After struggling for many years growing up in a strict religious upbringing and a dysfunctional family that was wrought with domestic violence, emotional and sexual abuse, things that created an unhealthy relationship with her universe, Trudy-Ann decided to rid herself of limiting beliefs and toxic people that were being manifested in her thru various severe illnesses. The doctors were at a loss to the causes so she decided to not let her illness dictate her life. So she set out to discover her full potential and create the magnificent life she knew she was meant to live.
Trudy-Ann strongly believes that we are born into this universe as our unique self, but that unique individuality becomes buried beneath other people’s imposition of their beliefs unto us. For the past 20years Trudy-Ann Ewan, in her quest to create her passion by focusing on her deepest desires, have been reading books on personal development only to realize that the methods described were ones that she had already possessed as a young girl growing up. Armed with this resurrected knowledge, Trudy-Ann decided to break free from her fears and went about pursuing her love for the sport of Ballroom Dancing and has now been dancing and competing in the Pro/Am International Latin Ballroom dancing level for the past four years and having won most of her competitions.
Trudy-Ann is constantly pursuing her passions and discovering new ones and in doing so is letting go of limiting beliefs that blocks her creative self. She uses these discoveries as part of her articles to share with others out there who maybe struggling with personal growth, limiting religious, cultural and traditional beliefs. Trudy-Ann also travels frequently to the Northeastern region of Brazil were she learns more about the deep, spiritual rhythms of dancing, music and drumming and about the passion of the people of this Afro-Centric country. Armed with this knowledge, she has created her own nonprofit foundation which uses the art of Dancing, drumming, spirituality and music to help women and children find their inner strength by discovering, accepting and appreciating who they are.
For more information you can contact Trudy-Ann Ewan by visiting her website at and sign up for her monthly newsletter or email her at