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Speed reading computer application programs are available. Vortex Speed Reading was the first; however, Vallier, the creator of the program, did not update it and it would not work on Windows XP.
Most speed reading programs use a different approach to the usual 'speed reading' tips where a ... Views: 1283
If you're interested in pursuing a speed reading program, you're in good company. Because of the over-abundance of information that we all have to deal with on a daily basis, speed reading is looking increasingly attractive. In fact, if you can more than double your reading speed without losing ... Views: 1136
A lot of reading strategies is adopted by the speed reader to accomplish his goal of reading fast. Among many of the strategies are word for word, fast reading, reading faster and so on. However, the most effective strategy to accomplish speed reading is the thought unit. In this strategy, the ... Views: 6358
Some businesses selling courses and manuals on speed reading claim that it is possible to increase the reading to beyond 10 words per second with full comprehension, provided the course is followed and that the exercises are constantly practiced. However, a good deal of these courses and ... Views: 1320
Beginning in 1980, Dr. Jay Polmar received the dubious nickname of Dr. Speed. He got the funny name because he rushed from one college to the next, from Texas, to New Mexico, to Arizona, to Colorado, to Oregon, to Hawaii, and on and on --- teaching a special 3 day course on Speed Reading. Hence ... Views: 1750
Talk about research - we went to Hawaii. It was 1999 we did a little research program to verify the effectiveness of our speed reading program. It was done in a small town in Hawaii, on Maui, where education wasn't that good and students certainly needed to read more ... Views: 1488
founder of www.speedread.org
Many people discover that the book they have grand hopes of gaining enlightenment from turns out to be very difficult to read. Realistically, any book intended for the general publiccan be understandable if you approach reading it in the right manner.
So, what ... Views: 2603
Introduction to Speed Reading
by Dr. Jay Polmar, founder www.speedread.org (drjay@speedread.org)
Learning our speed reading methods is easy and financially beneficial in life. Even if you are just learning for pleasure, you can read an entire book in under an hour. Anyone can double their ... Views: 1669
Use A Blank White Card to Push Your Eyes Down the Page
A common problem all readers have is passive regression, or unintentionally going back over material previously read.
The habit typically stems from a reader's insecurity about their comprehension level initially instilled by our ... Views: 1632
Speed Reading Myths Debunked
There is so much misinformation about speed reading that as a user for over 30 years, and as an instructor of tens of thousands of learners from all walks of life and all levels of education, I feel compelled to debunk some of the most prevalent and popular myths. ... Views: 5578
How Ben Franklin Invented Speed Reading
And How it Can Improve Your Productivity
There are six secret strategies to reading and remembering three (3)
books in the time others can hardly finish one. In the 300 million
U.S. population, only 20% are interested in personal growth, if you
are one of ... Views: 4100
Reading is highly important if you want to be successful in life. It will be important through school, in college when you have to study for finals, on your first job, and all through the rest of your life. The ability to read is important; however, the ability to read faster is even better. Of ... Views: 1908
NLP studied effective learners and effective teachers. From there, strategies have been developed and taught to people around the world to retain more information in a short period of time, from a book or a training manual.
Follow the 9 steps below next time to read a book to retain more ... Views: 7306
Speed reading is a skill that is frequently overlooked. This skill is one that can help any range of people including students, proofreaders, and corporate executives. There is a proven correlation between increasing the rate of which you read to the rate of comprehension. Which means the ... Views: 1474
As you sit down to study for a big test or finally decide to consume 500 pages of encyclopedia information - imagine how convenient it would be to digest the information at a faster rate. Speed reading is a helpful technique that allows one to complete more books, magazines, and other ... Views: 3025
Speed reading is a helpful tool to possess, as busy schedules allow less and less time for people to enjoy the books they wish to complete or the information they must intake for their job or school work. When learning how to read faster, people are able to study better, work better, and enjoy ... Views: 2453
Speed reading materials often concentrate on the brain by tweaking the ability to choose and process printed information in a matter of seconds. In order to increase the speed at which this takes place, the brain needs a bit of sharpening and training. With the assistance of decent speed reading ... Views: 2607
You're a college student trying to juggle your on-campus job and three weeks worth of reading for required classes you need in order to graduate. When tackling the near-impossible philosophy, comprehension becomes a rather important skill to possess. As you face two novels in one week, the ... Views: 1544
No technology in the world can compete with the human brain. Our brain has the ability to pick and process the information in the printed matter in a matter of seconds. However, just as a knife needs sharpening to cut with perfection, your brain needs to sharpen its skills too, in order to carry ... Views: 1141
If you've recently started on the entire Harry Potter series, then you have a lot of catching up to do, meaning a decent speed reading program helps enable you to cover more text at a faster rate. With a series of helpful techniques, one is able to expand their comprehension, while tackling ... Views: 1046
Another recent entry into the Accelerated Reading field offers quite an intriguing approach. Tested with dramatic results at the US Air Force Academy and taught in 10 countries worldwide, Ed Strachar, Inventor and facilitator, looks at it from a purely mental perspective.
Ed says reading ... Views: 1457
The allure of finishing a best-selling novel in record time or skimming a newsletter is enough to send an avid reader looking for ways to improve their reading speed and comprehension. A popular method of increasing skills as a reader is to invest in a speed reading program. In order to further ... Views: 1186
Speed reading is a skill that elevates the level of comprehension, understanding, absorption of material, and overall ease of scanning information that can affect a wide range of life factors. The skill of reading is one that encourages higher school marks, fosters a better-prepared employee, ... Views: 6277
Speed reading has two facets, one of which is very apparent while the other may be more obscure. Of course, one of these facets is the ability to read faster, to get through text in a shorter period of time. The other facet, however, may not be that apparent. It involves actually ... Views: 1418
Almost two years ago, a lady who had signed up for one of my speed reading courses showed up early on the first day of class to privately inform me that she had a reading disability, so that I wouldn't be too frustrated at the poor performance that she was expecting in the class. I gave her some ... Views: 2168
When people hear about speed reading, they usually want to know more about it. They also want to have their children learn the skill. But two problems get in the way:
1) It costs too much, usually $100 or more. Those in-class courses can run as high as $500 per person. AND
2) You must teach ... Views: 1037
I used to teach speed reading courses to adults. I remember being excited when one lady got to where she could read 3,000 words per minute. She was the fastest student that I had ever seen. It took her 6 weeks to get that good.
Then I got invited to teach some children to speed read at a ... Views: 3846
How to get more out of a trade journal/magazine
Tip # 1: Browse and Play
Browse through the publication--frontwards or backwards--so that you get to know what's in it and where it's located. Notice the layout and how the information is presented. Notice the table of contents and ... Views: 4741
Excerpted with permission from "The PhotoReading Whole Mind System." Third Edition, ?999.
The demands placed on you as a reader in our age of information are tremendous. The PhotoReading whole mind system can help you meet any challenge. It works with any subject matter and flexibly adapts to ... Views: 25883
Before you are able to truly appreciate the basic techniques associated with speed reading, you should familiarize yourself with some of the background concerning the subject. One of the first things you should do is think about the way in which text is approached. Most people begin tackling a ... Views: 1616
I've been teaching speed reading courses in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut for about twenty years now. People often ask me about speed reading, and exactly what it is. I tell them that there is no commonly accepted definition of speed reading but that I have my own definition which I use ... Views: 1526
If you want to improve your memory and intellect – start chewing while you study. Put something in your mouth and masticate, be it Wrigley’s gum or a Macintosh apple, adults and kids learn faster and remember more than non-chewers.
We are talking about 3rd ... Views: 2637
I am a learning freak, can't get enough of it. All day - numbers are my game, but tied for first place is information processing. Lifetime-learning is my lodestar, recreation and mind-expander. I used to keep silent about it, my clients (I'm a CPA and partner in a Miami firm),expected me to ... Views: 5874
The human mind is an innovative hybrid that allows us to anticipate the future - to think big thoughts. That's the good news.
However a growing number of psychologists and behavioral scientists are finding evidence that our brains are hard-wired for mistakes ... Views: 2793
In the modern age of information, reading truly is a fundamental survival skill. Here are ten tips that anyone can use to improve their reading skills:
1. You don't have to be a great reader to get the point.
Some people read fast and remember everything. Others read slowly and take a couple ... Views: 53464
"Why do Dyslexics make such good Fast Readers?"
Not too long ago, I learned about a discovery that is sure to revolutionize education of all Dyslexics. In Jeffrey Freed's book "Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World", he says: "While our schools have been harping on the deficits of ... Views: 4639
Right now, when you look at a line of print, you focus straight at it. Sometimes your eyes feel like they get stuck. Maybe you even focus on every single word.
You can read at least 20% faster by using this method:
Instead of staring straight on the line, off-center your focus by looking ... Views: 1906
Speed reading programs are becoming more popular. Evelyn Wood discovered this technique, and introduced it to the public over 60 years ago. Since that time, many others have improved on her techniques, and several different speed reading programs are available today. With the massive amount of ... Views: 2315
Speed reading is the ability to not only read text far quicker than you would normally but to be able to absorb the information as well. It's no good zooming down a page of text and then not being able to recall any of the information.
Speed reading is something that can be of great assistance ... Views: 1056
Readers are leaders and in this article you will learn several simple to implement Speed Reading Secrets that will assist you in efficiently absorbing all that information out there.
First Speed Reading Secret!
Before we begin, here's a concept that you MUST understand about speed reading: ... Views: 1473
10. Skim Before Your Read - Speed read for main ideas in nonfiction works and textbooks. Scan the table of contents and first and last sentences of each paragraph. You'll improve your reading speed and comprehension if you understand a book's main ideas first. After you've skimmed the material, ... Views: 6656
10. Skim Before Your Read - Speed read for main ideas in nonfiction works and textbooks. Scan the table of contents and first and last sentences of each paragraph. You'll improve your reading speed and comprehension if you understand a book's main ideas first. After you've skimmed the material, ... Views: 3367
6 Quick Tips on Improving Reading Recall
Do you find yourself having to re-read a paragraph you just read? Do you have trouble remembering what you read just yesterday? Here are some easy exercises you can do to put a stop to this time wasting endeavor of information overload.
1. Turn to the ... Views: 5853
1. Gather new ideas
Theodore Roosevelt knew how important gathering new ideas was and actually read a book before breakfast. He knew that reading a book before breakfast gives you the edge over the competition.
2. Increase your capacity to take on new projects
In our world of information the ... Views: 1968
1. Clarify your purpose.
A good understanding of what you already know and what you need out of the reading is the key to reading comprehension.
2. Look at the front book cover.
What information is the author giving you about the story? What does the title suggest? Why did she use this ... Views: 1608
Do you want to speed read?
Try some experiments by yourself.
First experiment: Open the text editor and delete all blanks from the text. Try to read. Do you well. What's wrong? Look to yourself and try to understand your reading strategy. How douse your eyes path throw the text. How do you ... Views: 1206
Speed reading is the subject everybody heard about. Speed reading is not a miracle; this is a necessary habit nowadays for everyone. Why the most of us cannot read at high speed? The reason is evident; the most of people have wrong reading habits.
Let’s look at simplified model of reading. ... Views: 2012
Today most universities have courses that help students learn to read quickly and critically. Harvard has a class that has been in existence since the 1940’s. It teaches students how to read fast with a level of understanding that includes analysis and evaluation.
These classes are evidence ... Views: 2416
Speed Reading is one of those subjects that is spun to sound like a tonic that will solve all your educational ills and grow hair on your bald head for 2 easy payments of $19.99 each. At times it sounds like a medicine show.
Some write about how it’s a hoax. Others claim it’s the best thing ... Views: 7305
Speed Reading by Wave Reading
Wave Reading™ is a newly patented method of speed reading that utilizes a twistable pointer called a “Wave tool” to wave beneath text lines. The purpose of the Wave tool is to induce your eyes to move in a faster and smoother manner to read successive lines of ... Views: 2437