Stephanie Wood,PCC is The Official Guide to "Body Image". You can find complete information on Stephanie Wood,PCC and her products by visiting Body Awe - Dance the Dance of Life.
There is increasing evidence that shows sitting down for you is bad for your health.
Sitting for too long, can kill you! Of course, we are not talking about the short periods of time we have to sit, we are talking about excessive sitting for very long periods of time and how this can be an ... Views: 1798
People with eating disorders see their body as an enemy. The obsession to be thin drives men, women and children from all walks of earth to drastically cut their calorie intake to dangerous, life-threatening levels. However, for an anorexic, starving is necessary in order to achieve ‘beauty’. ... Views: 4164
Join Us For A Queen Adventures Signature Ladies Night !
Topic: A Date With Danger
Are you single and dating? Do you think you could be in a relationship with a narcissist or married to one? Do you have a daughter or young woman in your life that you want to love and protect?
If the ... Views: 4133
As we move through these summer months, bodies are everywhere! If you tune into daytime TV talk shows, you'll find bikini fashion shows. On the bestseller list, diet books are on the rise. Gyms are full as people keep their beach bodies in shape. This time of year can stir up a lot of shadows -- ... Views: 1723
Introductory Notes
Hot tools used for hair are now in better condition and response than they were designed in the past. They are perfect in features and work the best now because the techniques used in its making are entirely new and modern. They are best in the material used in their ... Views: 1771
A new born baby is a joy and a delight to behold. As a parent, you will for some time wonder at the fact that you have created a new life. You will also be filled with worry that you are doing what is right to ensure the health and safety of your child. Every new mom and dad goes through this, ... Views: 2080
Hey there,
It’s Coach Stephanie.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve asked the question, “Why are we even talking about body confidence?”
We’re talking about it because it provides true freedom for you in all areas of your life!
And we are very excited to see that someone in the ... Views: 6394
Hey there,
It’s Coach Stephanie.
I have three questions for you:
Why do we care about having healthy bodies?
Why is it important to have good self-esteem?
Why not just do whatever you want?
In other words, why have I devoted my career to helping
you have better body ... Views: 6199
Do You Look Like A Ballerina?
Hey there,
It’s Coach Stephanie, and this week I want to tell you what I think true body confidence looks like, and how you can stop comparing yourself to others!
To start the conversation, let me summarize an article I read recently.
It Didn’t ... Views: 6382
I am a cerebral narcissist. I brandish my brainpower, exhibit my intellectual achievements, bask in the attention given to my mind and its products. I hate my body and neglect it. It is a nuisance, a burden, a derided appendix, an inconvenience, a punishment. Needless to add that I rarely have ... Views: 3999
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***BODY SHAPE AND THE SUMMER OLYMPICS - by As a Dancer, Choreographer, Personal Trainer, Body and Business Coach/Mentor, Stephanie Wood's focus is now with her Body Knowledge System ® Philosophy for Living-Doing it Your Way! (a Pioneer here/her legacy) which is a practical system to have people realize the importance of including their body’s intelligence in every choice they make (including and not limited to food, exercise, health, events, environment, work and relationships). She also enjoys Mentoring Professionals in Wellness in beginning and thriving within their new entrepreneurial business. Certifications are available.
Recently, I came across an interesting article about a former Olympian swimmer, Misty Hyman, now an assistant swim coach at Arizona State.
Here’s what interested me from the article:
As a young girl, Misty Hyman thought athleticism equated to attractiveness. She believed being strong was ... Views: 6175
The pursuit of athletic excellence, superior physical fitness, and improved body image can take an ugly turn if the motivation veers away from health and becomes about weight loss and seeking the “ideal body shape.” The very same qualities that lead to optimal performance and fitness can also ... Views: 2891
Developing and maintaining a healthier body image requires self love and self-acceptance. Engaging in body positivity exercises is one way to act from a place of loving compassion rather than self criticism. Having a good relationship with your body starts with seeing it as a friend and ally, ... Views: 2462
Body language, in small or big ways, is an important part of communication. Reading and decoding each gesture and nonverbal communication helps to a better relationship, career, and self-confidence. Here are some body parts and their common body language interpretations to help you understand ... Views: 3201
Do your inner thoughts ever sound like a cruel Reality TV critic (Simon Cowell, Gordon Ramsay, etc.)?
For example, do you…
Replay your blunders over and over like a Blooper clip on repeat, except you don’t find it funny?
Beat yourself up for saying the “wrong” thing?
Call yourself ... Views: 1913
Despite the freedom that’s come with claiming our rightful place in society, we women have become enslaved by a different form of captivity. We’ve become slaves of our own minds.
And here’s the reason why. As we fought for all the roles that men had harbored, we got used to comparing ... Views: 1852
Despite the freedom that’s come with claiming our rightful place in society, we women have become enslaved by a different form of captivity. We’ve become slaves of our own minds.
And here’s the reason why. As we fought for all the roles that men had harbored, we got used to comparing ... Views: 1652
A patient in chronic pain wants their pain gone. Perhaps this is easier said than done. Pain management is complex and has no certain or easy solutions. Surgery may not improve, or may even exacerbate, the pain (e.g., as in low back pain). Non-opioid pharmacological treatments may also prove ... Views: 3804
Activity Equivalency Labels: The Two Sides
The latest proposal to add activity equivalence labels to food items as a way to help overweight individuals make better food choices has wonderful intentions, but it also has a darker side. Activity equivalence labels would show consumers the ... Views: 1939
Recognizing that there is a body image issue is the first step to making a positive difference in how body image is influencing your life or that of someone you care about. Individually the signs listed below do not mean the person has a disturbed image, but, if there are numerous signs ... Views: 1961
Contrary to popular belief, body image is not about how our body actually looks. Body image isn’t based on the physical reality of our body but on how we think and feel about our body. Our body image is created out of our perceptions, beliefs, feelings, sensations, ... Views: 2839
The word “recovery” often conjures up images of struggling to abstain from an addictive behavior, be it drinking, using drugs, shopping, gambling, overeating or severely restricting eating, exercising to excess, promiscuity, etc. But, I want to challenge you to start thinking about Recovery ... Views: 3771
For women, whether we admit it or not, two potent mythical figures that course through our psychology, that of the maiden (or, in modern terms, the sexy chick) and the crone (or, the old lady). We know the maiden well: she’s the beautiful young princess.
But who is a crone? A crone is ... Views: 1741
More people in the world today are suffering from obesity than from hunger. In fact 65% of the world’s population live in a country where being overweight and being obese kills more people than people who are underweight. Obesity is becoming the fastest-growing and most troubling health problem ... Views: 5820
This time of year, we are often inundated with diets, cleanses, fasts, and programs that state outrageous claims saying they will “Change your life in 30 days,” “Lose 50 lbs in two weeks,” “Have the perfect body in 2 months,” and etc, all of which are, first and foremost, ridiculous claims and ... Views: 2207
It was his turn to look after his toddler son. And it was morning, time to soak his skin thoroughly in hot water in the shower, so he would be very smooth-shaven when he shaves. His son was crying. He could hear it but was not listening. The voice of self-criticism was louder. It said to make ... Views: 1620
By Coach Stephanie Wood, PPC, Your Body Image Expert\
Health and wellness experts encourage taking care of our bodies by providing quality nourishment, exercise, and rest. Ok, you already KNOW what to do, and perhaps you do it all now…so ... Views: 6053
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***Step Up to a Better Body Image! - by As a Dancer, Choreographer, Personal Trainer, Body and Business Coach/Mentor, Stephanie Wood's focus is now with her Body Knowledge System ® Philosophy for Living-Doing it Your Way! (a Pioneer here/her legacy) which is a practical system to have people realize the importance of including their body’s intelligence in every choice they make (including and not limited to food, exercise, health, events, environment, work and relationships). She also enjoys Mentoring Professionals in Wellness in beginning and thriving within their new entrepreneurial business. Certifications are available.
By Coach Stephanie Wood, PPC
Achieving a better body image begins with a positive approach to your body. For this reason, I’m not going to refer to any negative references you have indulged in when thinking about, describing, or discussing that marvelous machine. This entity you know as your ... Views: 6058
Why cortisol control rather than counting calories to improve your body image:
What is Cortisol?
When a stressful event occurs, or you anticipate one in the future, your body reacts automatically: you freeze, you flee, or you fight. Each reaction begins within your body when the adrenal ... Views: 5861
By Coach Stephanie Wood, PPC, Your Body Image Expert
Studies indicate that meditation reduces many physical and mental discomforts. However, there are no claims that meditation cures a self-esteem issue that appears every time you look into a mirror, or compare your appearance to someone ... Views: 6007
By Coach Stephanie Wood, PPC, Your Body Image Expert
“96% of women suffer from Body Image Anxiety..”
Do you remember a few years back when Dove ran those "Real Beauty" advertising campaigns? The year was 2004, over a decade ago! ... Views: 6449
By Coach Stephanie Wood, PPC, Your Body Image Expert
Tis that time of year again, a shift in seasons requires a change in wardrobe whether you’re a student, professional, retired, stay-at-home or office worker. You slide the closet ... Views: 7023
What is the perfect body image? What should we really aspire to look like? Do women have to be the smallest size, or will a medium do? Do men have to be muscular everywhere? Do we have to fit into skinny jeans? Do men have to wear tight trousers when in fashion? Do women have to wear make-up ... Views: 2220
Many people struggle from a lack of self-confidence and have difficulty feeling good about themselves as they navigate the teenage years and enter adulthood. A few physical flaws can easily make it challenging to hold your head up high and appreciate your appearance. To improve your ... Views: 1407
Are You Ready to Fall Truly, Madly and Deeply in Love With Yourself ,Your Body & Your Life?
To Release Weight, Eliminate Cravings & Find True Rhythm & Balance in your Life?
To Connect With Your Inner God/Goddess?
Would you like to;
• feel comfortable in your own skin?
• feel happy with ... Views: 2412
Although eating disorders are often accompanied by a variety of physical and emotional complications, perhaps the most painful are those leading to severe dental problems. To be sure, there is some overlap with respect to the specific impact each type of eating disorder has on our teeth and ... Views: 1968
In the current Western world dieting and weight are topics of great popularity -you only need look at the magazine stands of any supermarket to find that most front covers are permeated with dieting tricks, weight loss plans, celebrities who have gained or lost weight; many people find ... Views: 1489
Narcissists Need to Show Perfection to the World, At Any Cost
There is an elderly woman I know (whom I will not name) whose narcissism is so severe that it is physically destroying her. This woman has been suffering from a painful auto-immune disease for thirty-five years.
Progressively ... Views: 1737
Make-up. We all have an idea of what it is and what it is used for. Whether it's your opinion that it's a cheat's way out of an "ugly face", a con or simply just a magical way to feel better about yourself - it IS a huge part of our society. Period.
I began to write this article with one ... Views: 2109
Would you believe me if I told you that the way you think you are and the way you think others think you are is something that you have made up with the thoughts you think about yourself?
That’s right. The way you see yourself is all made up by you. Because of the way you think about yourself ... Views: 1417
Everyone wants to make a good first impression, no matter the occasion. When you walk into a room, you want people to notice that you are well-groomed and have made the effort to put your best foot forward. We've all been to the social occasion where a fashion or grooming faux-pas has made the ... Views: 2589
I had recently gained ten or so pounds. I realize that that is not a life-changing or physically detrimental amount and that it is not an equivalent comparison to people who would like to lose some serious pounds. But it has certainly opened my eyes to some new aspects of body image and the ... Views: 1357
Unattractive, stupid, lazy, lacking self-control…is that what you not-so-secretly think of the nearly 70% of adults with “overbesity,” that is, those affected by overweight or obesity? If so, read on. You may be a fat shaming bully and not even know it.
I was working out in the gym yesterday, ... Views: 1714
Here are two universal truths about self-esteem:
Building your self-esteem is essential for confidence and success, and it all begins with you.
People with a healthy self-esteem are able to define their worth, value and achievements.
Many people suffer from low self-esteem. This is ... Views: 1461
We are looking around at a vision of lacking.
Do we see ourselves in that same light?
We are so quick to judge, and we are so quick to identify what is missing in our own lives. There is an epidemic of more money than we know what to do with in the world, and yet we are unmoved by this ... Views: 1621
Self-esteem is how a person evaluates themselves both emotionally and their self-worth. It is how one judges oneself.
A person can apply and evaluate their Self-esteem both on an individual subject or globally. An example of a specific individual subject would be, “I am good at ... Views: 1307
My clients come to work with me for a variety of reasons. Some clients come to deal with anxiety, insecurity, or unhealthy relationships with food. The ‘presenting problem’ is often different, but the common motivator is usually the same – there is a part of their life that isn’t working and ... Views: 1427
Want to feel more self-confident? Want a better image to project to others? Start by forgetting everything you see in the papers and in magazines about the supposedly perfect body image:
So you walk into a dinner party or family gathering and instantly feel awful because you are not the ... Views: 1969
5 Tips to LOVE Everything about YOU!
We all desire love from others, but how many of us truly love ourselves? It’s easy to lose sight of the need for self-love when you are filling your to-do list and caring for others. But if you come to truly love and accept yourself, just as you are now, ... Views: 1797
Eating disorders are known to be prevalent inside the fashion industry, but what about the military? As the number of women who enlist in the armed forces increases, so do the rates of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia nervosa.
Eating disorders, at their core, provide an afflicted ... Views: 1759