Laura has been involved with weight loss through her own personal journey for over 40 years. After years of emotional eating and dieting and struggling with weight issues, Laura is losing weight naturally and you can too. Laura's approach to obesity isn't about going on a diet, taking pills or surgery. Roller coaster weight problems can be stopped by learning to approach the way you think about food and eating. Your subconscious mind is adjusted to eating habits that have been imbedded in your mind for years. Breaking those habits can be changed by shifting your thoughts. Learning to control your weight with new programming will transform your life and the importance that food has in it.
At the age of 12 I began over-eating to soothe the emotional insecurities of being different from other children my age. As I grew older and had to deal with life's challenges, eating too much and when I wasn't hungry became a way of life. As an adult when I was faced with a problem whether personal or business related, my solution was to eat and as much as I could to ease the stress and emotional pain. Only when I went through a year and half of personal growth changes and worked with a nonprofit healthcare clinic did I learn to change the way I thought about food and eating.
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