... Views: 1716
Should government stop citizens protecting themselves from criminals? What would be the consequences? Yet this question misses the crucial point: If government carried out their fundamental job of protecting citizens properly, then citizens wouldn't need to protect themselves.
The need for ... Views: 1490
The USA is not alone in facing this problem of mentally deranged individuals and criminals. Both Britain and Australia suffered mass shootings in the 1980s and 1990s, despite their already stringent gun laws. Both countries nevertheless decided that even stricter gun control was the most ... Views: 2367
Americans are understandably determined that massacres such as the one at Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Connecticut, never happen again. But how? Some demand ever stricter control of firearms. Many others advocate more effective treatment of mentally ill people and understand that so-called ... Views: 1600
There has been an increase in the services required by the professional CV writers. Today, the job seekers have become very competitive and ambitious and they are leaving no stone unturned in ensuring that they well placed ahead of their competition. In the present day wake of cut throat ... Views: 1269
The simplistic answer to the Sandy Hook massacre is obvious: Just make all guns illegal. But is any law 100% effective?
Criminals don't obey the law. The UK experience from banning guns - the UK is now the violent crime capital of Europe according to the European Commission (see previous ... Views: 1695
Does Banning guns solve the problem?
Does banning guns work to eliminate people's violence. The UK experience is instructive. Now Britain enforces a near-total ban on guns, the Telegraph reports that: "The United Kingdom is the violent crime capital of Europe and has one of the highest rates of ... Views: 1767
Self-defense is a basic right.* If someone attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself. Yet strict gun control regulations interfere with that right because ordinary citizens abide by the law while criminals acquire guns illegally. That leaves honest people at a distinct disadvantage - ... Views: 1907
I am going to live as if I were dancing on roses
I will treat everyday as a miracle.
I will claim each small step toward my goals as the giant victory it is.
I will find millions of things to be grateful for
I will tell people I love them as often as I can. If a day goes by and I ... Views: 1098
The citizens of the USA - and of every country - need the Second Amendment's rights to protect themselves from rape and pillage by both government agents and common criminals. But who do you need more protection against? Which can inflict the most damage? Lone individuals or an out-of-control ... Views: 1583
The Sandy Hook School Massacre
The tragedy at Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Connecticut, where a lone gunman slaughtered 20 children and 7 adults, demands action - effective action. The burning question is how to prevent such slaughter in the future, without the law of unintended consequences ... Views: 1493
In the world of academia, it is a given fact that MLA (Modern Language Association) writing style is one of the most typically utilized along with APA (American Psychological Association), Chicago, Turabian and many more for writing scholarly documents especially when it comes to citations and ... Views: 1606
One of the latest and most annoying issues with every day computer users is outlined below. I hate to see a person have to bring their personal computer “in store” and have it tied up for days.
The cost is usually assessed in general terms meaning a person may have an issue that is a quick ... Views: 2632
Are they really a Master? Have they been through all the five steps to mastery themselves? Or are they just pretending?
Do They Have the Wisdom of Experience?
An author who has no experience lacks credibility, his articles have no authenticity. Yet his pretense of expertise is not ... Views: 1510
What are the different steps to mastery? How do you become a Master?
Each step is different, yet they all require your time and energy, which is good news. Your efforts are not wasted - nature wastes nothing - they all increase your inner power.
The Five Steps to Mastery
The five steps to ... Views: 1527
Great, you want to be a Master. But how do you achieve mastery? There's a big difference between authentic knowing and mastery, what is that difference, how do you bridge the gap? As with all the other steps, willingness to invest yet more effort is one secret of success in this last step to ... Views: 1509
There's a great divide between theory and practice. You get information from outside, and mental investigation enables you to understand it. But authentic knowing is far more than just understanding. The next step to mastery is to get your own experience, the energy you put into practice makes ... Views: 1554
Do you understand the information you've been given, or are you just informed about it? There's a crucial difference between being informed about something - just knowing about it - and understanding it.
Do you Just Have the Information?
When you've just received some information from ... Views: 1504