Kathy Caprino, M.A. is a nationally-recognized women’s work-life expert, career and executive coach, speaker and trainer dedicated to the advancement of women in business. Author of Breakdown, Breakthrough: The Professional Woman’s Guide to Claiming a Life of Passion, Power, and Purpose, she is also Founder of the Amazing Career Project and of Ellia Communications, Inc. - a career coaching and executive success training firm dedicated to the advancement of women in business.
A ForbesWoman, Huffington Post, and AARP Work Reimagined contributor, Kathy is a frequent invited guest speaker and writer on women's career topics and trends and has appeared in over 100 national publications and magazines, and on national TV and radio.
For more information, visit Ellia Communications and the Amazing Career Project.
For more information on Kathy's seminars, services and programs, visit Ellia Communications and the Amazing Career Project.
From Kathy's book Breakdown, Breakthrough (www.breakdownbreakthrough.com):
You are here now to support and assert the positive and powerful person you are and what you believe. Suppression is a lesson from your life that is waiting to be healed and overcome.
You are meant to listen to the messages of your body, follow your heart, and heed your intuition, not deny them. Healing will come when you do.
In her work as a women's career coach and executive success trainer, Kathy Caprino is dedicated to helping women advance in business and reach their highest potential. Drawing on her coaching programs with over 10,000 women, her previous high-level corporate and leadership experience, along with important findings from her national research on women's careers, and her training as a therapist and coach, she offers transformative empowerment and self-mastery programs that will help women connect with their true visions, and step up with courage and confidence to achieve their full potential, and reclaim passion, power and purpose in their professional lives.
For more information, visit The Amazing Career Project and Kathy's career coaching programs and services.
Kathy Caprino, MA
Ellia Communications, Inc.
P.O. Box 302
Wilton, CT 06897
Phone: (203)834-9933
Web: www.elliacommunications.com and www.amazingcareerproject.com
Email: Kathy@elliacommunications.com