Recruitment agencies and employers will often receive a high response for many of their vacancies with many candidates initially appearing to be suitable. To make sure they can identify the best candidates to progress to the interview stage they will need a suitable screening and pre-interview ... Views: 1512
Job interviews are vital for an employer or recruitment agency if they are going to be capable of finding the right employee for the job vacancy and for their company or client. The interview must enable the recruiter or interviewer to uncover the essential details of every applicant they ... Views: 1197
The recruitment industry is an incredibly tough and competitive sector, not only are there so many agencies competing against each other, consultants are also up against employers who do not use agencies, instead advertising directly. To succeed in recruitment consultants will need to excel in ... Views: 4445
With high unemployment these days, finding a job, especially after redundancy, for many can be a very daunting prospect. For a lot of people it has been the first time they have been job hunting for several years and will find that a lot has changed. Gone are the days when you could just walk ... Views: 961
Electronics is a popular career chosen by many graduates in the UK as due to the growth of high technology industries and the need for constantly updated technology, employment opportunities can be more common than in other engineering disciplines and provide challenging and rewarding ... Views: 1727
Starting a recruitment agency is a big decision and as with starting any business, is one that should not be taken lightly. A recruitment agency can be relatively cheap and easy to start in comparison to many other businesses, however going in unprepared will inevitably lead to ... Views: 2330
Networking, both new media social networking and traditional face to face networking is one of the best ways to secure a new job. With so many people now unemployed or looking for a new job and so few vacancies out there if you are already known to the employer you will have a head start over ... Views: 1218
When it comes to applying for jobs the importance of a well written resume must never be underestimated. In this competitive job market many recruiters are now swamped with applications for their job vacancies, often with very little to chose between several candidates, you may well be the ... Views: 1042