I am the Editor and founder of the the website called The Positive,
Possibility, Power Thinking Institute, I established my integrity as an
inspirational, positive thinker by having successfully persevered and
accomplished the seemingly "impossible" task of running 52 marathons in
52 weeks (all to raise money and awareness to find a cure for leukemia
- 1996-1997). I wrote and published a book about it called "Running For
their Lives" (Xlibris Publishing), and now continue my pursuit of
inspiring others to accomplish their greatest dreams and goals via my
website, writing and speaking.
By visiting The Positive,
Possibility, Power Thinking Institute you will find one central
location on the internet for all of the latest links, news and events
of your favorite inspirational New Age personality, and also purchase
many New Age products that will help enhance your pursuit of a positive
and inspirational life. http://www.3pti.com