My intent with the use of Reiki is to connect the subconsciences to the waking mind, not the ego. A successful healing is the result of what makes a connection to the client's understanding and to what the body needs energetically. This cooperation yields quick results with lasting effects.
Born empathic, I've worked in the medical field for 25 years with the desire to promote health and comfort. In observing my patients, fear is a predominate energy while under observation. A clinical environment was a very good environment to notice the changing energy fields from patient to patient. A energy field will expand and contract based on the belief system of the host, flight or fight?
As an observer, it became apparent that I had the ability to influence another's person's energy field. As a Reiki Master, I find that we all have the ability to influence another's life. The "talent" I posses is the ability to find the emotional/energitic hooks in one's psyche that keeps old wounds stuck in one’s belief system. Removing these hooks allows freedom to express a new perspective and healing which translates to the physical level of the body.
I’ve treated over 500 patients in my own private practice. I’ve worked in the University of Washington’s Dental Fear Clinic, the only one of it’s kind. My experience in several modalities allows a broad perception and understanding of what makes a person tick. I find that most diseases in the body are connected to either fear or anger, and with a good guide, physical ailments can be avoided.
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Twitter @ EnergyEthicsFB & my personal web-site @ Caren