I felt like I could never get to where I was going. I always looking for something different - something more, something better. I was working non stop, no time to spend with family & friends like I wanted, I was frustrated with my situation. I wanted a way out. I decided I was taking control of my life, I stumbled upon an ad advertising this opportunity, I always had a love of Personal Development as a marathon runner it has been in my life, achieving my training goals, stepping outside the square to see what I was capable of. What was I searching for,so I could truly be happy. I realized through my studies with our curriculum that to be truly happy - I needed to learn how to like ME and how to be comfortable in my own skin. By using the principles everyday, Yes I learned how to make money! And Yes I learned to be in control of my time. Most importantly I learned and am continuing to learn, how to fall in love with the person closest to me, Myself. I am excited to continue this journey of Freedom! I love who I am now and love the person I am becoming as I continue to grow Personally & Financially.