I am a qualified and experienced psychotherapist with a speciality in child mental health and self esteem development. As a newly qualified psychotherapist many years ago I found that most people started to talk about a lack of self esteem soon after they began working on themselves through our psychotherapy sessions. Almost by accident I became more and more interested in this and made it my area of specialism. Of course - there are no accidents and after a while I began to recognise that although I talked about self esteem and how it could be raised - my own was far too low for comfort or health! I could talk a good talk - but I didnt actually have that inner core of sound self esteem. By my late twenties I decided to stop talking about it and be quiet on the topic until I had a much more sound basis myself! The good news is that I did indeed build my self esteem - with the help and love of others - and now find it is the rock of self belief that keeps me stable when life is tumultuous.
I have run workshops on Raising Self Esteem for parents and schools for over twenty years now and find it is as relevant today as it was when I began. I now work with a team of wonderful experienced psychology professionals in The Self esteem Advisory Service and aim to give people the best information, resources, advice and recommendations possible for building self esteem in themselves, at home as a family or at work.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.