Okay, it’s time to put up and really decide about this business of making your dreams come true. I’m directly speaking to those of you who have believed your own excuses for far too long, or who are biding your time, waiting for your ship to come in. (Update: There are no ships headed for your port, right now. And none are scheduled.)
Today, in this powerful present moment, you’re either in active pursuit of your work life freedom or you’re not.
We work 40+ hours in this society and that’s far too much to be at the whim of someone else’s wishes and desires. It’s time for you to declare total self-determination as one of your dearest values.
Work life freedom is simply this. A declaration that you have engaged your natural ability to work on exactly what you want, when you want to, and with whom you want.
Let’s dive into the bottom of this. When you look deep within, you know that you’re destined for something far more enjoyable than you’ve settled for. Embrace this truth. Savour its promise and then you’ll be ready for authentic action. You might ask this. If this is all true, why is it so challenging to find work that I love that also makes me financially prosperous?
I’ll tell you the secret.
You never get started. You never get started because you allow your own fears to keep you from getting started and from consistently following through – “Embrace Your Fears”
It’s the active pursuit of work life freedom that puts you in position to see your next step.
When you follow your bliss….doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else. Joseph Campbell
The first step to the active pursuit of work life freedom is to admit that you want this freedom. The second step is to declare that now you are actively engaged in the pursuit of this freedom. What’s next? Take these two first. I dare you. Then write – by commenting on this post – and tell me how wonderful (or fearful, or whatever) you feel. Stay tuned. I’ll help you take step three, but it can’t even be seen, let alone reached, until you take the first two.
ching ching cheers
I felt like I could never get to where I was going. I always looking for something different - something more, something better. I was working non stop, no time to spend with family & friends like I wanted, I was frustrated with my situation. I wanted a way out. I decided I was taking control of my life, I stumbled upon an ad advertising this opportunity, I always had a love of Personal Development as a marathon runner it has been in my life, achieving my training goals, stepping outside the square to see what I am capable of. What was I searching for, so I could truly be happy. I realized through my studies that to be truly happy - I needed to learn how to like ME and how to be comfortable in my own skin. By using the principles everyday, Yes I learned how to make money! And Yes I learned to be in control of my time. Most importantly I learned and am continuing to learn, how to fall in love with the person closest to me, Myself. I am excited to continue this journey of Freedom! I love who I am now and love the person I am becoming as I continue to grow Personally & Financially.
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