In the past several years, I’ve worked with hundreds of women entrepreneurs, executives, consultants and small business owners who are, as I was at one time, in complete denial about their money situation. They know they’re not earning nearly enough or they’re spending too much, and money is slipping through their hands, but that’s as far as their understanding of the problem goes.

In short, their heads are deep in the sand about their money relationship. They’re working hard to ignore the obvious - the inevitable misery that will come unless they change directions, and fast.

How can you tell if you’re in denial about your money situation?

Here are 7 glaring signs that you’re in money trouble:

1. You can’t pay your monthly mortgage or your rent without tapping into savings, retirement, home equity loans or other funds.

2. You are using your credit cards each month to buy essentials such as food, clothes, and gas.

3. Your small business, consultancy or private practice is losing money each and every month, and despite your valiant efforts, nothing you do is changing that fact.

4. All the ways you’ve made money in the past don’t work now.

5. You don’t have a Plan B in the event your Plan A fails, and you don’t have the necessary benchmarks and signposts to tell you it’s time to change course.

6. You’re hanging on by a thread to your “Build it and They Will Come” mentality, but they’re not coming.

7. Someone you love and respect has been telling you over and over that you’re in denial and things must change, but you’ve ignored them or argued against them bitterly

Do any of the above sound like your situation? If so, PLEASE act now. Don’t wait another day. Your money situation simply will not improve unless you do things very differently, starting today.

What should you do differently?

I’ve just read a terrific book called Life by Design (highly recommended) by Tom Ferry– a well-known success coach and motivational leader -- and he outlines 6 steps to changing your life and “living by design” which I think apply perfectly to changing your money situation. These are steps I explore with all my clients as well.

These six vital steps are:

1. Wake up from your coma – be aware of the key areas in your life that need attention today
2. Make the choice to change your life
3. Create your life by Design
4. Do the things that bring you power
5. Engage in visualizing the steps necessary to bring you to your goals, and see yourself already in possession of what you want
6. Create structure and accountability by telling others around you about your plans and goals, and get the outside help you need

I know from experience that in order for your money situation to change you must wake up to the severity of it, and commit to changing your situation by taking new empowered actions that will change your course. To do things differently, you need a new, fresh perspective that includes concrete, practical, and effective support, know-how, and help.

And yes, you can do this, despite the negative stories you’ve told yourself that you don’t have what it takes. I know you do have what it takes to revise your money situation -- you wouldn’t be reading this information if you didn’t have access to the necessary resources, courage, faith and resolve to make this important life change. The energy of money is pervasive in our culture – there’s no escaping it. In this lifetime, you’re being called to empower yourself so that money will flow in your life and business, and support you as you flow with it.
The problem of money breakdown in women (and particularly in women entrepreneurs) is so vast today that I’ve committed myself to be an active part of the solution. I’m excited to share that I’ve launched a new marketing consultancy branch to my business called Breakthrough Vision Marketing, designed to help women entrepreneurs, executives, consultants and private practitioners step up to their highest visions of abundant success in their work by finding the right marketing, communications, and business planning strategies to support their empowered goals. My colleague Krista Carnes (founder of Booking Authors) and I are also launching an exciting series of educational programs aimed at helping women gain a Prosperity Marketing Mindset® in their creative and business endeavors.

If you’re stuck in shame or denial about money, get unstuck today! Come for a specialized reading about your financial situation as it pertains to your career, small business or practice. Call me for a Private Career Consultation and embark on a three-month breakthrough marketing coaching program. I’ll help you see where you’re blocked around money, and support you to begin taking new marketing and business development steps that will release you from your financial traps.

If you’re in NY, NJ, or CT, come to our Prosperous Marketing Mindset workshop event on September 25th in Norwalk, CT or join our Prosperity Marketing Masterminds that will help you engage in profitable new endeavors to grow your small business.

Finally, check out my book Breakdown Breakthrough, Chapter 10: Escaping Financial Traps (or write me at for a free chapter download).
I’d love nothing better than to help you emerge from your financial challenges so you can be all you wish to be in life and work!

You're ready to take new prosperous action, and so is your business!

Author's Bio: 

About the Author

Kathy Caprino, M.A., is a nationally-recognized women’s career and executive coach, speaker, and author of Breakdown, Breakthrough: The Professional Woman’s Guide to Claiming a Life of Passion, Power, and Purpose. Founder/President of Ellia Communications, Inc. -- a career and executive coaching and consulting company dedicated to helping women achieve breakthrough to create live and work as they truly want it, Caprino is a trained psychotherapist, seasoned career coach and marketing consultant, and sought-after writer and speaker on women’s issues. She is a popular blogger on women’s career topics and trends, and as a top media source, she has appeared in more than 100 leading newspapers and magazines and on national radio and television. Her current national research study focuses on Women Succeeding Abundantly, and explores the key actions, beliefs, and choices made by women of all ages who are creating tremendous success and fulfillment in their lives and careers, thriving and living joyfully on their own terms.

For more information, visit, her marketing consultancy Breakthrough Vision Marketing, or write to Kathy at