Positive, Possibility, Power Thinking – How to Integrate It Into Your Life
By Karl W. Gruber
I have long been a disciple of the philosophy of Positive Thinking (beginning, of course, with Dr. Norman Vincent Peale in the early 20th. century), and many other great inspirational thinkers and personalities. I always seem to have my nose in another inspirational, positive attitude promoting book, or my ear tuned to another CD expounding the possibilities that are available to us! Books, CD’s, podcasts and videos are all fine, but just how does one go about practically applying what I call “Positive, Possibility, Power Thinking” into one daily, moment-to-moment life?
The usual response I get from most people when I discuss with them on how to apply (what I call) The 3P’s is, “Oh that’s easy for you to do, but when I try positive thinking, reality sets in and I’m back to my old negative ways!” Well, I can assure you that it’s certainly not always easy to practice and live The 3P’s, but there are some practical applications and methods you can use to integrate it into your daily life.
Make a conscious decision that Positive, Possibility, Power Thinking is your
Reality! Most people erroneously believe that being negative is reality, and this simply is not true. Our thoughts are not just fleeting, ethereal wisps of nothing, but instead are real bursts of physical energy that bring to us what we dwell upon. (We all now are very aware of The Law of Attraction).
When a negative situation or thought presents itself, practice positive repetition of
verbalizing or thinking 3P-type thoughts to confront it. Think of your positive
thoughts and words as light, and the negative thoughts or words as darkness. Light
always immediately vaporizes darkness!
Surround yourself with positive, possibility, power thinking people, inspirational quotes, writings, audio podcasts or CD’s. Yes, this may sound “corny” to some, but it really does work! Following this suggestion will literally surround you in a protective bubble of positive energy, and cause the negative thoughts or situations to literally bounce off of you.
Consciously practice being in a constant state of gratitude and joy. Again, this is something that many would say” That’s easy for you!”, but I can assure you that the continual practice of staying in this state of gratitude and joy can produce only a positive, protective aura around you. And yes, it is especially hard when you first attempt this, but stay persistent! I love the author of the infamous 20th. Century international best seller, Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill’s recounting that he “…literally had to make himself over!” to become a true practitioner of The 3P’s. So stay with it!
So let the wonderful philosophy of Positive, Possibility, Power Thinking show you a new reality, and you may surprised at the amazing positive, abundant, loving people, things and opportunities that will come your way! But don’t let your guard down, as you must always wear your shield and suit of “positive armor”. It is a lifelong practice and way of life (true reality!), and well worth the effort. You will positively love the results in your life!
I am the Editor and founder of the the website called The Positive, Possibility, Power Thinking Institute, I established my integrity as an inspirational, positive thinker by having successfully persevered and accomplished the seemingly "impossible" task of running 52 marathons in 52 weeks (all to raise money and awareness to find a cure for leukemia - 1996-1997). I wrote and published a book about it called "Running For their Lives" (Xlibris Publishing), and now continue my pursuit of inspiring others to accomplish their greatest dreams and goals via my website, writing and speaking.
By visiting The Positive, Possibility, Power Thinking Institute you will find one central location on the internet for all of the latest links, news and events of your favorite inspirational New Age personality, and also purchase many New Age products that will help enhance your pursuit of a positive and inspirational life. http://www.3pti.com
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