Doris Helge is The Official Guide to "Leadership". You can find complete information on Doris Helge and her products by visiting
Many of us have heard the saying that you should work to live rather than live to work. However, for many of those who are employed, they spend a huge amount of their time focusing on work just to make money to manage financially. This is something that can have a huge negative impact on your ... Views: 1150
This is the 3rd post in my series to give you the Keys to Unlocking Your Power and Presence as a Woman Leader.
What’s needed to create better work-life balance and well-being so you can shine more brightly? Here is the second step you need to know in order to expand your power and presence as ... Views: 1336
No one has the perfect business strategy for starting a business without encountering a certain number of challenges and outright failures.
If you’re new to being an entrepreneur (or have even been one for years) know that there are always going to be challenges that arise, mistakes that ... Views: 1331
This is the 2nd post in my series to give you the Keys to Unlocking Your Power and Presence as a Woman Leader.
What’s needed to create better work-life balance and well-being so you can shine more brightly? Here is step one that you need to know in order to expand your power and presence as a ... Views: 1400
Being a leader in the world of business can be a tough and challenging job for many reasons. You have a lot of responsibility as a leader, and this is not just in terms of the work and customers but also employees. Proper leadership communication is vital for those that want to gain strength as ... Views: 1017
Leadership is complex and exponentially evolving. There are many rules but there is no guarantee that they all work or whether one will work in circumstance A but not B. However, you cannot afford to negate the so-called rules of leadership – or can you?
In discussions about the qualities of ... Views: 1029
“Dance with Fear. Dance with done. Dance with resistance. Dance with each other. Dance with Art.”
I love to Dance!
Even when I don’t get it “right”.
There is such freedom in dancing to your own funky beat!!
Finding the freedom around your fears can be a little more ... Views: 1448
In today’s high tech and global economy, mastering your craft isn’t enough to guarantee success. Top female corporate leaders are very good at what they do. But, there is something more that they do to stand out. The intangibles make them shine. It’s their power and presence that radiates from ... Views: 1257
It was a series of challenging events (to say the least) and an unexpected “course correction” in my role as creative director back at the height of the dot com days in Silicon Valley, that left me bewildered, dazed and befuddled as to what was my next career step needed to be.
Stressed out ... Views: 1251
You’ve probably seen the “corporate values” posted on the wall somewhere of the headquarters of an organization, or on their website perhaps. You might actually read them and think to yourself, those are nice.
It might even give you a bit of a warm-n-fuzzy feel about the work that company is ... Views: 1529
In todays global economy it is good business sense for services, businesses and organizations to be reflective of the customers they serve. More than ever, strong managers and leaders are required to have a comprehensive set of skills that allows them to be adept at managing a vast array of ... Views: 1146
“When you find the thing that makes your heart sing, do more of that. We need more radiant hearts singing their songs of joy, passion and purpose.” #michelemolitor
My Wake-up Call
I woke up in a cold sweat.
And it was the third time this week.
I didn’t think I could take ... Views: 1293
My mother always said, "To end well, you must begin well." Of course, she was talking about how you separated clothes for the washing machine or how you chose vegetables at the market. But it's also true when it comes to creating a resilient, sustainable workforce. The questions you ask in the ... Views: 1086
What’s your Energy Signature?
Have you ever walked into a room and felt the mood of the room before anyone even said anything?
You know that feeling… Whether you walked into a room with your loved one, or into a conference room full of colleagues – you can sense the energy of the room ... Views: 1225
As a woman, you may have experienced at least once or twice in your life, someone who has tried to make you feel small and unworthy, as if you didn’t belong or were an outsider, just because you were a woman.
Does this sound familiar?
I know it’s happened to me, and a lot of other women on ... Views: 1657
Self-control and focus go hand in hand. Focus is the answer to all accomplishment but only if you have mastered self-control.
For leaders, the key to accomplishment and staying focused is self-control. They get dragged and pulled in so many directions that it is easy for them to lose focus ... Views: 1181
What does it feel like when you really trust someone?
There is a sense of calm. Of peace. A Knowing if you will.
It’s the feeling you get when you know that someone has your back.
Trust is something that is earned. Earned day after day through your consistent behaviors, words, actions ... Views: 1401
As a leader of your organization or your team – you set the course, the tone and the motivation levels of the people you’re leading. In order to do this, it requires that you have a level of clarity within yourself.
Research shows us that Emotional Intelligence is key predictor of success. ... Views: 1221
Why are so many managers skeptical about time tracking?
Let's face the truth: they have already tried to make employees track their time... and failed.
According to some recent surveys, up to 87% of companies experience problems with implementing a time-tracking software. However, tech is ... Views: 1486
In one of his recent articles, New York Times Best-Selling Author and Leadership Specialist, Dr Marshall Goldsmith spoke about feedback and feedforward.
I have considered Dr Goldsmith to be a virtual mentor for the past 6 years. His articles are always insightful. On a personal note, he has ... Views: 1054
I just returned from ten days traveling aboard an RV through Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons with my family. It was an off-the-grid trip that recharged my batteries and gave me enjoyable, quality time with my wife and kids. This time off also lead to several breakthrough business ideas and ... Views: 1009
I think you’ll agree with me if I say that being a leader is one of the most difficult things to do. I mean, if you just watch from a distant, it may seem easy, but as soon as you are the one who has to portray the role, then you’ll see the difficulty.
Dealing with your own work is hard ... Views: 986
“If you want to take your mission in life to the next level, don’t look outside yourself. Look inside.”– The Level 10 Game, Leadership & Teamwork, Work Wise
This is a little story of a boy and a girl who were playing together. The boy had lot of marbles and the girl had sweets with her. The ... Views: 1157
You can actually engineer your workplace environment to be more productive and to be more focused. The natural flow of that environment and the flexibility of its leader determine how engaged the people are when working there and affects the overall sustainability of the business.
The flow of ... Views: 1210
When you are on a lookout for potential partners and clients, it is very natural whether it is attending a professional business conference or just going to an alumni meet, you end up receiving endless business cards or in better cases, connections on LinkedIn and Facebook. However, as your ... Views: 1062
If you manage employees, work with customers or deal with the ups and downs of relationships…you must have heard “you are not listening" or "you are not hearing me.” I bet it does not feel good and it most likely makes you more defensive.
Perhaps you read articles and received feedback about ... Views: 1199
It’s a sad fact that many people and nations once experienced a level of prosperity which is now almost forgotten because they are in a state of great adversity and misfortune. Evidence abounds everywhere that prosperity can become adversity within the twinkle of time’s eyes. In 1980, Zimbabwe ... Views: 1399
“The best places to work are those that foster an inclusive culture – one where differences are celebrated and our people can be themselves and feel at home.” This was recently tweeted by Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, which comprises more than 400 companies.
Branson ... Views: 1318
When most people think of entrepreneurship, only a very few have spirituality in mind. On the base level, business is about dollars and sense first and foremost. However, more and more people are trying to inject some spirituality or higher purpose into their business. Business owners often feel ... Views: 811
There is a fine line between a career and an occupation. An occupation is work that basically, as the word says, occupies your time and puts money in your pocket to pay the bills. A career, on the other hand, potentially requires greater focus and an eye on an ultimate vocational objective. Both ... Views: 4984
I get it. Companies need to have some rules, but ‘brules’, that’s what leaders need to question.
Coined by Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley and author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, brules, otherwise known as ‘bullshit rules,’ is a term for limiting rules, largely unconscious, ... Views: 1149
When we think of a straight shooter we tend to think of persons who can be depended on to communicate the truth. While this is accurate, straight shooters come in many varieties. There are persons who use straight shooting to support members of their teams and others use it to destroy. Some ... Views: 1429
One of John Maxwell’s law of leadership is called the Law of the Lid. According to Maxwell, “Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness.” In other words, the leader cannot surpass his or her own ability to lead. By extension, the skills of persons reporting to a leader ... Views: 1137
We all know that we live in a time that is fast paced and things seem to be constantly changing. Today’s economy requires adaptability and the willingness to continuously learn and change course. Most young people entering the work-force do not expect to stay in one job with one company or ... Views: 1109
Some people really struggle with the task of defining their purpose and finding their vocational path. Not everyone has a sense of calling for one specific profession or has the clear sense of what they were born to do. Many times, these are people with multiple talents and interests who have ... Views: 1186
Most of the time when teaching leadership we teach from the perspective of what an effective leader should do. But what about from the perspective of what you should not do ? Or what about the things you should avoid not doing ? Hopefully not everything I a about to say is new to you as a ... Views: 1687
Over seven years ago, I created this management model and have been using it ever since. The model ensures that employers attract and retain peak performers. It's direct, to the point and easy to adopt no matter what the organization size or budget.
The employee management model is called - ... Views: 24724
More companies than ever, both small and large, are considering ways in which they can introduce eLearning in their bid to boost the skills of their employees. Many companies are opting for eLearning because, when implemented correctly, it allows employees to learn in their own time. If they ... Views: 27034
You can be much surer of a gratifying result when you utilize critical thinking methods to fix issues in your individual or business life. Critical thinking assists you to discard biases, beliefs and predispositions and declarations that are tossed at us through media outlets and make sense of ... Views: 2044
Are you a charismatic leader or person?
Not only leaders, politicians and famous people but fathers, mothers, spouses, partners, friends and our children can be charismatic or have charismatic traits.
We know this because we are attracted to it. So, what attracts us to charismatic leaders ... Views: 1648
Leadership can be defined basically as the ability to influence other humans to achieve whatever purposes positively. Many people think leaders born being leaders while others consider leaders become leaders. Perhaps all are right however on the basis of leadership we may find a set of behaviors ... Views: 1297
Your level of productivity can make or break your career. If you are not producing, you are not going to be effective at your job, and you are not going to have the rewarding career you always dreamt of having. Did you know that businesses lose millions of dollars each year due to distractions ... Views: 1736
These leaders are newly appointed to a leadership role because they have the qualifications and the results to match. The company sees potential in these individuals because they are technically sound, highly driven, and talented. Their employers have big plans for these new leaders. However, ... Views: 1863
Mastery is a beautiful thing when you witness it or experience it. If you learn to recognize and appreciate it, mastery may appear from anywhere. Mastery goes beyond competence; it is the combined force of expertise, focus, and inner power that exceeds normal expectations. For sports fans, ... Views: 1298
When I speak with leaders I tend to attune to their language in order to understand their orientation toward the team. Some leaders speak about themselves profusely, using the words “I” or “me” so often that it sounds like they the only person in the department. Sometimes these leaders refer ... Views: 1240
Being a leader comes with a laundry list of associated traits. Everything from a sense of loyalty to a risktaking spirit to a family man attitude has been listed as a necessary requirement of leadership. But leadershp isn’t just about the characteristics you do have. It’s also the mistakes you ... Views: 1409
To sustain desired behaviors, it is important to model them. Modelling happens when a person consistently demonstrates behaviours that point to a particular value system. Whether the modelled behaviour is intentional or not, it gives permission to others to demonstrate actions that reflect a ... Views: 1198
Communication can be a two-person sport. You meet someone, get to know her, then take the steps you need to keep the relationship alive and warm. With other introductions, you are delinquent allowing the would-be relationship to die a natural, disconnected death. The same is true in teams, when ... Views: 1160
Did you know that the West Coast Offense in American football began as a mistake? In his book, “The Score Takes Care of Itself,” late NFL Hall of Fame Coach Bill Walsh recalls how a botched play led to a major change in how football teams run their offense. It goes back to a time when he was an ... Views: 2781
One of the world’s foremost leadership experts, Dr Marshall Goldsmith (who is like a virtual mentor to me) once said “Personal contact matters — and matters greatly”.
When I was an Executive Coach, I came across many CEOs and MDs who were very emphatic on the personal touch.
Regardless of ... Views: 1121