We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Speed Reading". If you have expertise in Speed Reading and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Everyone is trying to save money these days. Finding bargains is quickly turning into the Western worlds favorite pastime. A close second is doing anything that one can to make oneself invaluable to his or her employer.
What would you pay for that next promotion? What would you pay to ... Views: 1824
How would you like to remember 90% of what you read from anything? Including reading the newspaper, your favorite novel, business reports, your child's MySpace blog. How would you like to be able to read real fast? You can read maybe even three times faster and still remember almost everything ... Views: 1900
The mind is a source of immeasurable power, and we only use a tiny portion of it. In the book, "Speed Reading in only One Hour" I show you how to tap some of that unused power and how to use it for your own improved grades in high school, college, and great successes life.
Your brain is ... Views: 2389
Do you like listening to music while reading? If yes then have you ever thought how it affects your reading process? Does it allow you to read faster or does it slow you down? How does it affect the reading comprehension?
First, it must be stated that if you want to read fast then you have to ... Views: 25439
Imagine you are a parent of a 9 year old girl, a 13 year old boy, and a 19 year old. You know that their futures depend upon their ability to read and assimilate information, putting it into memory and into use. What are you going to do?
You can double, and even triple reading speed, improve ... Views: 1991
Many people do not believe they have the ability to read faster because if they had, they already would be reading faster. And, they've gotten so many years of proof (like taking their current age and subtracting 4 to 6 years) and that read in the same way --- yes for years!
Not only is it a ... Views: 1791
If you are having problems at work, or don't understand why there are numerous debts, you need to take a free online speed reading test. Among other things, a free online speed reading test will show you where you have poor comprehension and absorption skills. Without a question, before taking ... Views: 2315
How would you like to remember 90% of what you read from anything? the newspaper, your favorite novel, business reports, your child's MySpace blog? How would you like to be able to read faster? Perhaps youll even read 3x faster and still remember almost everything you read! How would you like ... Views: 3509
What started as a university lecture course has evolved into an affordable do-it-yourself course designed to make everyone "from stay-at-home moms and dads to administrative assistants to MBAs to CEOs" more valuable to their company in the form of The Complete Speed Reading Program.
The ... Views: 2061
What would you do if you found yourself with an extra hour a day? Would you get a jump on the next day's projects? Would you use it to work on that never-ending honey-do list? Would you use that extra hour to ensure you would have an extra hour every day to make yourself invaluable to your ... Views: 2075
Nothing is worse for an avid reader and a lover of books than having a child who hates to read. Reading to a child early in life will help them foster a love of reading and prepare them to read themselves, but sometimes not even that can be enough to foster a love of the written word. Reading ... Views: 2131
Many people do not believe they have the ability to read faster because if they had, they already would be reading faster. And, they've gotten so many years of proof (like taking their current age and subtracting 4 to 6 years) and that read in the same way --- yes for years!
Not only is it a ... Views: 2041
When people watch me read they will often say something like, "Oh, you're a speed reader. Does that really work?" I will usually respond, "No!" I know that sounds flippant, but truthfully, it does not work. You work it. Speed reading is a systematic approach you apply to learning and absorbing ... Views: 2953
Speed reading successfully requires you to train and use your eyes in new ways. All speed reading training covers some approach to getting the eyes to move more efficiently. Did you know that there are eye training methods that could actually be harmful? Here are some mistakes to avoid.
1. ... Views: 3167
Have you ever wished that you had more time in the day? I know I have.
Time is something we can never have enough of. There’s simply too much to do, and too little time to do it! Having said that, take a simple task like reading. We take it for granted that the speed at which we read is ... Views: 1601
When you are starting to learn speed reading one of the common mistakes the learner makes is trying to read faster by speeding up what they already do. This approach may bring some gain, but they will be short lived. Here's how to overcome this mistake.
The learner gives up simply because ... Views: 2332
I recently was made aware of two comparative statistics that I thought you might find extremely valuable. I learned that the average American reads less than 2 books per year, one and a half to be exact, with almost two thirds of those going unfinished. On the whole, Americans have lost the ... Views: 2166
Speed reading is a set of skills that is necessary for nearly everyone's survival in this age of information overload. Whether you are a student, returning adult student, employee, manager, executive, or business person reading more efficiently and effectively is set of techniques that are key ... Views: 3281
As someone begins the journey to learn speed reading immediately speed takes center stage. The learner knows something must change, and engages in exercises to move the eyes more efficiently. This initial approach is sound up to a point. However, the learner can often get overwhelmed and ... Views: 2447
Every student is required to learn difficult study material at some point or another during school or college. Speed reading has advantages in these areas as well as disadvantages. The student must learn how to incorporate his speed reading skills in a way that facilitates reading complicated ... Views: 1950
Is speed reading a myth, or a method? Searching through the web for information on speed reading can lead to mass confusion, especially if you read the majority of posted views on non-commercial sites. The verdict from reviewing these personal experiences can cause an interested learner to have ... Views: 2794
If you have been searching for information about speed reading, you probably have been confused by both the abundance of information as well as the contradictions in the statements and "facts" you read. One of the most common statements someone who is looking for free information about the topic ... Views: 4090
Speed reading is a vastly popular keyword internet search term with several million searches per month. Many people want to discover how to do this vital information management skill today. However, before someone learns to speed read, it might be helpful to take a step back and observe ... Views: 4334
When learning to speed read, the saying that a little information can be a dangerous thing still applies. Consider the term "eye-span." Even though I've been teaching people from all walks of life how to speed read for 30 years, I have only recently received many questions about it. For new ... Views: 5930
Some people find that they cannot pay attention and have a tendency to daydream when they have gone through three or four pages without remembering a word. One cure for this is to stop reading and deliberately seek some distraction, then return to what you were reading with renewed attention. ... Views: 1356
People now spend an average of 6 hours a day reading at work - 6 years ago it was about 4. This is due largely to the proliferation of websites (increasing exponentially) and the increasing use of the web for work purposes e.g. research, decision-making, planning, justification. As a result, ... Views: 1858
When it comes to speed-reading, you're basically covering two things: comprehension and the act of reading itself. You should not study speed-reading before you've learned how to comprehend and absorb information. Therefore, you should know how to read very well before you try to conquer ... Views: 4854
Speed reading has become an essential business and academic success tool in the knowledge economy. With the onset of PCs, and the internet, live classes have diminished as a result of "instant access." One of the seemingly easiest choices someone might take to learn the skills is to buy a ... Views: 2876
One of the most frequently questions I get before someone starts a speed reading course with us is, "How do I stop subvocalization?" Beginning learners also ask. The goal of this article is to put that old habit into its proper place when learning to read better and faster and give some powerful ... Views: 3841
One simple question: would you be willing to invest a few minutes right now to save an hour a day for the rest of your life? To read a book twice as fast as you can now? To get through the morning paper in minutes? To absorb those reports, Web pages, e-mails, journals, and magazines with less ... Views: 3067
Having been a self-development trainer for many years I have come to the conclusion that when looking at the many life skills that humans need to master in order to mould for themselves a joyous, fulfilling and creative life, accelerated learning skills are probably the most important of all. ... Views: 1642
Learning to speed read can be a daunting challenge for those who want to master the skills in the very beginning. One of the biggest limiting factors of traditional reading is that as adults we read with a see-say-hear-know method known as subvocalization. It limits the speed you read to the ... Views: 6245
After 30 years of teaching speed reading to people from all walks of life inside and outside of workplace organizations, I've come to realize that there are three big problems people have to overcome if they really want to master the skills involved in speed reading. Listening to people who have ... Views: 2192
With contributions by Thornton Massie Tice
My son came to me one night while I was working on the computer and asked, "Poppa, can you find something about speed reading on the Internet for me? I'd like to learn it.” "Sure" I replied, and within a few seconds I had a page of speed-reading ... Views: 2440
Everyone wants to read faster than they do, or at least more efficiently than the level they’ve achieved so far. While some people figure “an old dog can’t learn new tricks” and never try to improve their skills, others are more proactive, registering for live or ... Views: 2402
Speed Reading is a term that has so many instant meanings, many of which are myths, in the minds of those who are seeking to find out its potential for them. Additionally, to the potential new learner, it brings a perception of dread and hard work because they have difficulty envisioning ... Views: 2206
A recent visitor to my site inquiring about speed reading asked, "How can I move away from actually saying the words, and learn how to identify the symbols?" The question demonstrates a knowledge of one of the difficult habits to overcome in learning to speed read - sub-vocalization. ... Views: 8191
The most often question I get asked is, "How can I read over 1500 words per minute and still understand, or comprehend the material?" Stated in another form, "Does speed reading really work?" Without writing an entire course, this article will try to answer these questions.
When people ... Views: 3125
I just got an email from someone who writes, " The reason I am writing is that a client of mine is doing a computer speed reading program called (name protected). He mentioned that while his speed has increased dramatically, his comprehension has gone down. Is this normal? ... Views: 2362
The most often asked question I get when people either see me read or when they submit a question to my website goes like this: “Does it really work?” Or, “Can you really comprehend when you read really fast? The short answer is yes! This article will explore the question behind that ... Views: 3452
Accelerate Your Reading
You may believe that speed reading is only for genius types. After all, you need to center on what you're reading if you hope to grasp what the text is trying to tell you. However, this is a misconception. Anyone can speed read; it's a skill that has to be acquired. ... Views: 1067
There are a number of ways by which to improve your reading speed One of the simplest method is knowing how to skim the content before you actually read it. It is always a good idea for you to speed read for the main themes in any text or work of non-fiction. You can achieve this simply by ... Views: 1150
This tip title will probably cause you to go, "huh?" or have an
"aha!" when reflecting on your own experience trying to learn to read faster.
This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get about speed reading – ”Can you really read fast and still comprehend and remember?” The ... Views: 2650
There are many misconceptions concerning speed reading. An
effective speed reading system is not one that involves flipping
through pages of text, or how fast your eyes can move over a page and somehow absorb knowledge like a vacuum cleaner. The real secret deals with one word - comprehension. ... Views: 2229
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Speed Reading .Speed Reading is a reading technique that allows for the assimilation of several words or phrases at a glance. Ed Caldwell is The Official Guide to Speed Reading. Remember Everything You Read: The Evelyn Wood 7-Day ... Views: 2051
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Speed Reading .Speed Reading is a reading technique that allows for the assimilation of several words or phrases at a glance. Ed Caldwell is The Official Guide to Speed Reading. Triple Your Reading speed, by Wade E. Cutler, is a ... Views: 3177
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Speed Reading .Speed Reading is a reading technique that allows for the assimilation of several words or phrases at a glance. Ed Caldwell is The Official Guide to Speed Reading. Ten Days to Faster Reading, by Abby Marks-Beale, is ... Views: 2365
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Speed Reading .Speed Reading is a reading technique that allows for the assimilation of several words or phrases at a glance. Ed Caldwell is The Official Guide to Speed Reading. Speed Reading for Professionals, by H. Bernard ... Views: 1441
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Speed Reading .Speed Reading is a reading technique that allows for the assimilation of several words or phrases at a glance. Ed Caldwell is The Official Guide to Speed Reading. Breakthrough Rapid Reading , by Peter Kump, is a ... Views: 3305
Speed Reading: Top 10 Ways to Improve Reading Speed and Reading Comprehension
10. Skim Before Your Read - Speed read for main ideas in nonfiction works and textbooks. Scan the table of contents and first and last sentences of each paragraph. You'll improve your reading speed and comprehension ... Views: 2637