There’s a timeless principle that successful people live by, that I realized can be used as an immediate and powerful boost to your self-esteem and your emotions. Volumes have been written and spoken about this principle over the millennia, but I still see people not understanding or ... Views: 1709
I want to talk about how to deal with one of the most frustrating and demotivating things that happen to people- the slump.
We all face them at one point or another, and how you handle yourself through a slump or “losing streak” determines how quickly you get out of it. As Dr. Suess says, ... Views: 1757
I believe that everyone reading this understands that no matter what business you are in- Real Estate, Financial Services, Teaching, Auto Sales, or any other profession, we are all in the PEOPLE BUSINESS. It’s been said that fully 85% of your success in life is directly related to your ability ... Views: 4489
I want to talk with you about one of the most impactful, powerful, and highest leverage things that you can do to make this year a success.I’m talking about something that all of the top performers in any field do. I’m talking about a coach. Someone in your life, whether it’s a mentor, a friend ... Views: 1690
Every single day, and I mean literally everyday, there are some decisions that you have to make. Actually, we are all required to make them regardless of our professional position in life. I am going to discuss two of these decisions from a list of seven that I have discovered. When we make ... Views: 2153
In the coaching relationships I have with our clients, the major problem I see is that individuals end up in the same place - over and over and over again. They mean to save money and build wealth, only to end up (again) with “too much month at the end of the money.” They’ve lost the same 15 ... Views: 1473
I was driving around last week listening to a guy named Andy Andrews in my car, and he said something that hit me right between the eyes. Mr. Andrews (author of the book The Traveler’s Gift) was saying that if he was allowed only 1 minute on stage and one thing to say that would change ... Views: 5561
If you want to grow as a person, professionally or personally, you must overcome some barriers to growth. One barrier to growth I have seen hold people back, time and time again, is an unwillingness to take decisive action.
The Solution? You must be willing to take decisive action! Take ... Views: 1783
What’s scarier to most Americans than spiders, heights, or even death? There hasn’t been a horror movie made about it yet, but more than 75% of Americans surveyed report that they suffer from “glossophobia,” a debilitating fear of public speaking.
Statistically, far more of us claim that we ... Views: 2589
A saying that you’ve probably heard a lot in business, in sports, and human performance in general is controlling the controllable. What does that actually mean? I wanted to take this concept of controlling the controllable, which is actually really good advice by the way, and take it out of the ... Views: 8037
I want to discuss a defining characteristic of successful people that I’ve met worldwide. I’ve found that successful and joyous people are usually very skilled at counting their blessings. They focus on what’s right about their life instead of what’s wrong.
Why is this important?
It goes ... Views: 2764
If you’re a reader of this article, there are a few things I know about you. You are likely more knowledgeable about goals than most. I’d guess that you and most of your peers would describe you as “goal oriented” in the most positive sense of the word. In fact, many of you have even been to one ... Views: 1734
I recently was made aware of two comparative statistics that I thought you might find extremely valuable. I learned that the average American reads less than 2 books per year, one and a half to be exact, with almost two thirds of those going unfinished. On the whole, Americans have lost the ... Views: 2166
As a reader of, you’ve likely given some thought to the whole idea of your “attitude.” Some offices I've been to usally have a corny but helpful poster with some pithy saying about “attitude” right? Some of the more popular ones:
“Attitude is everything!”
“It’s your ... Views: 1908
What do I mean by “Leadership with a small l”? I wrote about Leadership with a Big L for - that is being a leader when that is your job and responsibility to set objectives, map ... Views: 3774
Leadership with a big L is the kind of leadership that comes with a title: Manager, Vice President, Director, CEO etc. It is when you are responsible for a group of people and providing direction to a predetermined result in a business, church, school or family. I’m going to share 4 keys that ... Views: 2139
I’ve been thinking a lot about what I believe to be the central challenge facing our clients right now, along with the rest of our society. It’s not an original concept by any means, but more and more I come to believe that it is the key to unlocking every success principle in ... Views: 3764
When our clients are exposed to our company, they are often impressed with how we really stress the concept of Freedom - and well they should be. Our central core value is Freedom, our web address is, heck- it’s the name of our company! At the same time I see that the vast ... Views: 1538
What ever your goals are, they all boil down to one thing- you want GROWTH! Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step towards seeing positive results.
I thought it might be helpful to make you aware of four barriers that must be overcome to experience any kind of real growth. These are ... Views: 1248
No matter what your profession, building self-esteem and confidence in yourself is the key to success business interactions. All things being equal, the higher your conviction in yourself, the higher your results will be.
So, how do you build your own positive mental attitude, self-esteem and ... Views: 1574
I have done many informal surveys with people about whether their attitude is a talent or a skill.
Talent being something that you are either born with or not; either you have it or you do not. Skill is something that you will learn through conscious efforts.
Sometimes people have a ... Views: 1650
If you believe that accelerated loss of your mental acuity is inevitable with age, and that the loss of your competitive edge is certain to accompany that memory loss, you're not alone. But you are wrong. Age does have some effect on memory, but it's not an especially significant factor. ... Views: 1990
If you live in fear of forgetting prospects' names, sometimes within mere seconds of being introduced to them, you're not alone. Surveys show that 83% of the population worries about their inability to recall people's names. Ironically, while most of us hate having our names forgotten or ... Views: 2771
Your palms begin to sweat and you avoid eye contact with someone you know is a client, but you just can't remember his name.
Your heart sinks as you hang up the phone after a phone call with a furious prospect; you forgot you'd made an appointment with her.
You pound your forehead in ... Views: 1982