We all know that we live in a time that is fast paced and things seem to be constantly changing. Today’s economy requires adaptability and the willingness to continuously learn and change course. Most young people entering the work-force do not expect to stay in one job with one company or ... Views: 1109
Some people really struggle with the task of defining their purpose and finding their vocational path. Not everyone has a sense of calling for one specific profession or has the clear sense of what they were born to do. Many times, these are people with multiple talents and interests who have ... Views: 1187
To become a master requires first and foremost to find the path that is right for you. It is the path of vocation, which is the expression of your purpose for being here. It is the work you feel you are meant to do. Finding this path is one of the most important, perhaps the most important ... Views: 1120
Mastery is a beautiful thing when you witness it or experience it. If you learn to recognize and appreciate it, mastery may appear from anywhere. Mastery goes beyond competence; it is the combined force of expertise, focus, and inner power that exceeds normal expectations. For sports fans, ... Views: 1298
There are times in life when we get jolted out of our normal reality by events that seem harsh and hard to understand. Many times bad things appear to be random and there is no way to really know why they happen, such as the tragic death of a young person or someone near and dear to you. ... Views: 1231
A number of scholars and authors have written about our primary human needs. Perhaps the most well-known is Abraham Maslow who wrote about the hierarchy of needs. Another related framework that I find useful is described by Chloe Madanes in her book Relationship Breakthrough. This framework of ... Views: 1577
I don’t understand, she said. I had a great trip being by myself experiencing the beauty of the gorgeous national park around me. I was not lonely and I felt very much in tune with nature and I felt happy. And then as I was driving home I was overcome by a deep sadness and I found myself ... Views: 950
In 1933, in the midst of the great depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said these words during his inaugural address:
I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of ... Views: 1339