We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Interviewing Skills". If you have expertise in Interviewing Skills and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Even when you have the education and professional background to qualify for the job, don’t count on it as a sure win that you will be asked to come in for an interview. In fact, your qualifications may hinder your chances.
It’s very common in today’s market for employers to dismiss a job ... Views: 1488
Doing well in a job interview is the result of many things, ranging from the first impressions you make with your physical appearance (body language) to how well you communicate and respond to questions. There are the predictable questions, such as “What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?” ... Views: 1264
Your confidence level acts very much like a directional signal insofar as its influence on whether you become successful or not! Nowhere is this more the case than your marketing success online because if you lack confidence in yourself you'll likely fall short of your online business goals! You ... Views: 1037
This is one of those broad questions that can take you down the wrong road unless you have done some thinking about what to say ahead of time. This question deals with your ability to sell yourself. Think of yourself as the product. Why should the customer buy?
Answers that WON’T WORK - ... Views: 2574
Have you ever wondered who that phone number is that keeps calling you? With reverse phone lookup, you can actually find out. When you utilize these services over the internet, you can be your own private detective. The website will tell you who the phone is registered to so you don't have to ... Views: 872
So you’ve gotten through the hurdle of securing an employer’s interest with your resume, but now the real challenge begins – the interview.
While an interview is no guarantee to a job offer, your chances at it are much improved if you properly prepare for it well ahead of time. Here is ... Views: 1138
Although employers may ask you all kinds of questions in interviews, there are really five main things they want to know about you, and all of their questions are geared around them. Your resume may even be screened out for red flags that call into question your ability to provide these five ... Views: 1720
Are you communicating a positive attitude and interested demeanor to your interviewers? Body language (kinesics) is a significant part of communication and psychologists say that over 50% of the meaning of communication is non-verbal. Some say up to 90%. Much of the way we interpret the body ... Views: 1097
There has been a lot in the news lately about the long-term unemployed and how employers are discriminating against them. Why are they discriminating? They believe you are “unemployable”. They assume that if a hundred employers have already looked at you and passed over you for other more ... Views: 1205
Let’s pretend we’re not in a recession and imagine you are going to shop for a new car. You’ve got dozens of models and makes of cars in front of you on the car lot, each with a paper in the window citing its specifications. If that’s all the information you have, then aside from personal ... Views: 1136
Hiring managers are always looking for better ways to find the best applicants out of the pile of candidates for an open position. Reviewing resumes is certainly one part, but the job interview is where you get to know the candidate personally, and it’s the best (if not the only) way for you to ... Views: 938
Have you ever noticed when watching a movie or a primetime television show that you can always understand the diction of those actors in which English is not their ‘mother tongue?’ We see and hear actors with German, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arab and African accents, ... Views: 3047
interviews are your only chance to meet an applicant and find out if they have the personality, character, and skills to make a great employee. But the job interview is only as useful as the questions you ask. When you conduct interviews, it’s important that you ask tough questions that will ... Views: 1006
When a North Carolina school cut teaching assistants this month, those who cannot drive buses were the first to be let go. Upgrading your driver’s license may not be the answer to finding a teaching job but the story does underline the importance of giving careful consideration to the skills ... Views: 1190
If you will be facing a task interview, chances are you'll not think about asking queries yourself when actually, you are able to and must. You can find a lot of wonderful reasons you need to ask concerns inside a employment meeting. For a person, you would like to generate confident you're ... Views: 1247
There has been a lot of focus on Detroit real estate investments lately. A lot of people are thinking that this could be the next big wealth builder, but only if you get in at the beginning. If you are thinking why you should think about Detroit real estate investments for your portfolio, ... Views: 1018
The other day a woman phoned me and her volume was so loud that I had to move the phone away from my ear. My immediate opinion of the caller was that she was overbearing. Her loud volume was making a statement about her that may or may not have been true.
Another recent voice was by a ‘man’ ... Views: 2529
For many people who speak in a normal volume of sound, straining to hear someone who speaks too softly is very frustrating. If you are soft-spoken and refuse to increase your volume to be heard comfortably (notice I didn’t say to speak loudly), then your message is not being heard. What ... Views: 2538
Congratulations! You’ve landed that coveted teacher interview. Now it is extremely important that you impress in your interview and large part of that is coming prepared.
Items to bring:
• Copies of your current resume: If you need to distribute them to the panel, you should have enough ... Views: 1400
Most of the people get failed in interviews by their own mistakes of wearing cheap clothes. There is a lot to find out about the interview procedure that it's very important to familiarize yourself with as much useful tips as you can find, such as reading an article like this. One important tip ... Views: 652
Influencing to Hire YOU!
The HOT topic I’m being asked to provide tips for many is interviewing skills. In today’s competitive environment and desire for hiring the best of the best, there’s no room for the mediocre candidate. We’ve heard it before, people buy people. You can be the ... Views: 791
When searching for an appropriate SEO company to help improve their online presence these days is too many webmasters confused and put on the wrong foot, because they have no idea what they should be research in the first game. Must be a company specializing in SEO on page optimization or one ... Views: 790
Recruitment agencies and employers will often receive a high response for many of their vacancies with many candidates initially appearing to be suitable. To make sure they can identify the best candidates to progress to the interview stage they will need a suitable screening and pre-interview ... Views: 1512
A well-rounded selection of business attire is essential for any professional. Yet I would add that the right set of business accessories is equally as important in developing a polished image for the workplace. Professional accoutrements combine form and function to give the impression of a ... Views: 1433
Personal interview is generally the last step of the recruitment process. After clearing the interview, you will be directly given the offer letter from the company. Most people find it difficult to crack the job interviews even after possessing the complete qualifications. This is because most ... Views: 953
More and more employers are deciding to interview candidates over the phone, especially if the prospective employee lives in another city or state. Telephone interviews have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Even though a phone interview may seem easier than a regular interview on ... Views: 1083
Nowadays we expect a lot more from job applications, particularly in the creative sector, the usual CV and covering letter just won’t cut it, we want to see a portfolio of work if you are applying for a graphics based job and a show-reel if your applying for a video based job. To be honest ... Views: 1040
Being offered an interview often means you are part way there, but the toughest test is still to come. The key to success at interview is preparation, preparation, preparation!
Do your research, surf the company’s website, news articles about them and internal literature such as the annual ... Views: 1508
Job interviews are vital for an employer or recruitment agency if they are going to be capable of finding the right employee for the job vacancy and for their company or client. The interview must enable the recruiter or interviewer to uncover the essential details of every applicant they ... Views: 1197
Do you think the ability to speak effectively is important in your career? Whatever your job, be it working for someone else or starting your own company, presentation skills today are at the top of the ladder when it comes to business. And, you have the internet to thank for ... Views: 3648
Going for that all important sales interview can be really awe-inspiring. The way you sell yourself in an interview will obviously be a good gauge as to how you can sell yourself in the field. So how can you make sure those last minute nerves don’t stop you giving your optimum performance and ... Views: 940
There are several steps one must take to achieve a teaching position; getting chosen for an interview is step number one. When you get chosen, this shows that an employer is interested in you and that you may have some quality or skill they need. They will then require you to come in person to ... Views: 845
Everybody does it. But not a lot of people do it well. Yet it’s really not all that complicated. You lock hands; you drop hands. But two people can communicate a great deal that way: A handshake can say, “I trust you.” “I don’t trust you.” “I like you.” “I don’t like you.” “I fear you.” “I can ... Views: 1310
One of the most common complaints I hear from my students and clients is lack of air in public speaking. This is indeed a problem because without air, there is no voice. And, without voice, there is no speech or presentation.
Breathlessness can be easily ‘cured’ by supplementing your air ... Views: 2733
Would you like to test yourself for nasality? Gently place a finger on each side of your nose and say the word ‘greet.’ Did you feel any vibrations in your nose? Now say the word ‘great.’ Again, did you vibrate?
If your answer is yes, then you have nasal issues. Those two sounds, the long ... Views: 7970
A big problem for many in public speaking is a voice that quivers due to nervousness. First of all, I would hope that you would be nervous in public speaking. I don’t care how many times you’ve given a presentation, whether it is your fifth time or your five hundredth. Nervousness is that ... Views: 2683
Most of the people even after having immaculate qualifications don’t end up having good jobs. Why? Because they don’t know how to give an interview. Their resumes when posted might have grabbed the interest of the employer but, when interviewed in person, because of the lack of confidence and an ... Views: 721
On the Internet, competition is stronger than ever. At one time, pay a few dollars to get in Yahoo was enough to generate significant traffic websites, but Internet marketing is much more complex since. Google is now a major player in the search engine industry and any Internet marketing ... Views: 852
There is a lot you can do in preparation for meeting with the recruiters. This preparation will help you to feel more professional and more secure when the time actually comes to interview for that all important international teaching position. Since recruiters are meeting with many teaching ... Views: 757
When an employer scans your resume for 20 seconds, what will they see? If you have had a series of jobs lasting 1-2 years, then you may look like a job hopper and these are big red flags on your resume.
Securing a candidate takes time and money for employers, so a candidate that has a record ... Views: 1392
Phone interviews used to be a practice only appropriate for out-of-state candidates, but now everyone does them. A lot. So chances are, you've either had some experience with them, or you will soon. You can get through them successfully every time if you know why companies rely on them and learn ... Views: 2116
If you've been in the job search for even half a second, you've heard of the hidden job market. But what is it? Does it even exist? And if it does, how are you supposed to apply for, and win a job you can't even find?
The hidden job market does exist.
It is made up of those jobs that are ... Views: 1721
Information technology (IT) is one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy. In fact, the welfare of this sector is crucial for the performance of the economy as a whole, fluctuations in the sector with a strong impact on economic welfare worldwide. IT-related services can be divided ... Views: 698
During a recent 2-day workshop I was holding, one of the participants was a lovely woman by the name of Angie who had a big, nasal voice. When she got excited, not only did the pitch of her speaking voice rise, but her volume increased as well. Does that sound familiar?
While speaking too ... Views: 2556
Have you ever considered what your lack of volume is saying about you? Possibly in days of old, a soft-spoken voice was considered feminine and endearing. Today, however, with the number of women in business, a voice lacking in ‘normal’ volume is not an endearing quality. Unfortunately, it ... Views: 2839
Lack of volume in speaking is a big problem for many people. Unfortunately, this characteristic can label you incorrectly. While it is possible that your soft-spoken voice is due to a lack of confidence, it is also possible that you speak softly because you were raised to speak softly.
If ... Views: 2260
Are you in a sales role? Or trying to get a better sales job? If so, what's your sales style?
Do you even know what I mean by that? And if you do, can you communicate that to a recruiter or a hiring manager who's considering you for a new position?
In my role as a medical sales recruiter, ... Views: 4578
Being laid off can feel so awkward to a job seeker that it paralyzes them in an interview situation and undermines their candidacy--but it doesn't have to. I'm going to show you how to change the language you use and the perspective you have about your layoff to boost your confidence and calm ... Views: 1782
In our currently sketchy economy, many job seekers have given up on the idea of asking for more money during their salary negotiations. But it is possible to negotiate a great salary for yourself, even during a recession. What I have seen in my interviewing (as a recruiter) and in my coaching ... Views: 2580
Job shadowing is common among students, less so among adults who have been out in the work force for a while. But if you're transitioning to a new job or career field, it can be a huge boost to your credibility and your performance in the interview. But you've got to ask the right questions to ... Views: 1754