We all love to have the latest gadgets, but often they are just too expensive, so we have to make do with what we have. But, there are ways that you can upgrade your tech and get newer gadgets with more features, and not have to spend a lot of money. You just have to know how to be a smart ... Views: 1027
“Five years from now on the Web for free you’ll be able to find the best lectures in the world. It will be better than any single university.” – Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft
The internet is more than just a portal into infinite information, it’s a life-changer. The empowerment and ... Views: 1220
We buy stuff, and we buy more stuff, and soon, we have more stuff than we know what to do with. When this happens to you, it is time to start selling off the stuff you no longer use and get some of your money back. There are all kinds of ways that you can sell things, and you will find plenty of ... Views: 2108
If you can manage to get two or three years out of just about any electronic gadget these days, you can consider yourself pretty lucky. Most gadgets, including mobile phones, laptops, and tablets, are not built to last. In fact, it is just the opposite. The manufacturers want you to spend more ... Views: 911
Long-distance relationships are not easy, but this doesn’t mean that they are not worthwhile. In fact, if you are considering not getting into a long-distance relationship because you think it will be too difficult, don’t say “no” without giving it a lot of consideration. ... Views: 1485
Have you often thought that you would love to be able to get up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, and not have to leave the house to begin your work day because you can work from home? These days, thanks to the Internet, this is less of a dream and more of a reality for many people. More and ... Views: 1323
If you would like to have the freedom and flexibility to be able to work from anywhere, it sounds like a remote job would be your ideal situation. There are several different types of jobs that you can do from anywhere, as long as you have an Internet connection. One of the more popular remote ... Views: 2058
With more and more people getting into reading digital books instead of traditional books, it only makes sense that writers are turning to self-publishing, and creating e-books for profit. In fact, e-books have surpassed paperback and hardcover books in sales. If you enjoy writing, and you think ... Views: 1309
Just because you are retired, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t still capable of working, and that you don’t still have a lot to offer. A lot of retired persons are taking on flexible jobs that allow them to earn additional income without having to be stuck in a job that they hate, and working ... Views: 2198
We all end up with too much clutter in our homes from time to time. The problem is, how do you get rid of all that clutter and have a more organized home, and life? Sometimes, decluttering your home can seem like a daunting task that you keep putting off because it is so overwhelming. The ... Views: 1250
Are you thinking about taking an online course? Are you worried that you aren’t going to get the quality education that you would get if you were actually sitting in a classroom? First of all, don’t think negatively about online courses. Many of the top colleges and universities from ... Views: 1531
Your level of productivity can make or break your career. If you are not producing, you are not going to be effective at your job, and you are not going to have the rewarding career you always dreamt of having. Did you know that businesses lose millions of dollars each year due to distractions ... Views: 1732
We tend to accumulate stuff over time, and after a while, some of us tend to get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we have that we never even use. If you find this happening to you, it is time to clean house. Look around and find the items that you no longer use or need, but don’t throw them ... Views: 1729
How would you like to get the latest tech gadgets, without having to spend a whole lot of money to have the latest tech gadgets? Believe it or not, this is possible. You just have to be a savvy shopper. What you don't want to do is go out and spend a lot of money on the first item you see. It is ... Views: 1408
Have you decided that you want to go into business for yourself? There was a time when only those who had the finances for it could do this, but today it is easier than ever for anyone to start their own business. There are loads of great tools that will help you save a lot of money, and the ... Views: 2038
While many of us are looking for new ways to get rich, a lot of us aren’t thinking about the tried and true, common sense methods of saving money and achieving personal wealth the old-fashioned way. But, think about it for a minute. All of those old methods worked for people for many, many ... Views: 2651
Thanks to the wonderful world of the Internet, more people than ever are starting their own businesses and throwing off the shackles of nine-to-five life. If you have ever thought about starting your own business, but worried that it was not something that was economically feasible for you, ... Views: 1828
Marketing a startup has changed in recent years, and the changes are going to continue in the coming years. SEO and marketing are more connected to each other than ever, which means that you have to combine your marketing and SEO teams so you can get as much traffic to your website as possible. ... Views: 2381
As a marketer, you likely spend a lot of time in meetings. But, this can often be wasting the valuable time you could be using to get projects completed. It is important that you take advantage of all of the time management tools at your disposal, and learn how to make meetings a lot more ... Views: 1332
A lot of people are making good money these days, simply by publishing their own blogs. There are a few ways that you can make money with a blog, and let’s face it, this is pretty easy work once you know what you are doing. Of course, you need to make sure that you are targeting the right ... Views: 1430
They say you are what you eat, and this old adage couldn’t be any truer. Not only does your diet affect your overall health, it also affects your oral health. Most of us know which foods to avoid in order to keep our teeth and mouths healthy. But, did you know that there are also certain foods ... Views: 1216
Even though bald is considered sexy nowadays, most men do not like the idea of losing their hair, especially prematurely. Luckily, there are several things that you can do that will help prevent hair loss, and there are plenty of great organic, home-made treatments you can use that work well and ... Views: 1489
These days, when one is missing teeth, there are other options out there besides dentures. Dental implants are one of the most popular options. While expensive, they are well worth it, because you end up with the next best thing to your own real teeth. A lot of people are nervous about the ... Views: 1427
Let’s face it. Appearances are everything, especially in the business world. If you operate a business that requires you to have company vehicles, you need to have reliable vehicles that are going to look good. There are several things to consider about maintaining a corporate fleet, such as the ... Views: 1672
Let’s face it. Appearances are everything, especially in the business world. If you operate a business that requires you to have company vehicles, you need to have reliable vehicles that are going to look good. There are several things to consider about maintaining a corporate fleet, such as the ... Views: 1672
These days, many people are choosing to buy eco-friendly vehicles. After all, if they are going to invest a good chunk of cash on a new vehicle, it may as well be one that is going to be safer for the environment, and give you the option to avoid the gas pumps. There are a lot of different ... Views: 1129
One of the main reasons why most people set up home offices is so that they have more freedom in their lives. They don’t want to feel like they have to get up and go to work every day, and a home office is a great way to be able to have that freedom, to set your own hours, and to do what you ... Views: 1660
No matter what you choose to do in life, you want to be successful. You see others doing it, but you may find that it is not happening for you as quickly as you would like. You don’t have that awesome Ford Mustang sitting in your driveway. In fact, you have a small apartment, and don’t even have ... Views: 1845
If you find that you don’t have enough money from your regular jobs to pay the bills and buy all the things you want, you need to find ways to make more money. This doesn’t always mean that you have to go out and get a second job. In fact, there are all kinds of interesting things that you can ... Views: 1663
You can use your mobile devices and the Internet for a lot more than texting, taking selfies, and playing games. You can also use it to make your life better by taking advantage of goal-setting and motivational apps. There are loads of these apps available to use on all of your devices, and they ... Views: 2270